
In this game, players will need to manage and organise Pips along a conveyor, and sell them to market in an attempt to gain the most money.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gambit

Final Match 3: Conveyor

In this game, players will need to manage and organise Pips along a conveyor, and sell them to market in an attempt to gain the most money.

This game is the first to win 2 rounds out of 3.

Players will start with each round with 9 pips. Pips are objects with a numerical value that will move along the conveyer. There are 3 stages in a round.

The Loader

The Conveyer

The Market

The Loader:

At the start of each round, you will be given 9 pips of various values. You must load your pips onto the loader. There are 9 spots in a chain. The order you place them will matter later on.

After placing 3 Pips, the machines for the round are revealed.

After placing 6, the requests for the market are revealed.

Once all 9 Pips are loaded, Loaders are revealed to the other player and we move onto the next stage.

You will have 3 minutes for each of these submissions. (9 mins total)

If you fail to submit, the 3 earliest free spots are filled with lowest value pips not yet placed.

The spots the in the image above are labelled from earliest position (1) to latest position (9).

The Conveyor:

The Conveyor follows from the loader. All 9 of the Pips are sorted into 2 tracks, namely the Upper and Lower. There is only space for 5 Pips maximum on each track, and Pips enter in the order they were placed in the loader stage. You will choose whether a Pip goes to the Upper or Lower track.

If you Fail to make a complete submission, Pips will fill the Upper Track until it is full, and the remaining will go to the Lower Track.

There are to be 3 machines on each track.

They will go in spots A-F, with A,C,E on the Upper Track and B,D,F on the Lower Track.

When pips move down the conveyer, they will be processed in the machines, and their value may change. You will be presented with a total of 6 machines of either Red, Blue or Green.

You must decide which goes onto each spot on the conveyor with a matching colour. The Machines Will be called different colours for the category, for example:

Red = [Red, Scarlet, Ruby, Blood]. Blue = [Blue, Aqua, Sapphire]. Green = [Green, Lime, Emerald]

More information about how the machines can affect the Pips will be described later.

In the above Image you can see the spots A-F for the 6 machines, and the required colours.

You will have 8 minutes to choose where each machine should go, followed by 4 minutes to decide which track each of the 9 Pips in the loader should enter.

If you fail to submit where each machine should go, you instantly lose the round.

Once all the machines have been placed and the Pips have been assigned to the Upper or Lower Track, pips travel along the conveyer and through the machines, changing their values. Pips enter the machine according to the order they are in the conveyor. Pips are processed in the machines in the order A-B-C-D-E-F. (All Pips for A are processed, before B starts). We then Move onto the Market Stage.

The Pips each players create from the conveyor are made public at the start of the market stage.

The Market:

Once all your pips have been processed, you must sell them to the market. There will be up to 6 buyers each round, Labelled U-Z.

Each buyer will request for Pips with a condition on their value.

These buyers will buy at either 1,2 or 3 gold. Sometimes they will require more than 1 pip.

There are 4 types of buyers: Single, Repeat, Degrade and Compete.

You may only sell Pips to a "Single" Buyer once in a round.

You may sell Pips to a "Repeat" Buyer any number of times in a round for the same price.

You may sell Pips to a "Degrade" Buyer any number of times in a round, the sell price will decrease by 1 each time.

You may attempt to sell Pips to the Compete Buyer, but they will only pay to the player with the better Pip for their condition. For example, if they wanted "Highest Value Pip", and Player A submitted a Pip worth 10, and Player B submitted a Pip worth 12, only Player B would get Paid and Player A would get nothing. In the case of a tie, both players are paid.

You will have 5 minutes to decide who buys which of your pips. Any Pips unsold at the end of this time are discarded.

Winning a round

After selling, the player who has the most gold wins the round. If this is a tie, it is resolved in the following order:

Who earnt the most from selling to £3 buyers.

Who earnt the most from selling to £2 buyers.

Who had the higher sum of all their pips.

Who had the highest value pip.

