Number Janggi

In this Death Match, engage in a mathematical war to ultimately find and topple your opponent's king. (Original design from The Genius show)

Designer(s): Non-original Game Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: The Genius: Grand Final, Zero's Gambit, DM Colosseum

DM 9 Number Janggi

In Number Janggi, you must move pieces labeled 1 to 10 to capture your opponents king, or capture all of their pieces excluding the king.

Number Janggi is played on a board with 6 columns and 9 rows for a total of 54 squares.

The 3 row's closest to you will be your territory.

Both players will receive 10 Pieces Labeled 1 to 10, 3 Mines and 1 King.

Both players will arrange their 14 pieces in their territory at the start of the game. You will not be able to identify your opponents pieces.

Pieces may move 1 square Left, Right, Left Diagonal, Right Diagonal, Forward, or 2 spaces forward.

Pieces may not move to an occupied square, or move backwards. When a piece moves 2 forward, they may not jump over another piece.

Mines may not move.

When a Piece is moved adjacent to an opponent's piece, they will do battle. Both Pieces are revealed, and Battle in the following ways:

If both pieces are numbers, they will be added together:

))))) If the sum is greater or equal to 10, The higher numbered piece will win.

))))) If the sum is less than 10, The lower numbered piece will win.

If the Pieces do battle across a Minus sign, it will become a minus battle. The larger number is minused from the smaller number.

))))) If the sum is greater or equal to 10, The higher numbered piece will win.

))))) If the sum is less than 10, The lower numbered piece will win.

If the Pieces are the same number, both are removed from the board.

Mines are self-destructing; if a piece does battle with a Mine, it is destroyed. The Mine is also destroyed.

King's are defence-less. They will lose if they engage in a battle with any piece except the opponent's King, in which case nothing will happen.

If there are 2 or more adjacent pieces, they all do battle at once. Any Piece that met a lose condition is destroyed.


If one of your pieces reaches the other end, you may bring back one of your defeated pieces. It is placed on your back row of your territory revealed.


Win Conditions

) Capture Your Opponents King

) Capture all of your Opponents Pieces but their King

) Have Your King Reach the other players back row of their territory

) Have your opponent run out of time

There is a 2 Minute Time Limit per turn, with 5 mins reserve time.

Deusovi may choose the starting player.

Number Janggi

This game appeared in the fourth season of the show, The Genius: Grand Final, as Final Match 1; it was also used in Zero's Gambit, as Death Match 9. This game is based on the board game Stratego, a classic board game with deep history.

The goal of the game is to capture the opponent's king without getting yours captured. However, the opponent's pieces are concealed, so you don't know which one is the king.


The game is played on a 6x9 board. The 3 closest rows for each player (marked yellow for the left player and blue for the right player) are their territory. There are also red bars across the board.

Each player also begins with 14 pieces, made of 10 soldiers numbered 1-10, 3 bombs ☢, and 1 king 👑. All your pieces have the same uniform back side.

The game is divided into two phases: placement and play. Decide the starting player.

During the placement phase, you must distribute all 14 pieces in your territory privately. You may arrange them in any way you want, as long as no piece overlaps another.

After both players are done placing, all pieces are then turned to their back sides, so you cannot tell the identities of your opponent's pieces.

The play phase begins. Players alternate turns. On your turn, you must move one of your pieces; you cannot pass. A soldier or a king can move sideways, diagonally forward, or forward up to two squares without jumping. Bombs may not be moved.

If two opposing pieces are adjacent (sharing a side), they are revealed and engage in battle. These are the possible cases:

  • Both pieces are soldiers, not across a red bar: Take their sum. If the sum is 10 or more, the lower piece loses. If the sum is less than 10, the higher piece loses.
  • Both pieces are soldiers, across a red bar: Same as above, but take their difference instead.
  • One piece is a bomb: Both pieces lose.
  • One piece, but not both, is a king: The king loses.
  • Both pieces are kings: Neither piece loses.

If a piece is adjacent to multiple opposing pieces, it engages independent battles with all those pieces.

After the turn, any piece that loses in a battle is removed from the board. Note that there is no "winning a battle", only "not losing". If a piece doesn't lose a battle but loses another in the same turn, it is still removed.

If one of your soldiers reaches your opponent's back row, you may bring back any one of your removed soldiers back into the board. It must be played on an empty square of your back row.

The game ends with your win if any of the following conditions is achieved at the end of a turn:

  • Your opponent's king is removed from the board.
  • All of your opponent's pieces besides the king are removed from the board.
  • Your king reaches the back row of your opponent's territory.


During placement: make your placement in your private channel. State where each and every piece you have will go.

During play: make your moves in the public game room. State the starting square and the ending square of your move.

Information revealed in public game room: current public board, removed pieces.

Information revealed in private channel: nothing. In particular, you must keep track of the pieces yourself, including your pieces.

Warning: You may not take any notes during the game.

Time controls:

During placement: 5 minutes. You may change your placement until the end of the round. At deadline, every piece that has not been placed, illegally placed, or overlaps with another piece will be placed at random; you wlil not know where they go.

During play: 5 periods of 1 minute. I will take the first unambiguous legal move you make each turn. If you attempt to make an illegal move, I will announce it (giving information to your opponent) and you must make a different move.

Rule change: The same position, with the same player to move, may not be repeated three times. If your move would repeat a position for the third time, it is illegal and you must pick a different move. If by sheer chance you don't have any legal move, you lose the game.


Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Memory    (The game tests the players' memories.)

Mental    (The game tests mental agility.)

Piece movement    (The game involves pieces moving on a board.)

Piece placement    (The game involves pieces being placed on a board.)

Strategy    (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)

Turn-based    (The game involves players taking turns one after another.)