The Genius: Grand Final

The fourth and final season of The Genius.


Garnet Matches that determine the winner and loser by player's garnet counts.
Reused Death Matches with a banning system to remove games from the draw pool.

Games Featured:

Type Name Designer(s) ORGs # Tags
DM Gyul! Hap! Non-original Game The Genius: Rules of the Game The Genius: Rule Breaker The Genius: Grand Final The Subreddit Game The Genius Social The Genius: Code of Conduct Shardren's Minecraft Genius: How to Play The Genius: First Encounter 2 Grid-based, Hap-like, Observation, Patterns, Points-based, Turn-based
DM Monorail Non-original Game The Genius: Black Garnet The Genius: Grand Final Genius Online: Tabula Rasa 2 Turn-based
DM Mystery Sign Non-original Game The Genius: Grand Final The Genius Social The Genius: Deception DM Colosseum EpicMafia Genius 2 The Genius: First Encounter The Genius: Champ The Champion 2 Buzzer-based, Inductive reasoning, Mathematics, Mental, Points-based, Turn-based
DM Number Janggi Non-original Game The Genius: Grand Final Zero's Gambit DM Colosseum 2 Grid-based, Memory, Mental, Piece movement, Piece placement, Strategy, Turn-based
DM Tactical Yutnori Non-original Game The Genius: Rules of the Game The Genius: Grand Final The Subreddit Game Yin and Yang Genius Online: Tabula Rasa The Genius: First Encounter 2 Grid-based, Guest, Piece movement, Psych, Race, Simultaneous, Strategy, Turn-based, Yutnori