Zero is the host of her own ORG series as well as the main host for Community Hosted Genius Game.
Type | Name | Designer(s) | ORGs | # | Tags |
MM | Ace Concatenation | Zero | 3 | Live MM, Mathematics, Mental, Observation | |
MM | Agendas | Zero | 10 | Extra Info on Discord, Voting | |
MM | Back to the Wall | Zero | 4 | Area control, Grid-based, Psych | |
MM | Bandit Attack! | Zero | 10 | Cards, Dice, Host Info, Luck, Race, Semi-live MM | |
MM | Cardinals | RedsToad, Zero | 8 | Cards, Grid-based, Trading | |
MM | Cards on the Table | Zero | 10 | Cards, Grid-based, Host Info, Puzzle, Trick | |
MM | Dark Horse | Zero | 7 | Extra Info on Discord, Garnet Match, Puzzle | |
MM | DMER | Zero | 10 | Bidding, Extra Info on Discord, Grid-based, Luck, Psych | |
MM | Doppel Doubt | Zero | 8 | Anonymous, Area control, Cards, Drafting, Grid-based, Guest, Limited communication, Piece placement, Polyominoes, Social deduction, Teams | |
MM | Double Team | Zero | 12 | Grid-based, Limited communication | |
MM | Escalate | Zero | 6 | Points-based | |
MM | Essential Escape | Zero | 9 | Dilemma, Extra Info on Discord, Grid-based, Host Info, Intel game, Limited communication, Maze, Piece movement, Piece removal, Routing, Targeting | |
MM | Fair and Square | Zero | 8 | Area control, Battling, Grid-based, Luck, Optimization, Piece movement, Piece placement, Piece removal, Points-based, Routing, Simultaneous, Strategy | |
MM | Farmer's Fields | Zero | 11 | Grid-based, Piece removal, Polyominoes | |
MM | Five Fold Possession | Zero | 5 | Bidding, Luck, Points-based, RPS, Social deduction | |
MM | Flee The Dungeon | Zero | 4 | Extra Info on Discord, Host Info, Logic, Puzzle, Race, Real-time, Semi-live MM | |
MM | Hap Hunt | RedsToad, Zero | 6 | Grid-based, Hap-like, Observation | |
MM | Hive Mind | Zero | 5 | Hex grid, Intel game, Points-based | |
MM | Keys to Success | Zero | 13 | Limited communication | |
MM | King's Court | Zero | 11 | Social deduction, Teams, Voting | |
MM | Liar's Casino | Zero | 11 | Host Info, Limited communication | |
MM | Locked Out! | Zero | 6 | Cards | |
MM | Make Your Own Luck | Zero | 6 | Auction, Bidding, Dice, Extra Info on Discord, Luck, Trading | |
MM | Once More From The Top | Zero | 3 | Guest, Limited communication | |
MM | Paint You a Picture | Zero | 12 | Teams | |
MM | Pointing the Finger | Zero | 13 | Points-based | |
MM | Prepare or Despair | Zero | 12 | Auction, Bidding, Crafting, Dice, Economy, Extra Info on Discord, Grouping, Hierarchy, Host Info, Inductive reasoning, Intel game, Investing, Logic, Luck, Mathematics, Mental, Observation, Optimization, Patterns, Points-based, RPG, Semi-live MM, Targeting, Trading | |
MM | Price of Success | Zero | 11 | Auction, Bidding, Limited communication | |
MM | Puzzle Sum Chambers | Zero | 3 | Garnet Match, Puzzle | |
MM | Quattro Bridge | Zero | 12 | Cards, Limited communication, Quattro-like | |
MM | Runes to Ruins | Zero | 5 | Intel game, Patterns, Puzzle, Voting | |
MM | Smuggler's Paradox | Zero | 9 | Social deduction, Teams | |
MM | TBC 10 | Zero | 4 | Auction, Bidding, Cards, Mathematics, Memory, Mental, Points-based, Puzzle, Words | |
MM | The Chips Are Down | Zero | 3 | Extra Info on Discord, Grid-based, Luck, Observation, Psych, Puzzle | |
MM | The Cube | Zero | 8 | Cards, Psych, RPS, Trading | |
MM | The Fight For a Name | Zero | 13 | Area control, Grid-based, Hex grid, Host Info, Intel game, Piece movement, Semi-live MM | |
MM | The Hit List | RedsToad, Zero | 13 | Battling, Points-based | |
MM | Thick as Thieves | Zero | 9 | Grid-based | |
MM | Three Fold Allegiance | Zero | 8 | Teams, Voting | |
MM | Three Modular Rooms | Zero | 9 | Cards, Points-based | |
MM | Totemic Might | Zero | 7 | Extra Info on Discord, Intel game | |
MM | Track Trouble! | Zero | 13 | Extra Info on Discord, Points-based | |
MM | Unbroken Link | Zero | 4 | Auction, Bidding, Guest, RPG | |
MM | Uncharted Territory | Zero | 6 | Grid-based, Optimization, Routing, RPG, Targeting | |
MM | Weight On My Mind | Zero | 10 | Points-based, Teams | |
MM | When Stars Align | Zero | 7 | Auction, Bidding | |
MM | Wind Guide Me | Zero | 7 | Circular seating, Mathematics, Piece placement | |
DM | Area Split | Zero | 2 | Observation, Simultaneous | |
DM | Arrowbic Exercise | RedsToad, Zero | 2 | Grid-based, Piece movement, Piece placement, Strategy, Turn-based | |
DM | Artistic Interpretation | Zero | 2 | Grid-based, Intel game, Logic, Mental, Miscellaneous, Observation, Patterns, Puzzle, Simultaneous | |
