
In this Death Match, effectively manage your batteries to buy and use actions to reduce your opponent's core battery to 0.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gauntlet

In this game each player controls 6 batteries with 20 levels of capacity. You win the game if you can reduce your opponents Core battery to 0.

The batteries are as follows, with starting and max capacity listed:

Core 20/20

Gold 10/20

Reserve 10/20

Red 10/20

Green 10/20

Blue 10/20

The Core battery is your health. If your Core battery hits 0, you lose the FM.

The Gold battery is your money. It can be spent to buy action cards.

The Reserve battery is your back up power. It can be distributed to the RGB batteries via actions.

The RGB batteries are your action batteries. They can be spent to perform certain actions.

Turns occur simultaneously, with a 150 second submission time.

Each turn you may perform up to 3 actions.

All actions that change your resources resolve first, then all actions that affect your opponent’s resources change second. You will not be prevented from performing an action because your opponent made your resources below the required amount. (But cannot use an action if you do not have enough before interference)

All your actions resolve in order. So you can use resources you gain from one action to fuel another action in the same round.

If you were to go below 0 capacity, it stops at 0 instead.

You cannot perform the same action more than once in a turn.

If both players reach 0 Core capacity in the same round, the player who would have went further into the negative loses.

If this is a tie, whoever has more total capacity wins. If this is a tie, the player with more items for this game wins.

If a submission is incomplete, or only partly valid when timer ends, I will take all valid cards starting from first given.

Submission may be changed until timer is up

You may not sell, downgrade or upgrade an action card in the same round you use it.

(You cant use a card and change/lose it, or gain a card and change/use it, in the same turn)

Starting Action Cards:

Shop 1 Action Cards:

Shop 2 Action Cards:


Notes on action cards:

• Actions cards do not have durability and can be used every turn. (with a max of 1 use per turn)

• You may sell starting action cards. These can only be retrieved by the “Return” command.

• You cannot buy the same card if you own a copy.

• You may also not buy it in the round you destroy it.

• You may not use an action card in the same round you acquire it.

• You may not sell, downgrade or upgrade an action card in the same round you use it.

• Some action cards are upgrades. These have the same name but with “+” at the end. These will replace the original action card. If you do not have the basic version of the action card, you cannot purchase the upgraded version.

Final Match Items


Use during your submission, Name a command. On your opponents next 2 turns, they may not use the named command. The upgraded form is disabled as well. This Item cannot be used during round 1.


Start the game with 2 additional Gold Capacity

Green Success:

Start the game with 5 additional Green Capacity

Penzo has used their assistance Item

Jkitty may choose the first item, Penzo receives the remaining 2 items.


Psych    (The game tests the players' psychological & bluffing abilities.)

Simultaneous    (The game involves players taking their turns simultaneously.)

Strategy    (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)