Three Fold Allegiance

In this Main Match, have your allegiances win in the three rooms by being voted to enter the rooms and helping your cause.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 8 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gauntlet

MainMatch 6: Three Fold Allegiance

In this game, players must attempt to win 3 rooms. Each room will be 4v4, and no 2 players will have the same alignment for all 3 rooms. In other words, every player will have a unique combination of Allegiances.

Each player will be told their Allegiances for all three rooms the first time they enter a room.

The rules for these rooms will remain hidden and are only revealed to players who enter the room. When this happens, they are added to a channel where they can see the rules for the room.

Players in rooms cannot communicate with those outside of rooms. And players in rooms cannot communicate with each other.

As a hint to the rules, I will announce the names of the rooms, and the teams for each room:

Power – Sages v Demons

Wisdom – Pirates v Phantoms

Courage – Twilight v Shadow

To decide who enters a room each round, players will vote for who goes into each room.

Every round each player has the following actions they can perform:

• If not in a room, Players cast 3 votes. These votes must be for 3 different players to enter 3 different rooms. These players cannot currently be in a room. Failure to submit means don’t vote for anybody and you lose a garnet.

• If in a room, perform an action for the challenge in the room. More details will be revealed for these rooms when you enter.

Players wont be in a room for 2 rounds consecutively. Players can only vote for players not currently in a room.

The round is then resolved in the following manner:

• The player with the most votes for Power currently not in a room, will enter that room.

• The player with the most votes for Wisdom currently not in a room, will enter that room.

• The player with the most votes for Courage currently not in a room, will enter that room.

• If there is a tie for who enters the room, the priority list is checked.

• The player who is highest on the priority list enters the room.

• They then swap their place on the priority list with the person who tied with them who is lowest on the priority list.

• It is announced who entered each room.

• Players who entered a room lose all their votes for that room. The remaining votes carry over to the next round.

• Players who were previous in rooms last round will exit.

• It is Announced the Priority list

The priority list will be determined by a challenge, this will be revealed in 1 hour, and ends at Round 1’s deadline.

The game ends once all three rooms have been won.

The Results of the MainMatch are the following:

Every player earns 2 Garnets for each room their Allegiance won.

If your allegiances win in every room, you earn 2 Tokens of Life.

Who is with which Allegiance will not be revealed at the end of the game. Only which Allegiance won each Room, and how many of a Player's Allegiances won in a Room. (0,1,2,3)

The player who had they alliances win in exactly 2 rooms who had the most total votes, earns a Token of Life. If this is a tie between 2 people, the third person gets the Token of Life. If this is a tie between all 3 people, nobody gets the Token of Life.

If your allegiances lose in every room, you become the Elimination Candidate.

Example Submission:

Ganondorf to the Power Room

Zelda to the Wisdom Room

Link to the Courage Room


Teams    (The game involves the players being split into teams.)

Voting    (The game involves players voting as a mechanic.)