
In this DM, plays must aim to capture area of the opponents domain while retaining their own.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gambit

Deathmatch 10: Domain

In this DM, plays must aim to capture area of the opponents domain while retaining their own.

The Board starts with 2 Domains, each controlled entirely by 1 player.

These are represented as Blue and Red

At the start of the game, players will alternate in choosing shapes. The shapes will not be revealed until the start of the DM, there are over 20 shapes.

Here is an example shape:

At the start of the DM, the player who chooses the shape will recolour it to their colour.

Players will alternate choosing shapes until every shape has been taken. Once this is done, placement phase begins.

You may select one of your shapes, and place in on top of either domain.

Then the turn passes to your opponent.

This repeats until all shapes have been placed.

Once that is done, the player who has the higher pixel count, and therefore area, of their colour, will win the DM.

In the event of a tie, the DMO will win.

Some of the shapes have a special property.

This is the starting shape, whoever takes this, will be the first person to place a shape.

This shape contains a void zone. (yellow). You may not place a shape such that it covers a void zone.

You may not place a shape such that it touches the purple border.

For shape choosing, the turn time is 2 mins, if time runs out, you don't take a shape, and it passes to the opponent. If this happens twice, you lose the DM.

The turn time is 3 mins per move. With 10 mins reserve.

In the event that 1 player has run out of shapes on their move, the game will end there.

The DMO may choose who starts the selection of shapes.

Players will have 10 mins to look over the shapes before the selection process begins.

The game will be played out on google docs, and posting your move here will signal the end of your turn. with time deadlines announced here.

If you feel your opponent has placed a piece invalidly, you may challenge them. The timer will be paused, and if on review it was invalid, the peice will be discarded.

If it was legal, after the first time, nothing happens. After subsequent times, 1min is removed from your reserve time.

If you run out of reserve time, you lose the DM.

You may rotate the shapes, but you may not rescale them

(The above example shapes, will be included in the shape pool)

DMO will be red, EC will be Blue.

(as a note, the white area is just cp from PPT, and not part of the image. All images will be red, blue of yellow. The "Start" text is removed at game start)

For reference, this is the site I will be using to determine pixel count:

Here are a selection of the shapes in the pool:


Extra Info on Discord    (The game has extra information on Discord that has not been documented on this website.)

Strategy    (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)