Puzzle Sum Chambers

In this Main Match, solve puzzles to make towers taller and earn garnets.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 3 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gambit

In this game players must solve puzzles to gain control of each person tower number and earn garnets. This MM is a Garnet Match, as such the winner is the player with the most garnets at the end. If there is a tie for garnets at the end, the player who started with less garnets will be ranked higher. It will be played live.


Each player has their own tower, which starts with a height of 0. Each turn the active player will choose one puzzle from the board of 50 puzzles by its number. You may only choose a number that touches a grey square. All players will then attempt to solve the puzzle presented. Each player has 1 guess , and the first post a player makes in the puzzle channel will be taken. (Careful as spelling/typos aren't considered). If all 3 players answer incorrectly or 8 minutes surpasses then the puzzle solve time will end. The first player to answer correctly will earn a garnet and become the active player. After a puzzle has been attempted it will turn grey.

The player who correctly solved the puzzle (active player) then either adds or subtracts the puzzle's number from one of the 3 towers. You may not change a towers height to be greater than 200 or less than 0. We then look at the total of the tower selected, and apply the below garnet changes to the tower owner for matching totals:

The active player then selects the next puzzle, and the process repeats. Garnets and Tower Heights are public.


There are 10 types of puzzles, 5 of each. At the start of the game, the above board will be coloured to represent the type of puzzle. In general, the puzzles closer to the centre are harder.

The types of puzzles are:

Once all puzzles have been solved and all numbers added, we look at the final towers heights. The owner of the tallest tower earns 5 garnets. The MM then ends, and the player with the most garnets wins and receives a ToL. The other 2 players will go to the DM.

Opal Challenge: Have your tower equal 200 during the MM. If 2 players do this, they each gain a clear opal. If all 3 players do this, nobody earns an opal/clear opal.

From Now until the end of the MM, you may not spend garnets on opal hints or converting clear opals.

After the MM, a list of all the puzzles will be posted in one channel will be released after the MM, with the solutions in another channel.

The time limit for choosing where to place the number, and next puzzle number is 2mins.

No Puzzle will require telling the difference between close shades of similar colours. (But clearly distinct colours will be used.)

Amendment: If 2 towers are the same height at the end, the third player gets the 5 garnets. If all are the same height, all players get 5 garnets.

Puzzles will take the form of 1 red square. As seen in the Opal Puzzles.

The winner of the last DM will make the first selection.


Garnet Match    (The game is a Garnet Match, where the winners and losers are solely decided by garnet count.)

Puzzle    (The game tests the players' abilities to solve puzzles.)