In this Death Match, figure out how the mystery operation works before your opponent to solve the equation. (Original design from The Genius show)
Designer(s): Non-original Game | Match Type: DM (for 2 players) |
Featured in: The Genius: Grand Final, The Genius Social, The Genius: Deception, DM Colosseum, EpicMafia Genius 2, The Genius: First Encounter, The Genius: Champ The Champion |
In this Death Match, the objective is to correctly interpret the Mystery Sign of a number problem and give the correct answer to earn points.
Round Structure
At the start of each round, two numbers will be given in the following format: X ? Y =
Then, each player will alternate choosing one number to create hints to figure out the hidden rule. For each subsequent hint, players alternate between picking the first number and the second number.
In the first round, the starting player will be chosen by the Death Match Opponent. In each following round, the starting player will be the winner of the previous round.
After the results of this hint are announced, players are given a period of time where they may attempt to call in the answer to the problem. When calling in, a player must first type a message to "buzz in", then after their call is acknowledged by the dealer, they have 5 seconds to submit a guess for an answer. If they are correct, they will receive 3 points and we will move on to the next problem. If they are wrong, or do not submit after buzzing in, 1 point will be deducted from them and we will continue. A player may not buzz in twice during a guessing period.
If neither player calls in the correct answer after 10 hints and guessing periods, the mystery sign for that round will not be revealed and we will move on to the next round.
In total, there will be 11 rounds during this Death Match.
Restrictions on Hints
Example 1: 3 ? 5 =
In this example, the mystery sign is "the sum of the squares of both numbers".
If player 1 chooses 4 and player 2 chooses 6 for a hint, the given hint would calculate 4^2+6^2=52
and display 4 ? 6 = 52
The correct answer to call in for the main problem is 34
. (3^2+5^2=34
However, keep in mind that not all problems will necessarily be mathematical.
Example 2: 55698 ? 61 =
In this example, the mystery sign is "the sequence of odd digits between both numbers".
If player 1 chooses 100 and player 2 chooses 4563, the given hint would return 100 ? 4563 = 153
The correct answer to call for the main problem is 5591
Time Controls
In each round, there will be up to 10 hints and 10 guessing phases. Each guessing phase lasts for 90 seconds. A guessing phase starts after the result of the hint is posted.
For hints, there is no set time restriction. However, in the interest of time, we ask that players submit their hint number in 30 seconds or less.
Winning the Death Match
After 11 rounds, the player with the most points wins and will proceed to the next main match. If players' points are tied, the winner will be decided by the most correctly answered problems. If there is still a tie, the winner will be the DMO.
If there is a point in the death match where one player cannot catch up to the other player point-wise if the other player does not lose points (ex. leading by 7 points with 2 more rounds left to go), this will be announced. If both players agree, we will end the death match early.
Note on Calculation Tools (Rules adapted from Chao's DM Colosseum)
Before the start of the death match, you may use any tool you want in order to prepare.
During the death match, you are allowed to have any form of note-taking, be that on paper, on a text editor, on a spreadsheet program, or more. You are allowed to prepare notes beforehand.
You will also be allowed to use a basic calculator (physical or on computer), provided that this calculator only performs one calculation at a time, and each symbol is entered manually into the calculator.
However, during the death match, you may not use any tools that involve some kind of automation (ex. spreadsheet formulas, programs, macros).
⚔️ Mystery Sign ⚔️
This game appeared in The Genius: Grand Final, as Final Match 2. However, this version has a lot of important changes from the original game; read this carefully, especially if you're familiar with the original version.
The goal of the game is to discover a secret operation and solve an equation involving it.
The game is played in rounds. There are 15 rounds.
Decide the starting player of the first round. Players alternate being the starting player of future rounds.
In each round, an equation involving a secret operation $ (dollar sign) will be revealed, such as:
12 $ 34 = ?
The operation acts on two numbers and produces a new number, similar to mathematical operations such as +, -, x, /. However, the operation is not necessarily limited to mathematics. (Formally, $ is a function taking two integers and returning an integer.)
To allow players to determine the secret operation, players will construct clues during the round.
The round is divided into 16 clues. Each clue plays out in this manner:
In each round, the player that starts the first clue is the starting player of the round; players alternate being the starting player of future clues. Normally the player that gives Y is the opponent of the player that gives X, but there are special cases; see below.
On your turn to give a number, you must give an integer between 0 and 999,999,999,999 (one trillion minus one) inclusive. In addition, if you are giving a number for Y, you may not pick a number that causes the whole clue to repeat a previous clue, or to match the target equation. For example, if there have been clues for "1 $ 2" and "4 $ 1", and the target equation is "1 $ 3 = ?", if X = 1 for this clue, you may not pick Y = 2 (repeats previous clue) or Y = 3 (forms target equation).
