In this Death Match, capture all of your opponent's pieces by cycling your own pieces' elements on top an eroding battlefield.
Designer(s): Zero | Match Type: DM (for 2 players) |
Featured in: Zero's Guardians |
DeathMatch 7: Compass Collisions
In this game players will aim to capture their opponents pieces to win by controlling the matchups.
The game is played on a 9x9 board and features 4 types of pieces: Earth, Water, Fire and Wind.
The DMO will decide if they wish decide who moves first, or controls the first half of the piece assignment.
Before the DM, Both players will submit 2 sets of starting layouts for their pieces.
Players arrange 16 pieces into 2 sets of 3 layered rows, of size 7:5:3.
Each set must contain at least 4 pieces.
Players may use any quantity of each piece type, but there must be at least 1 of each type of piece.
All 4 sets of configurations are then revealed.
The player who chooses starting location then selects where 2 of the 4 sets will start.
The remaining player can choose which way round the last 2 sets are placed.
This determines the starting board position.
Players will alternate taking turns.
During your turn you may move a piece 1 or 2 spaces in a cardinal direction. (North East South West)
If a piece moves off the board it is defeated and removed.
Pieces may jump over friendly pieces, but not enemy pieces.
If a piece moves 1 space to an empty square it will transform based on the direction it moved.
The 4 Elements form a cycle. Earth > Water > Fire > Air > Earth
Moving North goes forward by 1 stage, East by 2 stages, South by 3 Stages, West by 4 stages (equivalent of remaining the same)
Pieces cannot move 2 spaces to a square occupied by a friendly piece.
If a piece moves 1 space to a square occupied by a friendly piece, it pushes that piece and all pieces behind it in the direction of the movement.
If a piece moves 1 or 2 spaces to a square occupied by an enemy piece, they will do battle.
An Element will defeat the next Element in the chain, push the Opposite Element in the chain and be defeated by the previous Element in the Chain.
If 2 of the same Element collide, they are both Defeated. Defeated Pieces are removed from the board.
Players have 1minute each turn to submit a move. Failure to do so will consume 1 of 3 periods of Reserve Time which last 1 minute.
If a player fails to submit a valid move and they have no Reserve Time remaining, they must choose one of their pieces to remove from the board and pass their turn.
As the game goes on, the board will shrink based on the total number of pieces remaining.
Pieces are removed from the board if they are on a square that is removed, or if they pushed off the edge of the board.
The board shrinking can cause a string of piece removals without players taking a turn.
When the number of remaining pieces equals the number of a square in the following image, that square is removed.
Square without a number are never removed:
The game ends as soon as a player doesn't control at least 1 piece for each of the 4 Elements.
When this happens this player is declared the loser and the other player with at least 1 of each type of piece remaining wins.
If this happens simultaneously then the whoever had the last turn is declared the loser.
If an Earth Stones moves 1 Space to an unoccupied Square then it will become...
If no pieces are removed after 20 turns (for both players), the board will collapse by 2 tiles as if pieces were removed.
This is just to stop stalemates and isn't expected to happen.
Also if the 20 turn timer causes the game to end, and both players don't control 1 of each element, whoever has less pieces will lose. If this is a tie, we will check backwards until we reach a point where a player had less than the other.
Grid-based (The game involves play on a grid.)
Piece movement (The game involves pieces moving on a board.)
Piece placement (The game involves pieces being placed on a board.)
Piece removal (The game involves pieces being removed from the board.)
Strategy (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)
Turn-based (The game involves players taking turns one after another.)