Unbroken Link

In this Main Match, buy equipment from guests to survive rounds of enemies.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 4 players)
Featured in: Master Of All Trades

This game will be played with 8 guests. 4 eliminated players, and 4 spectators. The aim of this game is different for player and guests. The Players must buy equipment from the guests to survive against enemies. The Guests will attempt to maximize a profit between buying stocks from the hosts, and selling equipment to the guests. Players & Guests start the game with 100 Rupees.

Each round consists of Phases:

The game will last for 16 rounds.

Details on Equipment

There are 7 types of Equipment:


Pole Arms

Great Swords

Bows (requires arrows)


Magic Rods


The stats of each Equipment are:

Attack (Excluding Shields)


Defence (Exclusive to Shields)

Elemental Effect


Each of these have different properties and can be have varying effectiveness depending on the certain type of enemy. Players must buy these Equipment from the guests to make sure you don’t run out of equipment. For damage calculation, if the value is ever a decimal, it is truncated. (Floor Function)


Each player will start with infinite bombs, but these are ineffective in taking out enemies. If you run out of Equipment, you will be forced to use bombs until it is destroyed. Bombs deal 1 damage to 1 enemy regardless of enemy's Armour.


Swords are the most basic weapon, and don't have any special abilities. They are considered to be a melee weapon.

Pole Arms are similar to swords and are considered a melee weapon. They can attack an enemy that has a range of 1.

Great swords tend to do more damage than Swords or Pole Arms. If you use a great sword, the next time you take an attack, damage will not be reduced due to a shield (the shield will not lose durability). Once this happens you will block the next attack as long as you don't use a great sword in-between.

Bows require an arrow to be used in an attack. Each arrow has 1 use, and is used per attack. Bows are considered a weapon that can attack at range. If a Bow has a quantity number, that is how many arrows you get with the bow when buying.

Boomerangs tend to have a lower damage, but they will damage up to 3 enemies per attack. If there are more than 3, you will need to state which 3 are attacked. Boomerangs are considered a weapon that can attack at range.

Magic Rods are elemental weapons. These can damage up to 3 enemies per attack. If there are more than 3, you will need to state which 3 are attacked. Magic Rods are considered a weapon that can attack at range.

Shields will cause you to ignore damage equal to is Defence whenever you are attacked, but this will consume 1 durability. They can also be used to deflect attacks from certain enemies, dealing the damage back at the target. Doing this destroys the shield, regardless of its durability. The shield must have at least 3 durability to be able to perform this action. You will automatically use your highest defence shield first (if tied, highest durability).


Some equipment can have an elemental property. Magic rods will always have a magic property. The 3 types of elemental property are fire, ice and shock. These elemental effects can increase the damage a weapon can do against enemies that have that elemental weakness. The damage can also be decreased if they have an elemental resistance.

Take note: Every piece of equipment will only show up once throughout the game. All equipment are taken from BOTW.


Details on enemies:

The enemies will be a selection that appear in BOTW. The enemy options will not repeat*. Each enemy has a series of stats:

Enemy Stats:











The Health is the amount of damage required to defeat the enemy.

The Armour is how much damage is removed from every attack you do.

The Speed is how many actions you may take before the enemy attacks. Once they attack the counter resets.

The Damage is how many points of health the enemy attacks you for when its speed counter reaches 0.

The Weakness is a multiplier more than 1 applied to the damage you deal if it is a certain type of Equipment.

The Resistance is a multiplier less than 1 applied to the damage you deal if it is a certain type of Equipment.

The Quantity is how many enemies you must face. Speed counters tick down for every enemy alive.

The Range is how many actions occur before you can attack with a melee weapon. If negative, it is the number of turns before their attack counter starts counting down.

The Rupees is the amount of Rupees you will earn for defeating this enemy.

The Effect is something that can effect how the battle plays out.


Below is a summary of the events/actions players and guests will need to submit for

Event Phase 1: [Guest] Auction House

The guests will be presented with 8 Equipment. The guests must then provide a bid, and a preferred order of purchasing the 8 Equipment. The player who bid the highest will pay the price of the 2nd highest bid for the top Equipment on their list. The player who bid the second highest will pay the price of the 3rd highest bidder for the top Equipment on their list that was not already taken. This will repeat till every player has an Equipment. The lowest bidder will get their Equipment for the price that the 4th highest bidder paid. In the case of a tie bid, the player who is higher on the priority list will be placed higher. That player is then moved to the bottom of the priority list. The order of the priority list at the start of the game was determined by the time's the players scored in answering 3 questions about BOTW. The 8 Equipment will be presented to the players in the following round. The priority list will be revealed to the guests each round. The Equipment up for auction will only be seen by the guests.


On odd rounds after round 1, they will also be presented with 8 enemies. In a similar fashion, guests will provide a bid, and a preferred order of purchasing the 8 enemies. This will be resolved in the same way, after the Equipment has been processed for the round. The players will face these enemies on the next 2 rounds. The immediate next round, the 4 lowest bid enemies will be presented to the layers in the enemy auction. In the following round, the 4 higher bid enemies will be presented. Guests will earn rupees equal to the amount of damage that their bid enemy did to the player, plus half of the rupee value for the enemy.


Guests will know the Equipment and Enemy they won in the auction, their ranking in the auction, and the price they paid.

Event Phase 2: [Player] Auction for Guest Equipment

Now it is the players turn to take part in an auction. The players will be presented with the 8 equipment. Players will not know which guest is selling which Equipment.

