Paint You a Picture

In this Main Match, work with your team to paint your color across the most pixels.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 12 players)
Featured in: The Genius: Tempo Up
Awards: Best Team MM 2022

In this game, players will work together in teams of 4 with the goal of painting a canvas with their team's colour.

There will be 3 teams: Red, Blue and Yellow.

Each team will have it's members selected randomly.

Each round each player may select a segment of the canvas by its number. They are voting for this section to be coloured their team's colour.

Failing to submit will result in no segment being selected, additionally, you will lose 1 Garnet. (if you have one)

At the end of each round, we will look at each section and compare the number of players who select it.

Each segment will be painted the colour of the teams who selected it if the following criteria are met:

• The segment is white (not already painted)

• There is a vote majority for a team who have selected to paint the section (Note if there is a tie for majority votes, the section will not be coloured)

• The segment is not touching another segment that is the majority teams colour

Segments will be coloured in order from largest to smallest area

**If there is a tie, which ever segment is reached via looking at the pixels in "reading" order will resolve first **

(aka, R1C1 -> R1C67 -> R2C1 -> R2C67 .... )

The newly coloured canvas is revealed at the end of each round.

During Round 1, the players will have the opportunity to vote for a captain of their team.

Each player may vote for a player on their team. You may vote for yourself. You may also pass your vote.

The player with the most votes becomes captain.

If this is a tie and no player has the majority of the votes, no player becomes captain for that team.

Captains are revealed to teams individually. You will not be told the results for the other 2 teams.

Results will be of the form of total votes for different players, but only the captain identity will be revealed.

(aka 2-1-1, reveal who got 2 votes, but not who got 1 vote)

During round 2, every player who isn't a captain may spend 1 garnet to learn who everyone else on their team voted for.

Results will be given at the start of round 3 privately.

Having a captain on your team comes with an advantage.

During rounds 2 and 3, each captain may either:

• Make their vote for a segment count as 3 votes for that segment

• Give 1 vote to 2 different segments

(If you do not specify 2 segments, your vote will automatically count for 3)

However, being a captain can come with advantages and disadvantages, as you will see....

At the end of the game, after 3 rounds, we will use the final canvas to determine the winners and losers:

Firstly we check for which team has lost the MainMatch:

The team with the least segments coloured their teams colour will lose the MainMatch.

If this is a tie, the team will less pixels of the canvas coloured their team's colour will lose the MainMatch.

If this is still a tie, we will look at the position at the end of round 2, (then again for round 1, then winners team choice)

Secondly we check for which team(s) have won the MainMatch:

The team that has the most segments of the canvas coloured with their team's colour will win the MainMatch

If this is a tie, no teams win from this condition

The team that has the most pixels of the canvas coloured with their team's colour will win the MainMatch

If this is a tie, no teams win from this condition

If the team with the most pixels of the canvas with their team's colour is the losing team of the MainMatch, this condition is ignored.

If 2 teams are considered winners, all team members will earn 1 Garnet and a Token of Life. Captains will earn an additional garnet.

If only 1 team is considered the winner, all team members will earn 2 Garnets and a Token of Life. The Captain will earn an additional 2 garnets.

In this case the captain will also be given 1 Token of Life to give away to a non-captain player of the other team that didn't lose the MainMatch.

If the losing team had a captain, the captain becomes the Elimination Candidate.

If the losing team didn't have a captain, the player from that team that coloured the least segments with their teams colour will becomes the Elimination Candidate.

If this is a tie, the captains of the winning team(s) will choose between the tied parties.

Each team will be given a channel with all team members for the duration of the episode.


Teams    (The game involves the players being split into teams.)