In this Main Match, aim to finish the race in the middle using your special power. (Original design from The Genius show)
Designer(s): Non-original Game | Match Type: MM (for 9~11 players) |
Featured in: The Genius: Black Garnet, The Genius: Code of Conduct, Shardren's Minecraft Genius: How to Play |
The fourth Main Match is…
Middle Race.
This is the Main Match used in Season 3, Episode 3, albeit with modified roles. In Middle Race, you will select roles with unique powers in an attempt to place as close to the middle as possible.
To start: There will be twelve different roles up for grabs, each with their own special power. Eleven of these will be selected by the players, and thus, one will be unused.
At the start of the game, we will hold two auctions. One will be public, while the other will be private.
The public auction will be for the 1st pick - the player who gets the ability to choose their role out of all twelve. The private auction will be for the 12th pick - the person who wins this auction will single handedly get to choose who picks last.
The person who picks 11th will then choose the person who picks 10th, who in turn will choose the person who picks 9th, and so on until everybody’s order has been determined.
From there, each player will select between the available roles in their designated order. The role chosen is permanent and will be your role throughout the entirety of Middle Race, so pick carefully.
Each player will be given four movement cards to start. These are cards labelled from 1 to 4.
When the player’s turn begins, they will state their card publicly and their piece will be moved. Additionally, any player powers will activate. After using all four of their movement cards, the player’s movement cards will reset, and they will get back all four.
Each player’s turn order will be determined by their role that’s chosen, and will stay the same throughout the entirety of the game. Additionally, these numbers designate the order in which powers activate - 1 first, then 2, etc. Abilities that target players cannot be used on the same player twice.
At the end of the game, the player who crosses the finish line 1st, and the player who crosses the finish line 11th, will be the two Death Match candidates and will go against one another. All nine others will be given a Token of Life. Additionally, players will gain garnets depending on how close they were to the middle. 4th and 8th will gain one garnet. 5th and 7th will gain two. And 6th place will gain four garnets.
Before we begin, I will explain each of the twelve roles and what they do. Keep in mind that you will receive a cheat sheet for easier access after this explanation.
1. Twice. At the start of Twice’s turn, they will choose one player to target. On said player’s next turn, they will move double of the card they played (2 becomes a 4, 3 becomes a 6, etc)
2. Reset. Whenever Reset moves backwards, they will choose one player. That player’s movement cards will be reset back to the default four.
3. Push. Push cannot be in the same space as other players. In the event that others are on the same space as Push, they will push them either one space forward or back.
4. Delete. When Delete is moved by another player, they can check any player’s cards - then delete all but one of them.
5. Attach. When moving, Attach can target one player on their space and force them to move alongside Attach for that turn.
6. Mirror. When moved by a player’s ability, Mirror will target another player. That player will move the same amount of spaces in the opposite direction.
7. Union. Union can choose to pull any player one space ahead of them onto their own space.
8. Back. On their turn, Back can choose to skip their turn and instead pick one player to move back to where they were before their last turn. Said player will not receive their used movement card back.
9. Fine. When Fine is moved by another player, they can force said player to give them one card of Fine’s choice.
10. Guard. At the start of their turn, Guard can choose one player to protect. Until Guard’s next turn, that player cannot be affected by other player’s abilities.
11. Curse. On the start of their turn, Curse will choose one card type to curse. Until their next turn, any players who use that card number will go backwards instead of forwards.
12. Swap. Swap can sacrifice their turn and one movement card to switch two player’s abilities, but not their numbers. The switch will revert on Swap’s next turn.
Your sixth Main Match is Middle Race.
In this Main Match your goal is to not finish first or last on a linear game board using abilities from roles you may have.
There are a total of 9 different roles with varying abilities to help you or hinder others.
The way the roles are decided is before the Main Match begins, a vote will be held. The person with the most votes will pick their role LAST
However, they will decide who get to pick second to last, they will then pick who goes 7th, etc.
Once the person who gets to pick first is decided, we'll go in order for everyone to pick a role.
Once everyone has their role, movement cards will be distributed.
These cards will determine how many spaces on the board you will move, denoted by the number on the card.
Once you run out of cards, they will be restocked fully back to how they were at the start.
Now to explain what each role can do. The order these are presented is also the turn order of movement.
1st is Silence.
You may silence one players ability, only allowing them to move for their action.
2nd is Tank.
You may discard a card and not move for the turn to lock your position on the board. No movement abilities can move you in any way.
3rd is Odd.
instead of the regular movement cards, you have -1, 1, 3, and 5 as your cards.
4th is No.
If someone uses a movement card, you can respond with "No" if so, they MUST use a different movement card and you must discard one of your movement cards as well.
5th is Backlash.
If someone alters your movement or moves you in any way, you must send them three spaces forward, or three spaces backwards.
6th is Stomp.
If you land on a space with other people, they will be "stompped" 1 space back.
7th is Backseat.
Rather than moving yourself, you may discard a card and move another player that many spaces.
8th is Swap.
If you land on the same space as another player, you may swap both roles, and movement cards with them.
9th is Sign.
In addition to your regular movement cards, you will have 2 plus and 2 minus cards. you will play 1 regular card along with a sign card, as well as picking another player.
Their movement card with be combined with yours using the sign card, with Sign's movement card being last in the equation. both players will be effected by the equation
The two players to finish the race in 1st and 9th will be the elimination candidates
The player who finishes in 5th will be the winner of the Main Match and Gain 4 garnets
4th place and 6th place will gain 2 garnets
Auction (The game involves an auction in which players participate.)
Bidding (The game involves auction-style bidding.)
Cards (The game involves cards of any kind.)
Line-based (The game takes place on a one-dimensional line.)
Live MM (The game is a Main Match that is specifically designed to be played in a live session.)
Piece movement (The game involves pieces moving on a board.)
Race (The game involves players or objects in a race to the finish.)
Turn-based (The game involves players taking turns one after another.)