An ORG themed around puzzles; you can use puzzles to get an advantage in a DM, and you may collect opals to attempt an Opal Puzzle to get out of a DM.
Every Episode players had the opportunity to earn an Opal.
There were 3 ways to obtain an Opal:
When entering a DM, you could spend Opals to attempt an Opal puzzle.
Solving this puzzle would grant immunity from the DM. (until 5 players remained)
If unsolved, it would be revealed publicly and all players could attempt it.
Any remaining Opals when finals are reached will be used as currency in the finals items selection.
Instead of each eliminated player giving the player they support an Item, they give an Opal instead.
Opals along with Garnets are then used in an auction style to purchase items based on their image and star rating.
The finals is a Best of 5.
At the start of each episode, a puzzle is revealed, the solution is the name of the next DM.
If 1 DM player can solve it, while the other can't, they will obtain a DM advantage.
Type | Name | Designer(s) | ORGs | # | Tags |
MM | DMER | Zero | 10 | Bidding, Extra Info on Discord, Grid-based, Luck, Psych | |
MM | Double Team | Zero | 12 | Grid-based, Limited communication | |
MM | Five Fold Possession | Zero | 5 | Bidding, Luck, Points-based, RPS, Social deduction | |
MM | King's Court | Zero | 11 | Social deduction, Teams, Voting | |
MM | Locked Out! | Zero | 6 | Cards | |
MM | Puzzle Sum Chambers | Zero | 3 | Garnet Match, Puzzle | |
MM | The Cube | Zero | 8 | Cards, Psych, RPS, Trading | |
MM | Three Modular Rooms | Zero | 9 | Cards, Points-based | |
MM | Totemic Might | Zero | 7 | Extra Info on Discord, Intel game | |
MM | Track Trouble! | Zero | 13 | Extra Info on Discord, Points-based | |
DM | Channel Hopping | Zero | 2 | Miscellaneous, Optimization, Puzzle, Simultaneous | |
DM | Conveyor | Zero | 2 | Mathematics, Optimization | |
DM | Domain | Zero | 2 | Extra Info on Discord, Strategy | |
DM | Domino Black & White | Zero | 2 | Black & White, Dominoes, Psych, Turn-based | |
DM | Element | Non-original Game | 2 | Area control, Grid-based, Luck, Piece movement, Piece placement, Strategy, Turn-based | |
DM | Field Tactics | Zero | 2 | Grid-based, Psych, Strategy | |
DM | Letterbox | Zero | 2 | Social DM, Strategy, Turn-based, Words | |
DM | Number Janggi | Non-original Game | 2 | Grid-based, Memory, Mental, Piece movement, Piece placement, Strategy, Turn-based | |
DM | Pathing Dots & Boxes | Zero | 2 | Connect in a row, Grid-based, Strategy | |
DM | Swapping Black & White | Zero | 2 | Black & White, Psych | |
DM | Track Trouble! | Zero | 2 | Optimization, Psych, Strategy | |
DM | Tug of War | Zero | 2 | Optimization, Strategy | |
DM | Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe | Non-original Game | 2 | Area control, Connect in a row, Grid-based, Piece placement, Strategy, Tic-Tac-Toe, Turn-based |