Artistic Interpretation

In this Death Match, design a painting that satisfies all the conditions, and then deduce your opponent's.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Zero's Guardians

DeathMatch 6: Artistic Interpretation

In this game you will design a set of 25 requirements for a painting, then try to create a painting that matches the requirements your opponent set.

This is an isolated DeathMatch, communication with other players from this point is not allowed.

This game uses 5x5 Paintings where each square can be 1 of 5 colours, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple.

Every square of this painting must have a colour.

Before the DeathMatch you will have to choose 25 conditions from a list of 30. These can be found in #dm6-conditions

These conditions are numbered 1 through 30, this will be important.

Each condition will have 1 or 2 "fill in the blank" spaces where you must select a valid option.

Once you have determined your 25 conditions, you must also submit a valid painting that meets all 25 of your conditions.

The conditions you select and your "filled blanks" with will remain hidden.

Players must complete this before 1 hour ahead of the DeathMatch's start time.

In the DeathMatch itself, your will attempt to create a painting that meets all of your opponents conditions.

Each round you must submit a 5x5 painting.

Afterwards I will reveal how many conditions you met using another 5x5 grid.

The 25 selected conditions will be laid out in a 5x5 grid in order, skipping over the 5 conditions that your opponent didn't use.

For example, if you skipped using conditions: 4, 8, 15, 26, 28. You would see them ordered as follows:

However it is worth noting that which condition is which will be hidden. (no numbers visible)

Each Round, each square will light up with a ✔ if the condition was met, or ✘ if the condition was not met.

The first player to create a Painting that matches all 25 criteria from the opponent wins the DeathMatch.

In the event both players do this in the same round, then whichever player had more conditions met most recently will win.

There are however some lifelines that you can purchase to aid your evaluation.

At the end of each round you will gain 1 Coin.

You may only purchase 1 lifeline per round and you may not use the same lifeline 3 times in a row.

For 2 Coins: You may give the dealer the coordinates of a square of the painting. You are told the colour they used for that cell in their validity submission.

For 5 Coins: You may give the dealer the number of a condition. You are told if your opponent used that condition in their Painting.

For 9 Coins: You may give the dealer the number of a condition. If they used it, you are told the exact "fill in the blanks" they used.

To submit the painting designs for this game we will be using a google sheets for each player.

To submit the purchase of lifelines, this must be done in discord itself.

You must fill in each square of the 5x5 painting with the first letter of the colour you wish to place there. [RYGBP]

Players have 100 seconds to submit each round.

If players have not finished adjusting their painting with that time, I will take whatever exists at that time as the submission.

Players are not permitted to use coding or auto solvers in the creation of paintings.

Players are not permitted to use auto solvers during the DeathMatch.

Anything more than pencil and paper style notes without automation is not allowed.

As this is an Isolated DeathMatch, you may not discuss the creation of your conditions and paintings with anyone inside or outside the ORG.

If after 50 rounds neither player has correctly made a painting that matches all 25 conditions, the DeathMatch will end.

Whoever had met more conditions at any round in the DeathMatch will win.

If this is a tie, whichever player met more conditions first, will win.

Here is an example of the Board revealed every round. This features players current Coins, last submitted paintings and conditions met:

Death Match 6: Conditions

Conditions include "???" and "!!!" to represent the fill in the blanks.

After the condition will be the category and the available blanks for each option.

Condition 1:

Square ??? is not the Colour !!!

► Coordinate ??? [ABCDE,12345]

► Colour !!! [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

Condition 2:

Square ??? in the middle ring must be the Colour !!!

► Coordinate ??? [B2,C2,D2,B3,D3,B4,C4,D4]

► Colour !!! [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

Condition 3:

When a ??? Square is !!! to a ??? Square, then all squares in the line created by the 2 Squares must not be ???

► Colour ??? [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

► Adjacency !!! [Orthogonal, Diagonal]

(all ??? Must be the same value)

Condition 4:

There are at most 5 squares of the Colour ???