Each player may bid any amount for any number of the 8 Equipment up for sale from the guests. The total you bid across all Equipment cannot be more than your current total rupees. What each player bids will be held secret. The top 2 bids will be revealed to the guests for each Equipment. If you are not one of the top 2 bids, you cannot get the equipment.


Each player will also bid for which enemy they wish to face starting round 4. Each player will place a bid and an order of enemies they would desire to face. Each player will face a different enemy, and it will be resolved in the same fashion with the priority list. Players pay their bid regardless of their placement.


In the case of a tie bid, the player who is higher on the priority list will be placed higher. That player is then moved to the bottom of the priority list. The order of the priority list at the start of the game was determined by the time's the players scored in answering 3 questions about BOTW. The bids for the 8 Equipment will be presented to the Guests in the following round. The priority list will be revealed to the players each round.

Event Phase 3: [Guest] Receive Auction Bids

All the players will be given anonymous identities that will change each round. The total number of bids from each Identity will be revealed each round. Each Guest will also know the anonymous identities of the top 2 bids for their own Equipment. The anonymous identities the players receive shall be told to them, in the subsequent round.


Each guest may choose which of the top 2 bids they wish to accept. They will receive the rupees bid from the player they accepted, and that player will receive the Equipment. If the bids made by the players are less than half the cost you paid for the Equipment, you may decide to sell it back to the host in exchange for half the bid you paid.

Event Phase 4: [Player] Battling an Enemy

Players must submit in their confessional an order of actions to defeat the enemies. This must include Equipment order and the order of enemies attacked if there is more than one. If an Equipment order is not given, weapons will be used at random. Melee weapons will not be thrown till last durability and Bow's will fire all normal arrows before elemental. If an enemy order is not given, they will resolve one after the other. If a player runs of out of Equipment, they will use their bombs as mentioned previously. The bombs deal 1 damage regardless of the enemies armour.


Upon defeating the enemy, you will receive its rupee value. The Guest who bought the enemy will receive rupees equal to half its value plus 1 rupee for every damage you took.


The players and guests may communicate, but must follow these rules:

@ Players may not say how much they bid for an Equipment, at any point. (you may say for an enemy) Guests must report any instances of breaking this rule. There will likely be a rupee penalty. This includes giving a range of numbers. You may only use words to describe whether you would pay a "all in","high", "medium", "low", "no bet".

@Guests & Players may not share images given to them privately.

@Guests will also have a private chat the players can't see. They may also request/set up chat rooms with other guests.


Guests will not be involved in trading. Rupees and enemies are not gift-able or trade-able. Players may also not gift Equipment to each other. Players may trade Equipment with each other, if they are one for one. Once the 3 trade limit is reached, they may no longer trade Equipment unless a trade pass is used. Trade passes & Magnifying Glasses will have limited use in the final MM, so think carefully about using them here.


End of the Game

The winning player is the one who took the least damage at the end of the game. In the event of a tie, the player with more rupees will win.

The winning guest is the one with the most rupees at the game end.



(Just shout at me with questions now)

Amendment: The top 2 bidders count will be revealed only. So if the bidders for 1 equipment are 1,2,3. Only the 2 and 3 will be included in the count.

Clarification: Within the equipment, calculation is done from lowest to highest number with respect to the priority list. This only happens in the case the 3 or 4 tie for the top 2.

Amendment: The anonymous identity will be told to the players the immediate round after they were used.

clarification: If only 1 person or nobody bids for an Item, ties on zero will not be broken by priority list.

So the guest will be told either 1 or no identity bid for their item

Amendment: Guests may not reveal the top 2 prices for the equipment to players. They may reveal the Identities.

You may only give the prices in fixed ranges. 1-20, 21-40,41-60 etc. (Cannot adjust these ranges)


For future lists please submit like:

  1. Item A
  2. Item B
  3. Item C





New rules:

The fixed ranges now also apply to what players can tell guests about their bid for items

1-20, 21-40,41-60 etc


Please post preferred lists in this format:

(can either have name or item#)

Clarification on information

Guests can say to players:

The table in #mm10-g-top-2-bids

The names of their top 2 placers and the values in the 20 long ranges specified (NOT EXACT BIDS). Can use non specific verbal language (low medium high)

What item & enemy they bought

What they paid for that item or enemy

Their Rank & Rupee Count

The upcoming enemy stats and item stats

Players can say to Guests:

Whether they are interested in an Item or Enemy, and give a 20 long range

They're Rupee count, both in processing and Bid-able

Their Inventory

Who they think is each identity

Players can't say to guests, but can say to other players:

What they or another player bid for an item. This includes ranges other than the 20 long ranges

What they would bid for an imaginary Item

Whether a Guest should choose Bidder A or Bidder B

Which Identity they want to be chosen to get the item

Guests can't say to players, but can say to other guests:

The value of their top 2 bids, or another Guests top 2 bids

Which Identity they plan to choose


If there is anything else I have told you and I've forgotten, pingme and Ill add it


Hopefully a comprehensive list

Big Amendment

Dropping all limited communication rules above

Just don't share host images

also dropping identities, same will be revealed but with actual names

Missing info:

You may throw melee weapons (swords, great swords, polearms) to attack an enemy at range. (And at range 0) Doing so deals double the weapons damage, and destroys it regardless of durability.


The max rupees a guest can get from an enemy is the full price of the enemy, in the case where the players takes damage greater than half the rupee amount.


Auction    (The game involves an auction in which players participate.)

Bidding    (The game involves auction-style bidding.)

Guest    (The game involves guests that can influence the outcome of the match.)

RPG    (The game takes elements from role-playing games, such as having stats and skills.)