Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe

In this Death Match, play multiple games of tic-tac-toe in a grid to win tic-tac-toe on the larger board. (Original designer unknown)

Designer(s): Non-original Game Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gambit, The Genius: Code of Conduct, Shardren's Minecraft Genius: How to Play

Deathmatch 2: Ultimate Tic Tac Toe

In this game players attempt to win games of Tic Tac Toe in a grid of 9, in order to win 3 games in a line.

This game is played on a 9x9 global board made up of 9, 3x3 local Tic Tac Toe boards.

The first player will play as X, and the second player will play as O.

The first player will place their X in any of the 81 squares except for the centre of the centre board.

Their move 'sends' their opponent to a relative location.

If they play in the top right square of a grid, then O needs to play in the top right board of the 9x9 grid. This pattern will continue, where O plays will determine where X can go in their next turn by the same rules.

Players will jump between local boards in the 9x9 global board trying to get 3 in a row in each.

If a player makes 3 in a row on one of these 9 local boards, it will be marked with a giant X or O (depending who won).

Players must aim to win these local boards such that they make a line of 3 in the global board.

If a move sends a player to a local board that has either been won, or has no available moves left, they may choose to go anywhere on the global grid.

The winner is the first player to get 3 in a row on the global board.

If neither player does this, the game will be replayed. If after 3 games neither player has managed to get 3 in a row on the global board, the player who has won the most local boards will win. In the event this is a tie, the DMO chosen by the EC, will win.

The time limit per turn is 1 minute with 3 minute reserve time for each player. If a player runs out of time, they lose the DM.

As neither player solved the revelations puzzle, neither will automatically gain starting player choice.

If the DM opponent (player chosen by EC) has at least as many garnets as the EC, they will choose the starting player. Otherwise, the DM players will play deadlock coin to determine who chooses the starting player.

Clarification: Once a local board is won, players may no longer place pieces there.

This is a unique deathmatch not found in The Genius. In Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe, you will be playing various smaller games of Tic-Tac-Toe in an attempt to win a larger game of Tic-Tac-Toe.

First, we’ll explain the board. Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe is played on a Tic-Tac-Toe board where each square of the board has its own board. This means that nine games will be played simultaneously, all in an effort to win the full board.

To start, the X player (who will go second, as decided by the challenged Death Match candidate) will decide which board the O player will play on.

That player will then place their O on the smaller Tic-Tac-Toe board. This is more than just a play on their part - it will also decide what board the X player has to put their X on. In this example, the O player has put his O on the bottom left square - as a result, the X player must play an X on the bottom left board.

This makes up the brunt of the gameplay - each player will decide where to put their symbol, and simultaneously decide which board their opponent must play on for the next turn. However, this will change when a player wins a board.

Upon winning a board, that player will receive their mark on the larger board. From that point onward, that board is complete, and play will no longer occur there. In the events a board is tied, the player with more marks on the board will win it.

In the events that a player must play in a completed board (In this case, if a symbol is placed in the center of a board, directing the following player to a completed board) - said player will have a choice between any of the other boards.

When one player successfully wins the larger board by completing three-in-a-row, the death match will end in that player’s victory.

Your Eighth Death Match is Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe.

The goal for this game is to get 3 in a row, by claiming smaller boards of tic-tac-toe

The player that goes first is the DMO

Turns will have a 45 second time limit.

They may play on any smaller tic tac toe board, on any space they choose to

In the perspective of the smaller board, which ever spot Player 1 chooses, Player 2 must play on that board in the bigger picture.

For example in the graphic, Player 1 played on the top center square in the center board.

Player 2 must then play on the top center board. And where ever they choose to play on that board, player 1 will have to follow etc.

Once one player has 3 in a row on a smaller board, they will claim that space on the larger board

A board with no three in a row would go to the player with more spaces claimed on it.

If someone's placement would lead a player to a board that has finished, then they may play where ever they wish.

The player to get 3 in a row on the large board will win this Death Match.

If there is no three in a row reached, then the player with more large spaces claimed will win.

If there is still no winner, then a speed match tiebreaker will occur where each turn has 10 seconds.


Area control    (The game involves controlling more area on the board in order to win.)

Connect in a Row    (The game involves players connecting pieces in a row, like gomoku.)

Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Piece placement    (The game involves pieces being placed on a board.)

Strategy    (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)

Tic-Tac-Toe    (The game involves elements of the classic game Tic-Tac-Toe.)

Turn-based    (The game involves players taking turns one after another.)