► Colour ??? [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

Condition 5:

There are strictly more ??? Squares than !!! Squares

► Colour ??? [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

► Colour !!! [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

Condition 6:

There are no ??? Squares to the immediate !!! of Red Squares

► Colour ??? [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

► Direction !!! [Left, Right]

Condition 7:

Row 2 doesn't contain the Colour ??? or !!!

► Colour ??? [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

► Colour !!! [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

Condition 8:

The "??? Face" outline is made up of exactly !!! Unique Colours

► Coordinate ??? [See Images: Happy, Angry]

► Number !!! [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Condition 9:

There exists a Row that doesn't contain the Colour ???

There exists a Column that doesn't contain the Colour !!!

► Colour ??? [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

► Colour !!! [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

Condition 10:

Every Row contains the Colour ???

► Colour ??? [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

Condition 11:

The least frequently occurring colour appears ??? times in the painting

► Number ??? [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

Condition 12:

There are no ??? Squares immediately !!! Yellow Squares

► Colour ??? [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

► Direction !!! [Above, Below]

Condition 13:

Columns ??? each contain the Colour !!! exactly once each

► Columns ??? [A and C, B and D, C and E]

► Colour !!! [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

Condition 14:

The corners have a distribution of colours that matches ???

► Distribution ??? [1-1-1-1, 1-1-2, 1-3, 2-2, 4]

Condition 15:

There are the same amount of ??? Squares as there are !!! Squares

► Colour ??? [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

► Colour !!! [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

Condition 16:

??? Contains exactly !!! Unique Colours

► Field ??? [Col A, Col B, Col C, Col D, Col E, Row 1, Row 2, Row 3, Row 4, Row 5]

► Number !!! [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Condition 17:

There exists a ?? Region made of the Colour !!!

► Region ??? [2x2 Square, 1x4 Rectangle]

► Colour !!! [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

Condition 18:

Diagonal to every Green Square there is always a ??? Coloured Square

► Colour ??? [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

Condition 19:

??? Contains one of each of the 5 Unique Colours

► Field ??? [Col A, Col B, Col C, Col D, Col E, Row 1, Row 2, Row 3, Row 4, Row 5]

Condition 20:

Every Column contains the Colour ???

► Colour ??? [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

Condition 21:

When the Colour ??? Is on the edge of the Painting, the squares it is !!! to are all Unique Colours

► Colour ??? [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

► Adjacency !!! [Orthogonal, Diagonal]

Condition 22:

The most frequently occurring colour appears ??? times in the painting

► Colour ??? [9, 10, 11, 12, 13]

Condition 23:

The ??? Diagonal doesn't contain the Colour !!!

► Diagonal ??? [Ascending A5 to E1, Descending A1 to E5]

► Colour !!! [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

Condition 24:

The Colour ??? Must is Orthogonal or Diagonal to a Green Square

► Colour ??? [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

Condition 25:

There are at least twice as many ??? Squares as !!! Squares

► Colour ??? [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

► Colour !!! [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

Condition 26:

The are at least ??? !!! Squares in the Painting

► Number ??? [6, 7, 8, 9]

► Colour !!! [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

Condition 27:

The Centre C3 is ??? And Orthogonal to !!! Unique Colours

► Colour ??? [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

► Number !!! [1,2,3,4]

Condition 28:

There are no ??? Squares !!! to 4 Unique Colours

► Colour ??? [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

► Adjacency !!! [Orthogonal, Diagonal]

Condition 29:

There are no ??? Squares that are Orthogonally adjacent to the Colour !!! exactly twice

► Colour ??? [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

► Colour !!! [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

Condition 30:

Whenever the Colour ??? appears in a !!!, the Colour Purple does as well

► Colour ??? [Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple]

► Field !!! [Row, Column]


Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Intel game    (The game involves collecting and exchanging initial clues to further deduce information.)

Logic    (The game involves logical deductions and puzzles.)

Mental    (The game tests mental agility.)

Miscellaneous    (The game tests a miscellaneous set of skills.)

Observation    (The game tests the players' observational skills.)

Patterns    (The game involves players finding and interacting with patterns.)

Puzzle    (The game tests the players' abilities to solve puzzles.)

Simultaneous    (The game involves players taking their turns simultaneously.)