Locked Out!

In this Main Match, decide wisely between raiding the safes for gold bars or escaping as early as possible.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 6 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gambit

In this game players must raid a vault containing 16 safes. Unfortunately everybody has been locked inside the vault, players must decide between raiding the safes or trying to escape.

At the start of the game each player will receive 8 numbered cards, 2 of each number from 1 to 4. Each safe requires 2 cards be placed in the duel lock, namely the Left and Right Lock. Each Safe has a unique combination to open. Each round players may attempt to open 2 safes, one with a partner and one on their own. For the Solo lock, you must submit for both sides of the lock, for Dual you must choose a side to submit for and who you will open it with. If your claimed partner chooses the same side as you, or doesn't submit to be your partner, you will not attempt to open the safe.

If you correctly guess the code to the safe, it will open and the cards used to open the safe are used up. If multiple people input the right code, they also use up their cards. Everybody who inputted the correct code (either solo or dual) will enter a bargaining phase. Each safe contains 2 gold bars and a key. The player(s) who input the correct code for the safe who are still in the vault will have till next deadline to debate who gets the contents the safe. Each person must then claim what they wish to take. If there is agreement and every item in the safe is claimed, each person will get what they claimed. If there is a disagreement or there are unclaimed items, the safe will lock and nobody will gain anything. If you opened the safe Solo (and nobody else inputted the right code) you will automatically take the entire safes contents immediately (no bargaining phase). If you do not submit a claim, it is assumed you claim nothing. All bargains resolve at the same time. If you attempt to open a safe as a dual pair, you will not know the number your partner used in the lock.

For example, if Player Alpha opened safe A solo, and players Beta and Gamma Opened safe A as a dual pair, all 4 cards used are used up and the bargaining happens between these 3 people.

Once a safe has been correctly opened, it will be announced publicly. If there is a bargaining phase, it will be announced who is involved in the bargaining. The combination used to open the vault is revealed when the safe closes again. (Immediately if opened alone, after bargaining phase if opened with others)

Cards are only used up if you open the safe by guessing the correct combination.

Once a safe closes after the code has been correctly guessed, it may not be opened again.

You may not use the same card on 2 different safes in a round

There are a few ways to learn information about the combination for each safe. When somebody attempt to opens a lock and fails, a light will flash. Only the people who inputted the code will see it (either dual or solo). The colour of the light will change depending on the numbers entered and how they relate to the correct combination.

You will only see the lights for the cards you submit.

There are 3 conditions, namely RBG. If the vault meets condition R, and only condition R, it will flash red. Likewise Blue for B and Green for G. If it meets more than one of these conditions, it will flash a combination of these colours. R+B=Magenta, R+G=Yellow, B+G=Cyan. If they meet R+B+G it will flash white, and if it doesn't meet any it will flash black. Luckily you know what the 3 conditions are! Unluckily you don't know which condition is which colour!

The conditions are:




In order to escape you need to gather 3 keys. As soon as you obtain 3 keys, you immediately leave the vault and may no longer participate in opening safes. If you gain a key from bargaining, this occurs before safes are opened. In other words, you may not be a Dual partner in a round where you would receive a key that causes you to escape. Cards, Keys and Gold bars may not be traded.

It is announced when a player has escaped. Players who have escaped may not talk to people still in the vault.

The game ends when either every safe has been opened or when it is no longer possible to open the remaining safes. In both cases, any bargaining will be resolved first. The winner of the MM is the player who escape with the most Gold Bars. If there is a solo winner they will gain an additional ToL, but they may only give to another player who escaped (If nobody else escaped, it is discarded). The loser of the MM are all the players who failed to escape. The players who failed to escape will vote between themselves who should be EC. If this is a tie, the winner(s) will decide. If this is also a tie, it shall be evaluated the player with the least Keys, then Gold Bars, then Cards, then Garnets, is EC. The EC must choose another person trapped in the vault if there are 3 or more people trapped, otherwise they may choose anybody without a tol. Each player who escaped then gains 1 Garnet for every 2 Gold bars they have.

Each round lasts 24 hours, (first deadline is 24 hours from now)

Opal Challenge:

Open the most amount of safes, if multiple people open the same amount, the player with more cards remaining gets the opal. If this is the tie nobody gets the opal.

Condition Examples:

Example safe combo:

If you submitted L=4, R=3. The condition Guess[Abs(L-R)]=Lock[Abs(L-R)] would be met as Abs(2-3)=1=Abs(4-3)

If you submitted L=4, R=4. The condition Guess[R]=Lock[R]+-1 would be met as 3 + 1 =4. It would also be met if you submitted L=4, R=2 as 3 - 1 =2.

If you submitted L=3, R=4. The condition Guess[L]=OR(Lock[L],Lock[R]) would be met as Guess 3 is used in the combo.

Submission Format:

Solo, Safe [Letter], Left [#] Right [#]

Dual, Safe [Letter], Left/Right [#] with [Player]

Bargain, Safe [Letter], Claim [(0,1,2) Gold bars, (0,1) Keys]


Cards    (The game involves cards of any kind.)