Field Tactics

In this game, player control pieces that represent different ranks in an army, but their identities are hidden from the opponent.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gambit

Deathmatch 9: Field Tactics

In this game, player control pieces that represent different ranks in an army. The rank of your pieces are hidden from your opponent, and different type of pieces has a different strengths. The goal of the game is to invade your opponents base by capturing pieces. Below is a picture of the board:

Red's base is CD1, and blue's base is CD8. You may enter these bases from any of the 4 touching squares. When stating a move, give the coordinates of the piece to move, and then the location you wish to move it.

There are 2 ways to win:

> Capture your opponents base my moving 1 of the 6 leader pieces.

These pieces are the 3 Generals and 3 Field Officers.

> Capture all of your opponents movable pieces. If both players have lost all of their leader pieces, and both players have 3 or less movable pieces, tie breaker mode begins.

In the event of a tie, both players will select one of their remaining movable pieces. Those 2 pieces will battle, and the winner of that battle will be declared the winner of the DM. If the battle is a tie, both pieces are destroyed and each player selects another piece to do battle, this repeats until there is a winner. If all pieces tie, the player with DM advantage wins.

Pieces and moving:

Before the start of the game, both players submit the starting position of all of their pieces. Pieces must be placed on your half of the board, and unmovable pieces cannot be placed at the entrance to a bridge. (B4, E4, B5, E5)

When stating a move, give the coordinates of the piece to move, and then the location you wish to move it. e.g: A1 to A2. Your Pieces cannot move on top of your own pieces. If you submit an invalid move, you will be asked to resubmit. If you move onto an enemy piece, a battle begins.

Red's base is CD1, and blue's base is CD9. You may enter these bases from any of the 4 touching squares.

The area in the middle of the board is known as the river. There are only 2 bridges where you can cross the river, B4-B5 and E4-E5. The only piece type that can cross the gap without using the bridges is the plane.

Standard Moving Pieces

Generals, Field Officers, Company Officers and the Spy can move Forwards, Backwards, Left or Right to an adjacent space.

Charge Forward Pieces

Tanks and the cavalry can move Forwards, Backwards, Left or Right to an adjacent space. They can also go an additional movement forward towards the enemy base as long as there isn't a piece in the way.

Traversal Pieces

Planes can move forward and backwards any number of spaces. They can jump over other pieces, as well as the river. They can also move to an adjacent space to the left or right.

Mechanics can move left and right any number of spaces. They cannot jump over other pieces or the river. They can also move to an adjacent space forward or backwards.

Unmovable pieces

The Mines and the Flag cannot be move. They may not be placed at the entrance to a bridge

Battle Strength

A Battle takes place when one piece moves onto a square occupied by another.

One of the pieces is always destroyed. If the outcome is a draw, both pieces are destroyed.

Destroyed pieces are revealed.

Each piece type has a different strength, and wins and losses against different pieces. The below grid gives an exact match up of strengths. This is from the perspective of red, circle being win, X being lose, triangle is both are destroyed.

The Generals, Field Officers and Company Officers appear in 3 ranks noted by the number of */./^

Generals are the strongest pieces, the pieces they have to look out for are the other generals, and the spy. The Spy loses to every piece except the 3 star general.

The next strongest pieces are the Field Officers. Like the generals, they also can win by going to the opponents base, but are lose to the generals as well as the Plane and Tank.

The next strongest pieces are the Plane and Tank. They have strong movement, and the plane is one of the 2 pieces that can clear mines. The generals still beat these pieces though.

Company Officers, can beat the weaker tech pieces, but are on the weaker end.

The Cavalry and Engineer have better movement than the average pieces, but lose to most pieces.

The spy is special as it's the only piece that can move that can beat the 3 star general.

The Bomb cannot move, but destroys most pieces that land on it. When a it takes part in a battle, it is also destroyed. It can only be defused with the plane and engineer.

The Flag cannot move, but is the only pieces whose strength can vary. The Strength of the flag is equal to the piece directly behind it. Behind being closest to your base. If there is no piece directly behind it, it always losses.

The quantities of your starting pieces are as follows:

Every square in your base will be occupied at game start.

Turn time is 3 mins per turn, with 5 mins reserve. If you run out of reserve time, you lose

The player with advantage may choose the starting player.

Battle Strength:


Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Psych    (The game tests the players' psychological & bluffing abilities.)

Strategy    (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)