Smuggler's Paradox

In this Main Match, attempt to either smuggle in contraband or stop the smugglers depending on your role.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 9 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gauntlet

In this game, players must aim to complete their win objective depending on their role. There are 2 roles in this game, Agents and Crooks. There will be 3 Agents and 6 Crooks. The Crooks are trying to smuggle radioactive chemicals while Agents are trying to stop them. The Agents have IDs Alpha, Beta and Gamma. At the start of the MainMatch every player will be told their role. You will not know the role of any other player.

The Agents will try to catch the Crooks, while the Crooks will attempt to smuggle the chemical Contraband without getting caught to meet the Smuggling Limit of 10.

This game will take place over 5 rounds. Each round, players can perform 1 action. Or alternatively choose to take no action.

The following actions can be taken:

Smuggle - Performed by Agents or Crooks

Attempt to smuggle Contraband, you will know whether this was successful.

Arrest - Performed by Agents

Attempt to Arrest another Player, you will know whether this was successful.

These give the following outcomes:

• If a player attempts to Smuggle, and an Agent did not attempt to Arrest them, they successfully smuggle 1 Contraband. Every player who successfully smuggled contraband will be told the names of all the other players who successfully smuggled that round.

• If a player attempts to Smuggle, and an Agent does attempt to Arrest them, they fail to smuggle contraband and are instead sent to Jail. This happens even if they are an Agent.

• If a player attempts to Arrest a player who didn’t smuggle, that player will be told the Agents ID and 1 of the 3 Houses they were associated with in the last MainMatch (these will be distinct each time, only repeating after all 3 are revealed). Additionally, if no Successful Arrests were made in the round by any Agent and at least 1 Contraband was smuggled, 1 additional contraband is smuggled through. This is true for each time this action fails in a round.

It is announced who went to Jail each round.

Players in Jail cannot communicate with those outside of Jail. You may not perform any actions while in Jail. Communication remains limited until both the EC and DMO have been decided.

After 5 rounds, the game ends. It will be revealed the total contraband smuggled.

The winners and losers will be determined in the following manner, in order:

1) If 2 Agents are in Jail and at least 2 Crooks aren’t in Jail, the Crooks win.

In this case, all Crooks receive a ToL and 2 Garnets.

The Agent not in Jail will be the MainMatch loser and EC.

They must choose one of the other 2 Agents to take to the DeathMatch.

2) If there are more Agents than Crooks not in Jail and the Smuggle Limit of 10 wasn’t reached, the Agents win.

In this case, all Agents receive a ToL and 3 Garnets.

The Crook(s) not in Jail who Smuggled the least will be the MainMatch loser(s).

If all Crooks are in Jail, the Agents may choose any Crook to be the MainMatch loser and EC.

They must choose another Crook who is in Jail to take to the DeathMatch.

If neither of these conditions are met, the Result will be decided upon by the Crooks not in Jail.

3) If the Smuggle Limit was reached, the Crooks not in Jail must decide 2 players who they believe to be Agents.

If there are no Crooks not in Jail, this condition fails.

This decision must be unanimous, if it is not, this victory condition fails.

If correct, all Crooks receive a ToL and 1 Garnet for every contraband they smuggled.

Those 2 Agents will go to the DeathMatch, the one who smuggled more contraband will be EC.

If this is a tie, the one with less Garnets will be EC.

If this ties, check previous garnet counts till not tying.

4) If the Smuggle Limit wasn’t reached, the Crooks not in Jail must decide 3 players who they believe to be Agents.

This decision must be unanimous, if it is not, this victory condition fails.

If correct, all Crooks receive a ToL and 1 Garnet for every contraband they smuggled.

The Agent who smuggled more contraband will be EC and must choose one of the other 2 Agents to take to the DeathMatch.

If this is a tie, the one with less Garnets will be EC.

If this ties, check previous garnet counts till not tying.

Everyone’s Role is now revealed (even if 3 or 4 were met), and we move onto the next win condition if the Agent selection was Incorrect.

5) The Agent(s) that made the most Crook Arrests who didn’t Arrest an Agent earns a ToL. Must have made at least 1 Successful Arrest

The Crook(s) that smuggled the most Contraband who isn’t in Jail earns a ToL.

If they are Unique, they earn 2 ToL’s.

If this is tied between more than 3 people, no ToL’s are given to the Crooks.

Agents receive 1 Garnet for every Crook they Arrested.

Crooks receive 1 Garnet for every contraband they smuggled.

The EC is the Crook in Jail with the least smuggled contraband. If there are none in Jail, those outside of Jail are checked.

If this is a tie, the Crook that entered Jail most recently is EC.

If this is a tie, the one with less Garnets will be EC.

If this ties, check previous garnet counts till not tying.


Social deduction    (The game involves players trying to deduce other players' hidden roles.)

Teams    (The game involves the players being split into teams.)