Who had the next highest value pip (repeated).

If these all tie, the person who bought the 3 star item wins the tie.

In summary:

You are given 9 pips with varying values.

You have 3 mins to place 3 Pips on the loader.

You are shown the 6 machines for the round.

You have 3 mins to place 3 more Pips on the loader.

You are shown the requests from the market.

You have 3 mins to place the remaining pips on the loader.

The Loaders of both players are revealed.

You have 8 mins to choose where the machines go on the conveyor.

You have 4 mins to choose which pips go in which track.

There will be a delay for processing.

You have 5 mins to choose which pips are sold to which people.

Gold is totaled, and a round winner declared. Repeat till a player has won 2 rounds.


1 Star: Pip Swap

Use before you decide which track each Pip should go to. You may name 2 Pips and Swap their Location on the loader. Make sure to ping me when you use this. It is announced publicly and 2 mins is added to the current submission.

2 Star: Pip Increase

Use before you decide which track each Pip should go to. You may increase 1 of your Pips by 1. Make sure to ping me when you use this. It is announced publicly and 2 mins is added to the current submission.

3 Star: Pip Skip

Use before you decide which track each Pip should go to. You may send one of your Pips from the loader directly to the end of the conveyor skipping all of the machines. Make sure to ping me when you use this. It is announced publicly and 2 mins is added to the current submission.



Machines use a series of keywords. here is the basic format of a machine:

If the Pip meets condition 1, Outcome 1 occurs.

Otherwise if the Pip meets condition 2, Outcome 2 occurs.

Otherwise Outcome 3 Occurs.

There can be some variations on this though:

A Pip will continue to go through the machine checking line by line until it reaches an outcome or all condition haven't been met.

If an outcome box is greyed out, the next line is read. This happens when the left box is a process and not a condition.

If only 1 condition appears, the bottom row will be blank.

If a Pip doesn't meet any of the conditions, it simply passes through the machine.

Here is an example:

The second element is Variables. There are written as "Var@", where @ is either P,Q,R or T.

All Variables start with value 1. These can be changed through the machines. An arrow indicates the value of the first object becomes the value of the second (In the example below, VarQ becomes the value of the current Pip). This is where the process order of the machines and Pips can matter.

Here is an example:

Here is another example that deviates from the standard machine layout:

Here is a list of terms you may need to be familiar with. The Keywords in brackets is how they will be represented in the Machines and buyers.

First - First Pip to enter machine (1st)

Second - Second Pip to enter machine (2nd)

Third - Third Pip to enter machine (3rd)

Fourth - Fourth Pip to enter machine (4th)

Last - Last Pip to enter machine (Last)

Nth = Number of Pips that have previously entered the Machine +1. (Nth)

Modular (Mod)

Floor Function (Floor) - Removes decimal part of a number. [2.5 becomes 2. -2.5 becomes -3]

Concatenation (CC)

Absolute value (Abs)

Highest Common Factor (HCF)

Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)

Fibonacci Numbers (Fib)

Lucas Numbers (Lucas)

Triangle Numbers (Tri)

Square Numbers (Square)

Cube Numbers (Cube)

Prime Numbers (Prime)

Odd Numbers (Odd)

Even Numbers (Even)

Pythagorean Triples

Binary Form (BIN)

Integer (INT)

Variable (Var)


-- End of Rules--

If you have any questions, let me know.


Variables effect all the machines for the round. They are reset to 1 at the round end. Variables are separate for each player.

If you ever have any questions on the meaning of a term during the match, please ping me. I will answer ASAP. Try to avoid doing this just before a deadline.

When placing Pips in the loader, you do not need to start from the back, and they can be placed in any position.

IF(Pip = 3 Mod 5) is met if the remainder from dividing the Pip by 5 is 3

If the Pip is not an integer, this condition automatically isn't met


Mathematics    (The game tests the players' mathematical abilities.)

Optimization    (The game tests the players' abilities to find optimal solutions.)