Totemic Might

In this Main Match, discern the true weight of each totem to perfectly balance the weights at the end of the game.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 7 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gambit

This game has 20 totems of ascending weight. Each totem will be assigned a weight from 1 to 20. i.e there is exactly one totem of weight 1, 1 totem of weight 2, etc. The aim of the game is to identify the weights of the totems so you can level the Balance of souls in the final challenge. Players will attempt to learn the weights of the totems by using a trial balance scales.

The totems each belong to 2 categories:

Seasons: Summer, Void, Spring, Winter.

Sigils: Secret, Creature, Future, Land, Sky

Start of game

Each player will be given a random totem at the start, such that each player has a unique totem. You will use your totem throughout this game, referred to as your starting spirit totem. The totem you receive will be private and you will know the weight of your totem. At the end of the game, players will attempt to guess each other's starting spirit totem, be careful about who you reveal your starting spirit totem to.

Players will also start with 120 chips used in auctions to gain totems. You may not give these away to other players.

At the start of the game, players will be put on a priority list in order of garnets, most garnets is at the top of the list. If there is a tie in garnets, the person with the higher garnets in the last count is put higher (repeated if further ties). This is used to decide ties in bets.


Each round two series of totems will be put up at an auction, the Ancient Series (A), and the Benevolent (B) . These totems are called trial totems. Players may bet up to 10 chips each round on the series, but you must bet a minimum of 1 and can only bet a maximum of 15 chips each round. There will be 5 totems and 1 garnet put up for each series. The totems that appear in each series are predetermined. Ancient series will resolve before benevolent in the case of ties involving the priority list.

The player who bets the most will win the series. They will get the first pick between gaining the totems or garnet in that series. When players submit bets, you will also list the order you would like to receive the totems or garnet. You will gain the first item on your list that hasn't been taken by a higher bidder. If there is a tie in bets, the person higher on the priority list chooses first, afterwards they are moved to the bottom of the list.

What each player received is public

If a player fails to gain a totem in a round, they will gain an additional spirit totem. They may choose this totem from a pool of 10, made up of totems not given to players at the start. Once a totem is selected it is removed from the pool. They will not be told the weight of the chosen totem. If 2 people do this in a round, both players receive the same totem at random from the pool, they do not see the pool of totems in this case.

Round 1: Players bid and choose pick order for Series 1A and 1B

Round 2: Players bid and choose pick order for Series 2A and 2B, If no totem in R1, choose spirit totem.

Round 3: Players bid and choose pick order for Series 3A and 3B, If no totem in R2, choose spirit totem.

Auctions continue until 3 players have 15 chips or less. Chip count is public.

Once 3 people have 15 or less chips the final challenge will begin

Balance of Souls

The Balance of souls is a set of scales. You can use these to attempt to identify the weights of the totems. Each round you may use the scale up to 3 times. Unused scale uses to not carry over between rounds. You may place weights on either side of the scales. You will see which side of the scale is heavier, or whether they balance. This is where the importance between types of totems comes in.

Spirit totems have no limit in how many times they can be used on the scales, but they cannot be traded or given away. Any other weights used on the scales will disintegrate at the end of the round. Trial totems may be traded or given away to other players. For a trade, both players must state such in their confessional, when giving, only the person giving it away needs to post. Players will receive the totems at the next deadline. There are some other ways to learn information about totems.

Hope's Wager

There are 4 ways to learn additional information, but they all come with a price. You can only choose 1 wager per round. The results of a wager are delivered at deadline. (you may change your mind up until then)

Balloons provide lift and counter act the weights on the scales. Any balloons you receive must be used in the final challenge.

Snake's Wager: Choose a letter from A-J, you will learn a hint. You will receive a balloon of lift between 11 to 20. The better the hint, the larger the lift. You will be told the lift of the balloon. You may only use the snake wager twice. If two people attempt to take the same letter the player with more garnets gets the letter, and the other player(s) who choose it will get the next letter in the series (you will be told the new letter). If you choose a letter that is already taken, you will get the next alphabetically instead that is available. (you will be told the new letter). If all the 10 hints are taken, they are refreshed. You may not receive the same hint twice. The snake wager hints are similar to those from games like scamming horse race.

Wolf's Wager: Choose 2 totems that aren't the same season, (row), that you don't have a spirit totem of, learn the difference between their weight mod 8(Always positive value). Gain a balloon of lift 1 or 2, you are not told the lift value. (ABS(T1-T2)) mod 8

Bear's Wager: Choose any number of totems, learn which band of length 10 their total weight falls in. (1-10,11-20,21-30,...). Costs 2 Garnets. You may pay an additional garnet to reduce the bands to length 5.

Fox's Wager: Choose 3 Totems that don't share a Season or Sigel, (row or column), learn their combined weight. Costs 4 Garnets or gain a random balloon with lift 1-5, you are not told the amount of lift.

Balloons are labelled as follows:

Icon of wager balloon was got from

Initial of player who got balloon

Number of balloons that player has got so far

Final Challenge

Once 3 players get 15 or less chips, there will be one more round of 3 trial weighings before the final challenge.

In the final challenge players attempt to equalize the Balance of Souls. All of your remaining trial totems are discarded. In the final challenge, the Balance of Souls has 3 sides. You will get a copy of each of the 20 totems. You must place these on the Balance of Souls along with all of your Spirit Totems and Balloons. This means you must create 3 groups that are all the same weight.

If you fail to equalise the balance of souls, you will get 1 failure mark, and must try again. If you successfully balance the scales, your final score is the weight on 1 of the 3 sides of the balance of souls.

Players will also get the chance to Guess each other's starting Spirit totem. For every person who guesses your starting totem, your final weight score is decreased by 3. Each players starting spirit totem will be revelaed.

Once everyone has completed the final challenge, everyone is ranked.

The Player with least failure marks and then the largest final score wins.

The Player with the most failure marks and then the lowest score losses.

In the event of a tie for both of these, the player with more garnets is placed higher.

If garnet count ties also in the final ranking, the last garnet count posted is used instead. (repeated)

e.g, a possible final order is:

1st: 0 Failure Marks, 30 Final Weight. 2nd: 0 Failure Marks, 20 Final Weight. 3rd: 1 Failure Mark, 35 Final Weight. 4th: 1 Failure Mark, 20 Final Weight, 20 Garnets. 5th: 1 Failure Mark, 20 Final Weight, 10 Garnets. 6th: 2 Failure Marks, 10 Final Weight. 7th: 3 Failure Marks, 25 Final Weight.

The player ranked higher will win the MM and gain 2 ToL, they will also gain an opal as there will always be a single winner. The lowest ranked player is EC.

Opal Challenge: Be the player to guess the most of others starting totems. If more than 1 person guess the same number, the player who took less wagers wins it. (If this is also a tie, nobody gains the opal).

--End of Rules--

The first round (and hence auction) will begin at next standard deadline

If somebody fails to bid for a series, they automatically bid 1

If somebody fails to provide an order for auction items, they will receive one at random that is available

If somebody fails to proivde enough info about a wager, the wager won't take place. (In the case of bear, it is assumed you pay 2 unless stated otherwise)


Extra Info on Discord    (The game has extra information on Discord that has not been documented on this website.)

Intel Game    (The game involves collecting and exchanging initial information to further deduce intel.)