Hap Hunt

In this Main Match, collect the most "Haps" on a board by using your unique powers.

Designer(s): RedsToad, Zero Match Type: MM (for 6 players)
Featured in: Master Of All Trades

Mainmatch 8: Hap Hunt

The goal is to get the most points by making as many haps as possible over 20 rounds.


The goal of the game is to collect Haps.

Hap is a combination of 3 cards, where each of the 3 different parameters is the same on all 3 Hap cards, or different on all 3.

The three parameters are Shape, Color and Background color.

Shapes are Triangle, Square and Circle

Colors are Red, Blue and Green

Background colors are Black, Grey and While.

If at the start of a round any of the 3 cards you collect result in a Hap, they are removed automatically from your inventory and you score a point. [1]

Hap cards are not removed at any other time.

Hap cards may be traded, but the recipient will not receive the card until the beginning of next round.

Gifts will be processed as usual and the recipient of the gift will be notified about the gift immediately and will learn about the card that was sent as soon as the gift is accepted, but they will not receive the card until the beginning of the next round.

---Board Movement---

The game is played on a 6 by 6 board for a total of 36 spaces. 9 of the spaces are special spaces, and their placement is predetermined. The other 27 spaces each have a unique Hap Card.

When a player lands on a Hap Card square, they collect that card, leaving an empty space behind. If other players land on that space in future turns, nothing happens. If multiple players land on the same Hap Card space in the same round, neither player gets the card and it stays on the board.

Every 6 rounds the board will be reset. A copy of every collected card will be put in an empty spot, so the board will be filled with cards again, but in different places. Cards that were not collected and special spaces will not change positions.

Before the game all players will select a space with a Hap Card. They will start the game on that space. The card underneath them will not be immediately collected.

At the start of the game all players will be given a set of 3 Movement Cards, one with each of {1, 2, 3}. Additionally, each player will receive one 2-sided Cardinal Card.

Cardinal Cards allow you to select your direction of movement. A side of a cardinal card has 2 directions, and in your submission you may choose either one of those directions to move. For example, if you card is North-East, then you can select to move either North, or East.

After the round is over, the card will be flipped to the other side. That side will have the 2 directions that were unavailable in the first round. For example, a South-West card will become a North-East card. Next round the card will be flipped back to South-West side and then back to North-East and so on.

This allows for 6 possible different cardinal cards. Every player will receive a unique one at the start of the game.

Cardinal cards can be traded. Holding multiple cards allows you to move in any direction that shows on at least 1 card.

Holding no cardinal cards means that you cannot move.

Move Cards allow you to select how far you will move. In your submission you need to select one of the move cards to use in the round. The card is discarded, and you move the number of spaces equal to the number on the card.

At the start of a round, if you hold no move cards, your hand is replenished back to 3 cards.

Move cards can be traded. Holding no move cards means that you can not move.

Your submission has to include both a valid cardinal direction and a valid move card. Not submitting, or making an illegal submission will result in a 0.5 point penalty and no movement. The space you are on will not be activated again, so you will not be able to use a special space twice or collect 2 cards by not submitting.

---Player Powers---

Each player will possess 2 player powers, which will help them get the most points.

The powers are drafted before the game. After the 24 hour pregame, each player chooses 2 powers that they wish to take. If they are the only player to choose that power they receive it. If there are multiple players choosing the same power, neither player gets it and those players will be unable to choose the same power in the next round of drafting.

After the round of drafting ends, all players will be notified if they got their power and the list of selected powers will be revealed.

All players who haven’t drafted 2 powers will be prompted to select 1 power that they haven’t selected in the previous round. [2]

Note that you will be able to select only 1 power even if both of your claims failed and you still need to select 2 powers.

If a player doesn’t submit a power choice, it will be randomised.

Powers may be traded between players. If a player holds more than 2 powers they becomes overpowered, which means they start to lose control over their submissions.

A player holding 3 powers will get their direction randomised.

A player holding 4 powers will have their move randomised.

A player with at least 5 powers cannot move.

For randomisation of movement, all possible of Cardinal card + Move card are compiled and a random one is selected. This means that if you hold move cards {1, 2, 3, 3}, then you have a 50% chance to move 3.

---Challenge Tome---

Reward: If you select the same power as somebody else, you get that power. If you land on the same space with a Hap Card as an opponent, you receive the card.

If multiple players with challenge tome are clashing for the same space or power, then it is neither player gets that hap card / power.

Challenge: Visit special space 9. Do not visit other special spaces. Do not trade the tome before the game begins.

Penalty: Get a MoE. You may not score points from powers giving points at the end of the match.

---Tradable Items---

  • Hap Cards. Recipient will be notified immediately, but will receive the card at the start of next round.
  • Move Cards.
  • Cardinal Cards.
  • Player Powers.

---Edge Cases---

[1] If a card in your inventory is a part of multiple haps, the maximum possible number of haps will be removed, chosen randomly.

[2] If there are players without 2 powers after 5 rounds of drafting, they will receive a random power still in the pool.

---Game Updates---

It is recommended that you get familiar with powers before proceeding with this section.

Game start:

  1. 24 hour pregame
  2. All players select their powers.
  3. Reselect powers if needed.
  4. The board is revealed.
  5. 24 hours to select the starting position on the board. During these 24 hours the holder of Bonus Power 3 also selects a hap card.
  6. Board with players is revealed. Round 1 begins.

