Ace Concatenation

In this Main Match, players must attempt to concatenate numbers to maximize their points by completing Ace Puzzles.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 3 players)
Featured in: Master Of All Trades

This MM will be played Live.


You may recognise these Ace puzzles from earlier in the ORG, as they are 3 of the previous DeathMatches:

-Area Split


-Euler's Count

Summary of the minigame changes

Area Split

Area Split will feature a tiled background.

The dimensions have also been changed:


Consistency will limit the objects to the following, all colours will feature a symbol in addition.

Each Consistency Board will have 3 correct answers, players must give different answers to those that came before.

Eulers Count

There are no changes to this, but as a reminder:

If something looks like a right angle, it is.

Each game will be played 11 times, for a total of 33 rounds.

Number Selections

Each round 3 single digit numbers will be revealed. These numbers will all be different, and each digit from 1-9 will appear and equal number of times.

Then the puzzle will be presented.

Players will then pick numbers depending on how they did in the puzzle.

Each rounds lasts 5 minutes or 1 minute after the first person answers, whichever is first.


The first person to answer correctly will get to choose number first.

The second person to answer correctly will get to choose a number second.

The third person to answer correctly will get to choose a number third.

If you answer incorrectly, you will not get to select a number, in addition there could be a penalty:

-If you are the first person to answer and answer incorrectly, you lose 1 point.

-If you are the second or third person to answer and you give an incorrect answer already given by another player, you also lose a point.

-If you do not give an answer before the time expires, there is no penalty, but you will not get to select a number.


Note in consistency, correct answers only count for the first person to submit it.


Once players have collected 5 numbers, you must start to concatenate after each round you recieve a number. This occurs after the number selection phase. Concatenation is the act of put together 2 numbers side by side. 3 and 6 can either be concatenated into 36 or 63. There is a 1 min time limit. If you fail to submit a concatenation, you will lose a point and concatenate at random. You may not concatenate 2 numbers to form a number that is larger than 7 digits.

The aim is to form four 7 digit numbers. If you do not have enough numbers at the end of the 33 rounds, you will given enough copies of the digit "6" to complete your seven digit numbers, but you will take 2 penalty points for each one you take.

After rounds 10 and 20, there will be a pause, where you will be able to trade numbers with the other players. Each trade must be 1 number for 1 number, and these must contain the same number of digits.


After players have formed their four 7 digit numbers, they will score points depending on their numbers. Scoring is either done individually or across all players.


Individually: (These apply to each of your 4 numbers.)

+3 points for each number that is prime.

+2 points for each number that is of the from n^m, where n and m are integers greater than 1.

+1 point for each number divisible by 3.

+1 point for each number divisible by 5.

+1 point for each number divisible by 7.

+1 point for each number divisible by 11.


Player Battles: (only 1 player will get the points for each category)

+2 points for the largest number. If a tie, the second largest is checked. (repeated)

+2 points for the smallest number. If a tie, the second smallest is checked. (repeated)

+2 points for the largest common factor between 2 of your numbers that are not equal. (gcd)

+2 points for the most powers of 2 across all of your numbers.

+2 points for the largest quantity of a single digit across all 4 numbers. If a tie, second largest quantity is checked. (repeated)

+2 points for longest chain of consecutive digits. If a tie, second longest is checked. (repeated). 1 and 9 are treated to be consecutive.

+2 points for the average of a player's 4 numbers, is the medium of all player averages.

+2 points for most prime digits (2,3,5,7) across all your numbers.


The player with the most points is the MM winner, the other 2 players will go to the DM. If there is a tie in points, the player with the largest total of all 4 numbers is the winner. If this is also a tie, the player who got the least questions incorrect wins. If this is a tie, the player to answer the first question correct between the tied players, wins.

Thanks to e_is_cool, summitwei, jkittykitkat for testing and designing some of the minigame rounds.


You only need to concatenate if you recieve a number in a round. (You cannot concatenate if you dont recieve a number)


For consistency. If you give an answer given by somebody else, it will not count as being correct or incorrect, and you may guess again. (If due to posting at almost exact same time)


You do not need to concatenation the next time you receive a number after you create a 7 digit number. (But may do so if you wish)


After round 33, you may concatenate as much as you like to complete your four 7 digit numbers.


Players may not use program solvers for the puzzlers

Scoreboard Layout:

There will be a 1min time limit to say how you choose to concatenate numbers, and choosing which Prize number you want for getting a correct answer. If you go over this limit, you will get 3 warnings with a 1min extension. If you do it a further time, you will take 1min penatly point for every further minute.

Clarification: If 2 or more players tie for the player battles, all tied players get the +2 bonus. (for the ones that don't say if a tie)


Live MM    (The game is a Main Match that is specifically designed to be played in a live session.)

Mathematics    (The game tests the players' mathematical abilities.)

Mental    (The game tests mental agility.)

Observation    (The game tests the players' observational skills.)