Five Fold Possession

In this Main Match, maximize the points you earn by completing challenges undetected when it is your turn to be the possessed.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 5 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gambit

This game consists of 12 rounds. Starting from round 2, 1 person can be possessed each round, and everyone will be possessed exactly twice. There will also be a ghost hunter each round where somebody is possessed, each person will be the ghost hunter twice. Which round nobody is possessed, and who is the possessed and ghost hunter each round, is determined randomly under these conditions:

If you were the possessed this round, you won't be the possessed next round.

If you were the ghost hunter this round, you won't be the ghost hunter next round.

You cannot be the ghost hunter and possessed in the same round.

Each pair of players with roles will be unique.

Each Player will receive one of:

Round #: You are [the Possessed, the Ghost Hunter, a Player]

You will only be told your role at the start of the round.

There are a total of 5 minigames. Each round, the possessed must aim to complete tasks without being detected. The ghost hunter and other players must try to work out who the possessed is. The ghost hunter must also remain hidden while doing this. In the subsequent round, everybody will guess who they think the possessed and ghost hunter were in the previous round. Here is how scoring works:

You will not be told your score from guesses at any point.

After each round information about the minigame results will be revealed. Each round players will be given a different identifying name. Players are not told their own identifying name.

MG1) Betting RPS:

2 Players may decide to bet garnets on a RPS game. You may only take part in 1 RPS game each round.

Both players submit in their confessional "I will face [Player] in RPS, betting [#] Garnets, and throwing [Rock,Paper,Scissors]".

Players may bet up to 5 garnets and must bet a minimum of 1. If players bet a different amount of garnets, the lower amount is taken. Both players must submit the name of their opponent in order for the game to go through.

The winner of RPS will take the losers garnets.

If the game is a draw, both players will keep the bet garnets.

You will be told this privatly.

You may not play RPS with a player you have faced in the last 2 rounds. If you fail to play RPS for 2 rounds in a row, you lose a garnet.

It is revealed which identities: Won, Lost, Drew or didn't play.

MG2) The Median:

At the start of the game, players will be given 12 cards numbered 1 through 12. Each round players will submit a card. At the end of the round, each player's identity and their chosen card will be shown. Players who fail to submit will play their lowest card and lose a garnet. The player's 5 cards will then be used to calculate the medium. If 2 or more people submit the same card, their numbers will be ignored in determining the median. The Player who submitted a card equal to the median will gain a point and a garnet.

MG3) Does Greed Succeed:

You must pay 1 garnet to participate. You may only play this once each round. You will draw coloured stones from a bag. There are 5 types of stones: Grey, White, Black, Green and Red. You may decide to stop drawing stones at any time. Once you stop, you return all drawn stones to the bag. (It is treated that one player doesn't affect the chances of another).

Here are the properties of each stone:

When you play this minigame while possessed, you may ignore one stone you draw.

At the end of the round, the total number of players who participated in this minigame, and the identities of players who drew red stones is announced.

MG4) Bidding War:

Players may bid up to 10 garnets in bidding war. The player who bets the most garnets will gain a point and spend the garnets bet. If 2 or more people bid the same amount, those bets are ignored, and the next highest bid is looked at. This means you can spend less garnets than the highest bid and win the point. If you do not bid, it is assumed you bet 0.

The quantities of garnets bid is announced, but not the identities associated with each bid. The identity of the winning bid is revealed.

MG5) Guessing Identity: (You submit for this in the subsequent round)

In the subsequent round, you must attempt to guess the identity of everyone in the previous round (including yourself). Each person who correctly guesses all 5 players identity will gain a garnet. If you are the only player to correctly guess all 5 player's identity, you will also gain a point. The number of players who correctly guess all 5 identities is revealed.

Here are all the possession challenges. You will gain half a point for each challenge you complete:

MG1) Draw a game of RPS.

MG1) Have 3 Players not play Betting RPS.

MG2) Play a Prime Number Card.

MG2) Win the median, or make sure nobody wins the median.

MG3) Take all 3 grey stones from the bag.

MG3) Gain a net increase in garnets from does greed succeed.

MG4) Block the highest bid in Bidding war.

MG4) Win bidding war with a bet of 0 or 1.

MG5) Correctly guess everybody's Identity.

MG5) Make sure at least 1 player incorrectly guesses everybody's identity.

If you draw and ignore a red stone in MG3, your identity will appear even if you ignore it as possessed. (Think of the word Got as Drew in the table)

Garnets you receive from MG5 are given at the end of the MM.

For Possessed Guess, 4 players guessing correctly, you score -1/2 for possession challenges instead of 1/2.

Each Player will be told their garnet count privately at the end of each round.

At the end of the game, it is revealed who was possessed and the ghost hunter each round, how many challenges the possessed completed in each round, and everyone final points. This is also where garnets earnt from guessing are given.

There are 2 ways to win the main match. In both cases you gain a single ToL. If both conditions are met by the same person, they shall receive an opal and they will have 2 ToL.

Be the player with the most points at the end of the MM. In the event of a tie, the player who earnt more points through minigames, wins. If that is a tie, the player with more garnets, wins. If that is a tie, we look at the garnet totals at the MM start.

Be the player who correctly identified the possessed and ghost hunter the most times. If this is a tie, the player who guessed more players identities correctly wins. If that is also a tie, the player who completed more possession challenges (regardless of whether you were detected) wins. If that is also a tie, the player with more garnets wins. If that is a tie, we look at the garnet totals at the MM start.

The EC is the player with the least points that didn’t meet a win condition.

Opal challenge:

Excluding round 1, Correctly Guess the round where nobody was possessed. If more than 1 person does this, the player who gained the most net garnets in the MM gets the opal. If this is also a tie, nobody gets the opal.

Each round lasts 24 hours, and round 1 begins in 24 hours.

Submission information:

Please include the shorthand for the minigame you are submitting for.

Round (X) Submissions:

MG1) I will face [Player] in RPS, betting [#] Garnets, and throwing [Rock,Paper,Scissors]

MG2) Play Card [#]

MG3) "@Dice choose Grey Grey Grey White White White White White Black Black Black Black Green Red Red" .Then remove the outcome you get for next role. When you wish to stop, ping dice bot saying "@Dice choose I wish to stop".

MG4) I bid [#] Garnets.

Round (X-1) Submissions:

MG5) [Player] is [Identity] x5.

Guess) [Player] is possessed and [Player] is the ghost hunter.


Bidding    (The game involves auction-style bidding.)

Luck    (The game involves an element of luck.)

Points-based    (The game involves players earning points.)

RPS    (The game involves elements of the classic game Rock Paper Scissors.)

Social deduction    (The game involves players trying to deduce other players' hidden roles.)