DM | Back to the Wall | Zero | 2 | Area control, Grid-based, Piece movement, Psych, Simultaneous, Strategy | |
DM | Binder of Spells | RedsToad, Zero | 2 | Non-live DM, Psych, Simultaneous | |
DM | Bomb Domain | Zero | 2 | ||
DM | Channel Hopping | Zero | 2 | Miscellaneous, Optimization, Puzzle, Simultaneous | |
DM | Compass Collisions | Zero | 2 | Grid-based, Piece movement, Piece placement, Piece removal, Strategy, Turn-based | |
DM | Consistency | Zero | 2 | Buzzer-based, Observation | |
DM | Conveyor | Zero | 2 | Mathematics, Optimization | |
DM | Desperado! | Zero | 2 | Grid-based, Observation, Points-based, Simultaneous | |
DM | Dicemons | Zero | 2 | Luck, Psych, RPG, Simultaneous, Strategy | |
DM | Domain | Zero | 2 | Extra Info on Discord, Strategy | |
DM | Domino Black & White | Zero | 2 | Black & White, Dominoes, Psych, Turn-based | |
DM | Doors From Failure | Zero | 2 | Grid-based, Maze, Psych, Puzzle, Simultaneous, Strategy | |
DM | Dual Duel | Zero | 2 | Cards, Psych | |
DM | Escalate | Zero | 2 | Psych, Simultaneous, Strategy | |
DM | Euler’s Count | Zero | 2 | Buzzer-based, Observation, Simultaneous | |
DM | Field Tactics | Zero | 2 | Grid-based, Psych, Strategy | |
DM | Five-Card Trick | Zero | 2 | Points-based, Psych, Simultaneous | |
DM | Fountain of Words | Zero | 2 | Host Info, Non-live DM, Puzzle, Words | |
DM | Grouping Black & White | Zero | 2 | Betting, Black & White, Psych | |
DM | Guidance Rite | Zero | 2 | Grid-based, Piece movement, Piece removal, Psych, Simultaneous, Strategy, Turn-based | |
DM | Hierarchy Rivalry | Zero | 2 | Battling, Connect in a row, Hierarchy, Piece placement, Points-based, Psych, Simultaneous, Strategy | |
DM | Higher or Lower | Zero | 2 | Cards, Grid-based, Luck, Psych | |
DM | Increment Black & White | Zero | 2 | Black & White, Cards, Grid-based, Optimization, Psych | |
DM | Jigsaw Hijinks | Zero | 2 | Non-live DM, Observation, Points-based, Puzzle | |
DM | Joust Black & White | Zero | 2 | Auction, Bidding, Black & White, Psych, Simultaneous | |
DM | Letterbox | Zero | 2 | Social DM, Strategy, Turn-based, Words | |
DM | Nighty Knight | Zero | 2 | Chess-like, Grid-based, Psych, Simultaneous, Strategy | |
DM | No, Not That! | Zero | 2 | Miscellaneous, Simultaneous, Words | |
DM | Paint Factory | Zero | 2 | Grid-based, Observation, Optimization, Puzzle | |
DM | Pathing Dots & Boxes | Zero | 2 | Connect in a row, Grid-based, Strategy | |
DM | Peg Domain | Zero | 2 | Area control, Grid-based, Strategy, Turn-based | |
DM | Playthings of the Past | Zero | 2 | Cards, Chess-like, Grid-based, Luck, Piece movement, Piece placement, Piece removal, Points-based, Strategy, Turn-based | |
DM | Price Fixing | Zero | 2 | Mental, Optimization, Simultaneous | |
DM | Priority Pathway | Zero | 2 | Cards, Grid-based, Psych, Simultaneous, Strategy | |
DM | Quattro Loop | Zero | 2 | Cards, Circular seating, Mental, Optimization, Piece placement, Points-based, Psych, Puzzle, Quattro-like, Simultaneous, Strategy | |
DM | Renounce Fate | Zero | 2 | Betting, Cards, Poker-like, Psych, Simultaneous | |
DM | Rock Paper Scissors: Rules on Demand | Zero | 2 | Grid-based, Host Info, Luck, Psych, RPS, Strategy | |
DM | Siege | Zero | 2 | Battling, Psych, RPG, Simultaneous, Strategy | |
DM | Snapshot | Zero | 2 | Mathematics, Mental, Miscellaneous, Observation, Points-based, Puzzle | |
DM | Solitaire Chess | Zero | 2 | Cards, Chess-like, Grid-based, Strategy, Turn-based | |
DM | Surrender | Zero | 2 | Mathematics, Memory, Mental, Observation, Points-based, Psych, Puzzle | |
DM | Swapping Black & White | Zero | 2 | Black & White, Psych | |
DM | The Ringed City | Zero | 2 | Dice, Line-based, Luck, Optimization, Piece movement, Piece removal, Psych, Race, Simultaneous, Strategy | |
DM | The Stacking Maze | Zero | 2 | ||
DM | The Triangle Clock | Zero | 2 | ||
DM | Track Trouble! | Zero | 2 | Optimization, Psych, Strategy | |
DM | Truth's Gamble | Zero | 2 | Grid-based, Psych, Strategy, Turn-based | |
DM | Tug of War | Zero | 2 | Optimization, Strategy | |
DM | Unlucky For Some | Zero | 2 | Area control, Black & White, Connect in a row, Grid-based, Limited communication, Piece movement, Piece placement, Psych, Simultaneous, Strategy, Tic-Tac-Toe | |
DM | Victory in Choice | Zero | 2 | Area control, Connect in a row, Equation assembly, Grid-based, Hap-like, Host Info, Mathematics, Mental, Nim-like, Observation, Patterns, Piece movement, Points-based, Polyominoes, Psych, Simultaneous, Strategy, Turn-based | |
DM | When Sparks Fly | Zero | 2 | Betting, Cards, Psych, Simultaneous |