When Stars Align

In this Main Match, aim to create constellations by bidding for control of stars.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 7 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gauntlet

There are 26 stars labelled A to Z. Each star has 2 properties: Size and Reach.

There are 5 different sizes of stars, from 1 to 5. The size determines how many players can have control of that star.

Size = number of people who can Own the star. The Reach determines which stars can connect to each other.

It will be listed which Stars they can connect to. If a player owns 2 stars that are in range of each other they will form a connection.

These will build up to form your constellation. Each Star size will have its own channel.

To determine which stars each player controls, players will participate in auctions. These auctions will take place in the respective channels for the stars.

Each player starts with 120 sparks. These are the currency of the game to bid for control of stars.

Players place a bids in their confessional each round. They must abide by the following rules:

• Your bids may not total more than 20 sparks per round.

• Your bids must total at least 10 sparks per round. If that total isn’t reached, sparks are discarded till 10 are used.

• You may place bids for up to 5 different stars per round.

• You may place bids of up to 5 sparks per star per round.

• You may increase previous bids with further sparks up to 5 per round.

• Once a bid has been placed it cannot be retraced.

At the end of each round, everyone’s remaining sparks and bets will be revealed.

Once 3 players have less than 15 sparks, there will be one more round and the game will then end.

Garnet Actions

In rounds 3 6 and 9, players may spend 3 Garnets to Gain 10 Sparks. These sparks cannot be used in the round they are purchased. It is announced which players buy sparks.


At the end of the game, it decided who has ownership of each star.

Each player owns a star if they have the most sparks bet on it.

Stars are given out in decreasing order.

If there is a tie for the ownership and there aren’t enough slots, those with the lowest amount that tied do not gain ownership.

Example for a Star of Size 3:

Alpha bets 5 – Gets Ownership

Bravo bets 4 – Gets Ownership

Charlie bets 3 – Doesn’t Get Ownership

Delta bets 3 – Doesn’t Get Ownership

Echo bets 2 – Doesn’t Get Ownership

After players have are assigned their owned stars, those in reach are connected to form your constellation(s).

ToL’s are given out to players who meet at least one of the following conditions. These are as follows:

• The most stars connected in a single constellation.

• The longest minimum path between 2 stars in a constellation.

• The greatest direct distance between 2 connected stars in a constellation. (based on length in image)

• The largest total star size enclosed by a single circular connected star chain.

In the event of a tie for a condition, no ToL is awarded, and neither player is considered a winner. After ToL’s have been given out, the player with the least connections who didn’t get a ToL is the Elimination candidate. If this a tie, this is decided by the ToL holders.

Players earn 1 Garnet for every 5 Sparks they have at the end of the MainMatch.

Players earn 3 Garnets for Every ToL condition they scored highest in.

Star Map:

Star Map with Connections:

Example Constellation:

Here 18 stars are connected together

A-G is a 10 long path, the longest minimum path

A to V is 23.75 cm, direct path

P and Q are enclosed by a circle of stars, so total size is 2+4=6

Total Connections = 22

If you wish to check direct path distance, paste image in PPT, draw a line between the circle centres, then use Pythagoras on the dimensions of that line.


Auction    (The game involves an auction in which players participate.)

Bidding    (The game involves auction-style bidding.)