King's Court

In this Main Match, aim to get the majority of your team into the King's Court.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 11 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gambit

At the start of the game, players are split into 3 teams randomly and told their identity:

The King (1 Person)

Dukes (5 People)

Nobles (5 People)

At the start of the game, the king can choose 2 other players, and learn their identities. This must be done before the first person is voted in.

Each round, players will vote for 1 person to join the kings court. The player with the most votes will join the court and in the case of a tie, the king will decide which person who joins the court between the tied players (secretly). However, the king cannot choose to elect themselves in the court if he is one of the tied parties. How many votes each player receives will be announced, but voters will be kept anonymous. Player's may not vote for themselves. If a player fails to vote in the time limit, they will not cast a vote and lose a garnet

Once they have joined the court, the player will be revealed to either be the king or not.

If the person elected isn't the king, the player elected may choose the names of 2 other players and tell them to the Judge. The Judge will reveal privately if they are on the same team, or different. They cannot include themselves in this pair. Once they have received the result, players will vote for another person to join the court.

Members of the court cannot vote in future elections.

When the 2nd, 4th and 6th person has joined the court, the Judge will privately tell everyone the name of 1 person. Between these 3 names, one person will be a noble, one person will be a duke, and the third will be random. Who is in each of these lists of 3 is determined randomly as long as the condition is met. The order they appear is random.

If the person elected is the king the game will end. Everyone's roles will be revealed. If there is an equal number of Dukes and Nobles in the court, the King will win. Otherwise the team with more of their members in the court will win.

One Duke and One noble have annoyed the Judge who reveals the info. As punishment, he will claim these people are the other roles in checks.

This means [Duke + Annoyed Duke = Different teams] and [Duke + Annoyed Noble = Same Teams].

Players will not be informed if they are Annoyed at the start of the game. An Annoyed Duke/Noble, will still count as a Duke/Noble when checking the number on each team in the court at the game end. Who are the annoyed players is determined randomly. Judge results between 2 selected will be given privately at the next vote deadline

If the King is elected before 3 other people have joined the court, they will receive a MoE and the game will be replayed with roles re-randomised. They won't be the king again. They will also lose 2 garnets. They must be careful to not be discovered early. If the game ends early 4 times, the MM will end and all 4 kings will compete in the Deathmatch. All total votes reset if the game resets. In the event of a game reset, roles of the other players will not be revealed

If the King wins, they will receive 3 Tokens of Life and 1 garnet for the number of other people in the court

divided by 2. They must give 1 ToL each to a Duke and a Noble.

If the Dukes or Nobles win, they will each receive a tol and 2 garnets.

The EC is the Duke or Noble with the least total votes who didn't win the MM.

In case of a tie, the winning party will decide. First elected will get +5 to their total votes, 2nd elected gets +4 etc (For deciding EC) (Once this reaches +1, all future bonuses will be +0)

If a team cannot decide by majority vote, the player with less garnets will be EC.

In the case this is a tie, the player will play deadlock coin to determine who is EC. Garnets may not be traded in the time between the king joining the court, and the EC and DMO have been decided.

Players may spend 8 garnets to peek at the identity of another player. If they choose to peek at the king, they will receive one of Duke or Noble at random.

Players may spend 3 garnets to check if they are an annoyed role.

Opal Challenge: Be the only Duke or Noble on the winning team not in the King's Court.


Social deduction    (The game involves players trying to deduce other players' hidden roles.)

Teams    (The game involves the players being split into teams.)

Voting    (The game involves players voting as a mechanic.)