Round updates:

  1. Any powers that activate at the end of the round trigger.
  2. Round ends. All submissions are recorded.
  3. Card Powers are triggered.
  4. Special spaces 1 and 2 are triggered.
  5. All players move on the board simultaneously and activate the space they land on.
  6. Hap trades are resolved.
  7. Groups of 3 cards that make a Hap are formed. (a card can only be in 1 group)
  8. Every Hap Group is scored.
  9. Cards in Hap Group are discarded
  10. Move cards are reset.
  11. All other space powers are resolved.
  12. All other powers are resolved.
  13. Host posts the round update in the updates channel.
  14. Host informs players of their current inventory and scores.

Game End:

  1. Powers that give points at the end of the game trigger.
  2. Challenge tomes and Special Space 8 are checked.
  3. Scores are calculated.
  4. All scores are revealed.
  5. Player(s) with most points receive one ToL.
  6. Bonus power 2 is checked.
  7. Player(s) with least points receive a ToD.

As you can notice in step 5 of game end, a solo winner receives only 1 Token of Life

  • Amendment: Score cannot be negative. If players score is supposed to drop below zero, it is set to 0
  • Amendment: You will learn your score every round.
  • Amendment: Being overpowered will never result in an illegal move, if possible.
  • Rule Change related to edge case 1:

If you have a number of cards resulting in multiple Haps then first it is checked how many Haps you can make (a card can still be in only 1 hap) , then those Haps are scored, then the cards for those Haps discarded.

This goes as 3 different steps in round update.

Because it is a rule change, you may request a 12 hour extension

In case of an extension, the redraft phase will take 36 hours

Clarification: Special spaces that require and action are done in the round, following the one you placed on it

Amendment: You can share images of your Hap Cards

Rule change:

  • Not submitting will result in a 0,5 point penalty and a random move. You will collect cards.
  • Not being able to move will result in a penalty and no move. You will not collect cards.
  • Being overpowered with 3 or 4 powers will result in no penalty and a random move. You will collect cards.

This is how the game was processed from the beginning, but this is not what the rules state, specifically the not submitting part.

---Player and Space powers---

There are 5 different power categories, and each category has 5 powers. You may not choose 2 powers from the same category.

If a power has an active effect, it will have [A] mark before the power. You may indicate that you want to use that power in a round. Powers without the mark are passive and are checked every round.

Card Powers:

  1. [A] Change the shape of any card you have to a square. Only one changed card can be a part of a hap.
  2. [A] Transform a card into any other card of your choice. This power may only be used 3 times.
  3. [A] Transform any number of cards to different, randomly chosen cards. Using this power will never result in a Hap.
  4. When you discard a 3 Move Card, receive a random Hap card.
  5. When you make a Hap, you only discard 2 of the 3 cards making a Hap, chosen randomly.

Movement Powers:

  1. All 1 Move Cards you hold are instantly discarded.
  2. Holding at least 6 Hap Cards allows you to move in any cardinal direction any number of spaces. This power allows to move even if you have no move cards / cardinal cards.
  3. [A] If you made a Hap at the beginning of this round, you may select a Movement Card to receive at the end of this round.
  4. You may move diagonally if a Cardinal Card you hold allows to move in 2 orthogonal components of the diagonal. (North-East CC allows to move northeast)
  5. You may use any number of move cards and move the number of spaces equal to the sum of used cards.

Bonus Powers:

  1. At the end of the game score 3 points.
  2. Winning with this power rewards an additional Token of Life. This power loses its effect if traded in the last 6 rounds.
  3. [A] At the start of the game choose a Hap Card. If you made a Hap at the beginning of this round using the chosen card, you may select a Movement Card or Hap Card to receive at the end of this round.
  4. You may hold up to 4 powers without being overpowered
  5. This power allows you to move from the one edge of the map, appearing on the opposite edge.

Restriction Powers:

  1. Holding this power disallows gifting. For every 4 rounds you hold this power gain a point
  2. You may not use {1} Move Cards. Every hap is worth 1.2 points.
  3. Holding this power makes making submissions that land you on special spaces illegal. You may choose not to discard move cards.
  4. If you choose to move east in your submission, lose 2 points. If you choose to move west, gain 0.5 points.
  5. Every 6th round, landing on a Hap card will not collect the card. Every time you land on a special square gain 0.4 points

Interaction Powers:

  1. When landing on the same space as the opponent you get to steal 2 random cards.
  2. [A] At a cost of 0.5 points, you may disable the effect of any active power for 3 rounds, or any passive power for 1 round, starting from the following round.
  3. At the end of the game receive 1 point for every player that is on the same row or column as you.
  4. (Move Twin) Every time Hap Twin makes a Hap, receive a random Move Card from 1 to 4
  5. (Hap Twin) Every time Move Twin makes a Hap, receive a random Hap Card that you don’t have.

Special Spaces:

  1. Before moving on the next turn teleport to special space 2
  2. Before moving on the next turn teleport to special space 1
  3. Score 1 point per every 5 cards you have. Discard all cards.
  4. Receive 2 random Hap cards
  5. Receive a random Move Card between 1 and 3
  6. [A] You lose 1 point. Next round, the player of your choice loses 2 points.
  7. [A] You may choose any unchosen power.
  8. If you are the player who visited this space the most times by the end of the game, receive 4 points.
  9. Visiting this space is required to fulfill the Challenge Tome challenge


Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Hap-like    (The game takes elements from the Gyul! Hap! game from The Genius TV show (also known as Set).)

Observation    (The game tests the players' observational skills.)