Priority Pathway

In this Death Match, play your numbered cards strategically to earn turns and moves on the board.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Master Of All Trades

In this game players must aim to capture their opponents commander, while maintaining control of the ability to move.

General Rules:

Each player will start the game with cards numbered 1 through 9.

Each turn, both players will simultaneous privately submit 1 card and 1 movement action.

Each turn lasts 1 minute.

If a player fails to submit a number, they will play their lowest number.

If a player fails to submit an action, they will lose a life and gain no effect if their number is larger than their opponents.

Players have 3 lives. If a player loses a life while at 0 lives, they lose the DM.

Once players have used all their cards, they will be given a new set of 9 cards.

Board and Pieces:

The board looks as follows:

The light coloured areas are players territories. (5 each)

The dark coloured spaces are the players bases. (1 each)

There are 3 Types of Pieces:

The circles are infantry.

The pentagon's are cavalry.

The stars are commanders.


No 2 friendly pieces may occupy the same square.

Moving into a space occupied by an opponents piece will capture it and remove it from the board.

If you capture an opponent's piece, you gain a life. You cannot have more than 3 at a time.

The red pieces will move up the board and the blue pieces will move down the board. This is indicated by the arrows.


Infantry can move to an edge adjacent space.

Cavalry can move to a corner adjacent space.

Cavalry can move to a backwards edge adjacent space at the cost of one life.

Commanders can move to either an edge or corner adjacent space.

If you have no lives, you cannot move backwards to capture your opponent's piece.

Resolving a turn:

First we reveal the cards each player submitted to determine who will move.

Moves can either happen immediately, or with a 1 turn delay.

If the move is delayed, it will happen after the immediate move is resolved in the next round. (if there is one)

The below chart & Table shows card played and outcome.

Win objectives:

There are 4 ways the game can end:

If a player runs out of lives, the DM will end with that players loss.

If a player moves any of their pieces into their opponents base, the DM will end with that player's victory.

If a player moves their commander into their opponents territory, and it survives for 1 turn, the DM will end with that player's victory.

If a player captures their opponents commander, the DM will end with that player's victory.

In the case any of these conditions are met by both players on the same turn, the player with more pieces will win. If this is also a tie, the player with more lives will win. If this is also a tie the DMO will win.

(The pieces in the movement pics should be red as they are moving up)

(blue goes down)

Amendment: If both players move to the same space using the same action, both are eliminated.

Clarification: Actions are only revealed if they are Queued or are Immediate. Actions that would not resolve are kept hidden.

Clarification: If a move becomes Invalid, I.e Captured Piece has queued move, nothing happens.

Clarification: When making a move, state the piece letter and its cardinal (UDLR).


Cards    (The game involves cards of any kind.)

Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Psych    (The game tests the players' psychological & bluffing abilities.)

Simultaneous    (The game involves players taking their turns simultaneously.)

Strategy    (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)