Fair and Square

In this Main Match, assemble a team of units to fight your opponents and claim the most squares on the board.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 8 players)
Featured in: The Genius: Tempo Up

In this MainMatch, players will be split into 2 groups each round.

Players will then compete with the other players in their group.

Players will earn 0-3 points based on their performance.

The player(s) with the most points at the ends wins the MainMatch.

At the start of the game, each player will be assigned a different number from 0 to 7.

We will use the binary representation of these numbers to assign the groupings.

Round 1 will have group 0 [0,2,4,6] and group 1 [1,3,5,7] as the groups.

Round 2 will have group 0 [0,1,4,5] and group 1 [2,3,6,7] as the groups.

Round 3 will have group 0 [0,1,2,3] and group 1 [4,5,6,7] as the groups.

Each round, each group will be presented with a different board.

These boards are 7x7, and some spaces will be covered with 1’s, 2’s and 3’s which indicate the squares point value.

Each players will place 4 pieces on different spots of the board.

Players must select at least 3 different pieces.

Pieces cannot be placed on top 1’s 2’s or 3’s point squares.

Pieces cannot be placed orthogonally adjacent to 2’s and 3’s point squares.

Pieces cannot be placed diagonally adjacent to 3’s point squares.

Each piece type follows a set series of actions based on the board state.

We will resolve a 15 turn game with these pieces.

Whoever has captured more points after 15 turns wins.

To capture a square’s points one of your pieces must occupy the square uncontested for 1 turn for each point it is worth without moving.

Whenever 2 pieces are on the same square as each other, the following logic occurs above the pieces own logic:

Stage 1: Battle Detection, IF:

• There are pieces from different players

• There are pieces of different rank

• It is not the first turn

Then a battle occurs. The highest ranked piece(s) remains, the rest are removed from the board.

This resolves immediately in the board update.

Stage 2: Separation:

Each remaining piece is randomly given a different new direction.

We first check the orthogonal squares.

If there are enough non occupied spaces, we assign each piece on of Up, Down, Left, or Right at random uniquely.

If there are not enough non occupied spaces, we use the orthogonal and diagonal squares.

We assign each piece on of Up, Down, Left, Right, UR, DR, DL, UL at random uniquely.

If there are more pieces than empty spaces, pieces will double up on same team spaces.

The assigned direction takes priority and is the pieces automatic move action for the next turn.

For pieces, their movements and logic, please see: #mm6-pieces

Note however, that the pieces may be adjusted removed or added in future rounds.

At the end of each round, we count the total numbers of the squares each player has captured with the current state of the board.

Players are then ranked from most to least, and given 3,2,1,0 in that order.

Ties are broken by:

Most 3's captured > Most 2's captured > Most Pieces Remaining > Whoever had more points captured than the other last in the round.

Players receive 1 garnet if they manage to earn the 3 points at least once in the 3 rounds.

MainMatch End

At the end of the MainMatch, everyone's points are revealed.

The player(s) with the most points is declared the winner.

Tokens of Life are given out, with a Threshold of 4.

Players who receive a Token of Life, also receive 1 Garnet.

The player with the least points is declared the loser and elimination candidate.

If this is a tie, the players are ranked using the same methodology as deciding ties in a round, but applied to the whole MM.

If this is a tie still, the winner(s) decide which of the tied players becomes the elimination candidate.


If there is a tie for movement, it will resolve in alphabetical order.

Players may spend 1 garnet to change the priority of the movement options (location of the letters) of 1 of their piece types for 1 round.

If 2 pieces that will move based on the predictive moves of each other, they instead move randomly to one of their possible move options (including not moving as an option).

Every round, the game pieces change functions and are as followed:

Round 1

Round 2

Same pieces as Round 1, except the Ranger has been removed.

Additionally, the Sprinter and Dasher have been updated.

Round 3

Fortress is now Rank 4

Traveller and Marauder have different movement


Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Luck    (The game involves an element of luck.)

Points-based    (The game involves players earning points.)

Simultaneous    (The game involves players taking their turns simultaneously.)

Strategy    (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)