Designer(s): Zero | Match Type: DM (for 2 players) |
Featured in: Community Hosted Genius Game 3 |
Final Match 3: The Stacking Maze
In this Final Match, players will attempt to extract 3 Keys from a maze.
This game is played on a 7 by 7 grid. Below you can see the starting board and the 11 different shaped pieces.
Potato is represented by ⨀ starting at the top and Gemini is represented by ♊︎.
Pieces Description and Placing Rules:
Pieces have 5 different levels:
Level 1 Blue pieces can be placed on empty spaces.
Level 2 Green pieces can be placed on empty spaces and Level 1 Pieces.
Level 3 Yellow pieces can be placed on Level 1 Pieces and Level 2 Pieces.
Level 4 Orange pieces can be placed on Level 2 Pieces and Level 3 Pieces.
Level 5 Red pieces can be placed on Level 3 Pieces and Level 4 Pieces.
In other words, pieces can be placed on a piece whose level is 1 or 2 lower.
There are some additional restrictions for placing pieces:
• You may only place pieces on spaces that have orthogonally adjacent pieces to your icon.
For example, if your Icon was on D4, you can place on [C3,D3,E3,B4,F4,C5,D5,E5]
• When placing a piece it must connect to at least 1 other piece on the board.
• When placing a piece its path must not connect to the edge of the board.
• You cannot place a piece on top of an space occupied by a player.
Key Extraction
At the start of the game, both players will secretly hide 3 Keys in the grid by providing their coordinates.
There are some conditions for placing them:
• The three Keys must be in different rows or columns
• Two Keys may not be placed within any possible 3x3 Area.
• The three Keys may not be in the same half of the board.
These are the 4 rows or columns from the centre. [1,2,3,4],[4,5,6,7],[A,B,C,D],[D,E,F,G]
During the game you will need to find the Keys your opponent hid, land on those pieces, and then take them to the centre at D4.
The keys reveal themselves if you land on the same piece, or land on an orthogonally adjacent piece at the end of your turn.
You may only carry 1 key at a time. After a key is delivers to the centre both players income increases by 1.
The first player to do this wins the Final Match and CHGG3.
Income and the Shop
Players will alternate turns, the starting player is chosen by whoever lost FM2.
Players will collect coins at the start of each turn known as income. You will spend coins to perform every action in this game.
Both players start the game with 3 Income per turn.
This increases by 1 for both players when either player collects a key and returns it to the centre.
The maximum amount of coins each player can hold is equal to their income multiplied by 10.
You may spend these coins in the shop to purchase the pieces outlined earlier, movement cards or special abilities.
All items cost an integer number of coins from 0 to 20.
You may purchase up to 3 items per turn. In general, the higher level a piece is, the more expensive it is.
You must purchase at least 1 item from the shop once every 2 rounds.
The shop will restock with items between each players turn.
Each player starts with 1 item slot which is used to store items bought in the store. This can be increased to a maximum of 3 item slots per player.
When you purchase a piece or ability you must either use it immediately or place it into one of your item slots to use on a future turn.
The longer an item remains in the shop, its cost to purchase it will slowly decrease.
There is a 10% chance each round that an items cost will decrease by 1.
Items cannot cost less than 1, unless their starting cost is 0.
Players have 90 seconds to perform all actions in your turn.
Players also have 3 safety nets that give you 1 extra minute to submit if you do not submit in time.
Some example Items and the shop layout will be revealed shortly.
Here is an example of the round posting and the shop:
(please note, you cannot change a piece so that it connects with the border of the board)
Final Match Items
Devolve: You may use this item to turn any piece into a level 1 version. This cannot be used on an occupied space, the centre space D4, or either of the two starting spaces.
Reserve: You may choose to reserve 1 item in the shop. Your opponent may not purchase it on their next 5 turns. It becomes 1 cheaper, but not less than 1. You cannot reserve more than 1 item per category at a time.
Inheritance: You may use this item during your turn. At the start of your next turn you will gain double your current income on top of your normal income [Limit 1]