In this Main Match, attempt to finish in the middle of the elevator race using your powers and bluffs.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 10 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gambit
See Also: Middle Race

Also known as: Doubting Middle Elevator Race.

This MM is a mixture of 3 MM's from the show. Doubting Yutnori, Elevator Game, and Middle Race. The aim is to reach the end of the board without finishing first or last.

Each player will start with 4 rollers, a coin, a spinner, a dice and a lotto machine.

The Coin is 2 sided, and can roll [0,1]

The Spinner is 3 sided, and can roll [1,3,5]

The Dice is 4 sided, and can roll [1,2,3,4]

The Lotto is 6 sided, and can roll [Bust,2,3,4,5,6]. Once one of these has been rolled, it is removed from the Lotto for future rolls. Once all six outcomes have been rolled, they are all replaced. If a player attempts to move with a Bust, they don't move and lose 1 garnet.

Each roll phase a player will select a roller to throw. Once a roller is used it is discarded. Once a player has had all 4 of their rollers discarded they are all returned to them.

Each Player will also start the game with 3 powers, more details below.

The map is an 8x8 grid, containing elevators that will send a player to the end of the arrow. This can either be closer or further from the end. Elevators will activate every time a player stops moving. Once the first person has finished, the directions of all elevators will be flipped.

Players will start off the board on space 0, and finish by moving off the board onto space 65. Player will be represented on the board by their letter identity in MM2.

After every 5 turns (every 5th movement), the bottom row of the board will be removed. Any player on the bottom row will take a 5 garnet penalty, and be placed on the next lowest numbered spot on the board. Any single row elevators will be disabled, and any double row elevators will shrink to a single elevator. (23->7 becomes 23->10).

Each turn consists of 2 phases, the roll phase and the bluff phase. Each turn will last 48 hours, 24 hours each phase. (Each round is 24 hours)

There may be addition actions to take depending on your powers.

Rolling Phase:

Each player selects one of their 4 rollers, and states it in their submissions. They then command the bot in their submissions who will choose the outcome of their roll at random. The first valid roll will be taken in the submissions channel will be taken.

The command to use is: <@bot> choose [list outcomes for roller].

e.g: <@bot> choose (1) (3) (5), will roll the spinner (Putting () round the numbers makes posts clearer)

Players will then be given the chance to lie about their roll to the other players. Players must claim what their dice rolled. This will be announced in Bluff phase. Players must lie exactly once in their claim every reset. (A reset is when a player has used all of their rollers). If a player fails to lie or lies too many times, they lose 3 garnets as a penalty. This is taken privately, and isn't announced publicly.

This means there are 2 actions for each turn's roll phase:

Choosing a roller, and rolling it with the bot.

Choosing a claim, to be announced next round.

If a player fails to choose a roller or fails to make a valid throw, they will throw a random roller.

If a player fails to make a claim, they will automatically claim the true value of their roll.

Bluff Phase

At the start of each round, everyone's claims will be posted. Players may decide to challenge these rolls if they believe a player is lying. Each player starts with 1 life, and gains a life if they pass the purple border during their turn. Players can have up to 3 lives at a time.

Players may spend 5 garnets for an extra life.

Each player may can call out 1 person each round by saying "I challenge [name]".

If the player challenged was lying, they suffer a penalty. If the player challenged player was telling the truth, the player(s) who made the challenge suffer the penalty. Players who suffer a penalty lose a life and don't move. If they don't have any lives, and nobody has finished, they move up 2 rows. If somebody has finished, they move down 2 rows.

This means there is 1 action for each turns bluff phase:

Challenging a player, if you think they lied about their claim.

Once the Bluff phase is over, all players will move simultaneously (unless stated otherwise by their abilities).

The players who finish first and last become the losers of the MM and are the DM players. Every other player will receive garnets according to the position they finish in, the players who finish 2nd and 9th will gain a "clear opal" each. A "clear opal" can be used to make the Opal puzzle easier, but can't count as one of the 2 needed to attempt an opal puzzle. Players may spend 8 garnets to convert a "clear opal" into a regular opal.

Starting powers:

At the start of the game, players will gain 3 powers. This will be done in 3 cycles, each lasting 24 hours. (Except first which will be usual deadline)

Players will each select 1 power from 1 of the 3 columns that they would like.

They will also submit a number of garnets to bid on that power.

I will then reveal which powers everyone selected.

If you were the only person to choose a power, you get it for free.

If more than 1 person selects a power, the player who bid more garnets will earn that power.

The other players will gain the next available power (going down) in the column.

Bid garnet by the winner are spent. In the case of a tie, the player with more total garnets will take the power, if this is also a tie, we will compare past garnet totals.

Each player can only take 1 power from each column. If a player doesn't bid on a power, or makes an invalid bid (bids on a column they already have a power from), they will receive a random power from the furthest left column they haven't taken one from (after everybody else's bids resolve). When a power has a choice, it will be made public before the game starts. If you have any questions about any of the powers and how they interact, feel free to ping me.

Power Set 1

Power Set 2

Power Set 3

Amendment: If all your rollers are removed from the game, you will be given back a standard Dice

Amendment: If 3 of your rollers are removed from the game, the requirement of lying once every reset is removed.

Amendment: In the case 2 or more players finish at the same time, the player with the higher power on the list in Set/Column 1 of powers will be considered to finish first @ORG Winner

Clarification: Once a player has finished, they can no longer challenge

Clarification: players can claim a number from 0-8 or bust. (and minus numbers for negative power, and 10 and 12 for double power)

Amendment: Players on the board can't trade garnets with those who have finished

Amendment: 5 garnet penalty for being being at the bottom of the row, can only make you lose 15 garnets total.

(already harsh enough)

Amendment: The game will end when there is 1 player left on the board


Bidding    (The game involves auction-style bidding.)

Extra Info on Discord    (The game has extra information on Discord that has not been documented on this website.)

Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Luck    (The game involves an element of luck.)

Psych    (The game tests the players' psychological & bluffing abilities.)