After the result X $ Y is revealed, players have 1 minute to think and buzz in. If you know what number replaces the ? in the target equation, you may post it during the buzz in period. Your guess must be an integer between 0 and 999,999,999,999 (one trillion minus one) inclusive; it is guaranteed you can answer correctly within this range.
If it's correct, you win the round and win a point. If it's incorrect, the buzz in period ends, and you cannot participate in the next clue. That is, the opponent gives both X and Y, and the opponent is the sole person that may buzz in during the clue. (Note that giving an incorrect answer locks you out from the next clue no matter whether your opponent is participating in the current clue or not.)
After 8 clues, a hint about the operation will be revealed; after 12 clues, another hint will be revealed. After 16 clues, if a player is locked out because of answering incorrectly on the last clue, the opponent gets one final buzz in period; after that, the round ends. (If neither player answers incorrectly in the last clue and so neither player is locked out, the round immediately ends.)
After 15 rounds, or after enough rounds have concluded that it's impossible for one player to catch up, the game ends. The player with more points wins; in case of a tie, the player that reaches their last point earlier wins. In case of a 0-0 tie, the winner is determined by coin toss.
Make your submissions and guesses in the public game room.
Information revealed in public game room: target equation, current clues and hints, round number and current score.
Information revealed in private channel: nothing.
Time controls: 1 minute to give a number, 1 minute to buzz in. I will take the first unambiguous legal submission/guess you make each time you need to submit/guess. If you fail to give a number when it's your turn to give one, you may take more time, but your opponent is also allowed to submit a number on your behalf.
Note: Because of the nature of this game, knowledge of things like English and math is strongly recommended.
Examples: To gives you some ideas of what functions are to expect, here are some examples. However, this list is not meant to be exhaustive or even fully representative; expect surprises.
Rule change: Some rounds will restrict the range of input numbers further. The above examples have been modified to reflect this.
In Mystery Sign, players compete to guess the answer to an equation that uses a secret operation.
There will be 9 rounds total. In each round, players will get to initially view a board of problems that use a mysterious sign.
Players will have one minute to buzz in if they think they know the answer to the problem at the top. If they are correct, they score 3 points. If they are incorrect, they lose 1 point.
If you buzz in during a one minute period, you may not buzz in again until the next period.
If neither player can answer, then both players will choose a number. A new example problem will be given, with both numbers used. For example, if Scott submitted "99" and Rob submitted "23432", the problem "99 ? 23432 = 32" would appear on the board.
Then both players would have up to 1 minute to buzz in, etc.
After 6 examples appear on the board, then the round is junked.
If it becomes mathematically impossible for one player to catch up in the remaining rounds, the game ends.
A random player will be first to suggest the first number in the extra hints, and then the first player to suggest will alternate throughout the mm.
The mystery operation can be anything; as long as it refers to a pattern.
Example answer is 7
pattern is add up digits in all numbers
In each round, two numbers will be posted, along with a mystery sign. Your goal is to figure out the hidden rule and use it to find the answer to the original problem.
On their turn, each player will post a positive integer that is not in the original problem in this thread. Once you and your opponent have both submitted numbers, an answer to the hint problem will be revealed using the mystery sign from the original problem.
Once the hint number has been revealed, each player will have 1 minute to guess an answer in this thread.
To guess an answer, use the format Answer: followed by your guess.
If your guess is correct, you will receive a point and the round will be over. If your guess is incorrect, you will lose a point and you won't be allowed to guess again until after the next hint.
Both players are given the equations 3 ? 7 = ?
Player 1 submits 2 for the hint. Player 2 submits 3 for the hint. It is revealed that the hint number is 5.
Player 1 submits 5 for the hint. Player 2 submits 15 for the hint. It is revealed that the hint number is 20.
After the second hint, Player 1 realizes that the mystery sign is addition, and posts Answer: 10. This is correct, so they score a point and the round is over.
Paul Atreides, since you have more garnets, you will be the starting player.
After each hint, the starting player will switch.
After each round, the player who most recently scored a point will start.
Each player will have 2 minutes to post a hint number, as well as three sixty second extensions. If a player runs out of time, their opponent will pick a hint for them.
A round will end after a player guesses the right answer. If nobody guesses the right answer after 10 hints, we will move to the next round and the hint will not be revealed.
The player with the most points after 11 rounds will win and advance to the next round, and the loser is eliminated. If there is a tie after 11 rounds, one last round will be played.
Buzzer-based (The game involves a buzzer, with the first person to buzz in being given the opportunity to answer.)
Inductive reasoning (The game involves players combining pieces of information to create hypotheses.)
Mathematics (The game tests the players' mathematical abilities.)
Mental (The game tests mental agility.)
Points-based (The game involves players earning points.)
Turn-based (The game involves players taking turns one after another.)