Cards on the Table

In this Main Match, score points through a variety of methods, all focusing on a 5x5 board of cards with unique designs.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 10 players)
Featured in: The Genius: Tempo Up

In this game, players will attempt to score points via varies different methods.

Each round will have a different 5x5 board of cards.

Each card will have 3 things on it:

  • A number, either 1 or 2 or 3.
  • A colour, either Red or Blue or Yellow.
  • A heat indicator, 4 triangles in a square coloured white or grey or black.

The number represents how many points the card is worth.

The colour represents possible bonus points.

The heat indicator will give information about the surrounding cards.

Here are some example cards:

Each round players will select 2 cards to turn over.

This will be done at any point during the 24 hour round with help from a bot.

You will instantly receive the knowledge of the card you selected.

To submit to turn a card over, simply type >R?C? in your submissions channel where ? are numbers from 1 to 5.

Please note doing this is a submission and can't be undone.

You will receive a penalty of -2 points if you do this command 3 times in a single round, with an additional -1 point for every further card turned over.

There will be period between rounds where I will reset the bot, do not post any commands during this time.

The first card a player selects will be their starting card.

After selecting their first card, they choose one of 3 actions:

  • Nullify: Select another card to become worth 0 points. Score with starting card.
  • Replace: Select another card, you score with this card instead.
  • Scout: Select another card to view. Score with starting card.

Players must do each of these actions once across the 3 rounds.

Failure to do so will result in your total score being set to 3. (which will likely be game losing)

Failing to state which action you are using before doing the second command in round will result in a penalty of -1 point.

The action you will use is whichever is first unused in order Nullify > Replace > Scout.

Rules of the Boards:

The 5x5 board of cards will follow certain rules. Play close attention to help evaluate all the cards:

  • If you sum the value of all the cards in the same location across all 3 rounds, it will equal 5, 6 or 7.
  • If you sum the value of all the cards in the same location across all 3 rounds, there will be the same amount of cells that equal 5, as those that equal 7.
  • Every Row and every Column of each board contains at least one 1 card, one 2 card, and one 3 card.
  • Every Row and every Column of each board contains at least one Red card, one Blue card, and one Yellow card.
  • If 2 adjacent cards on a board have the same number, they will have different colours.
  • If 2 adjacent cards on a board have the same colour, they will have different numbers.
  • In each round, there will be eight 1 cards, nine 2 cards, and eight 3 cards
  • In each round, there will be at least eight cards of each colour.
  • The sum of all cards of the same colour on a board will equal 16 or 17.
  • The sum of all cards of the same colour across all 3 rounds will equal 50.
  • No card will have the same number and the same colour as it did in the previous round. (Singular)
  • There will be no more than 2 orthogonally connected cells of the same number on a board.
  • There will be no more than 2 orthogonally connected cells of the same colour on a board.

eg, this pattern isn't allowed, where B is all 1 colour / number.



You may not program a bot to calculate the possible boards, must be done by hand

Heat Indicator:

The exact way the Heat Indicator is calculated will not be revealed but may be worked out from the below and your own results.

  • The heat indicator is determined only by the numbers of cards and not the colours of cards.
  • The heat indicator for a card is based on the sum of the eight cards around it.
  • If the card is on the border, it will include cards in sums as if the board were tessellated. (wraps around)
  • Black triangles means there are cards with more points in the direction of the long side of triangle.
  • White triangles means there are cards with less points in the direction of the long side of triangle.
  • The colour of each triangle for a card is dependent on the colours of the other triangles on the card.
  • The colour of each triangle for a card is independent of the "colours of the triangles" and the "background colour", of the surrounding cards.

This means the colour for 1 triangle on a card cannot be worked out without working out the colours of the other triangles

Scoring Points:

There are a variety of different ways to score points, I will go through each in turn:

You can gain 1 to 3 points each round based on your scoring card:

At the end of each round, you score points equal to your scoring card of that round.

That is the first card you chose if you used the Nullify or Scout action, and the second card you chose if you used the Replace Action.

For every 3 players who select the same scoring card, the scoring card will be worth 1 less point. (This can go negative)

If somebody used Nullify on your scoring card, you will score 0 instead. (This is applied last)


You can gain up to 3 points when using the Nullify action:

For every player you deny points from, you earn 1 point.

For every 3 points you deny other players, you gain 1 point.

If you were to gain more than 3 points from the above 2, you are reduced to 3 points.

For example:

If you deny 1 player from scoring with a 1 point card, you gain 1 point.

If you deny 1 player from scoring with a 3 point card, you gain 2 points.

If you deny 2 players from scoring with a 2 point card, you gain 3 points.

If you deny 3 players from scoring with a 1 point card, you gain 3 points, reduced from 4.


You can gain up to 2 points each round from guessing the board state:

At the end of each round, you score points for correctly guessing the cards on the board.

You may submit what you think the number and colour of each card is.

The top players who get the most numbers right earn a point. [Threshold 3]

The top players who get the most colours right earn a point. [Threshold 3]

However this is done based on the Threshold system, with no special treatment to the highest score.

You cannot gain more than 4 points from this method across the 3 rounds.

For example:

If different players get: 6,4,3,3 right, then the players with 6 and 4 right earn a point each.

If different players get: 4,4,4,4 right, then no players earn a point.


You can earn 1 point for correctly identifying how the Heat Indicator is calculated:

At the end of each round you may submit how you think it is calculated, however you may only do this once.

If you are correct you will be told so and earn 1 point.

If you are incorrect you will be told so and can no longer submit for this.

Processed at the end of each round.


You can earn 1 or 2 points based on the colours of your scoring cards:

If at the end of the game all your scoring cards were different colours you earn 1 point.

If at the end of the game all your scoring cards were the same colour you earn 2 points.


You can earn 1 point in rounds 2 and 3 if you can guess who scored the most in the previous round:

At the end of each round the total points each player scored in the last round anonymously as a primary list.

At the end of round 2 the total points each player has in total will also be revealed anonymously as a secondary list.

Players will not be told their own score.

Players may submit a guess of who they think has the top scores of the primary list at the ends of rounds 1 and round 2.

If a player correctly guesses who is on the primary list, they are told so and earn 1 point.

Players who are one of the top scores on the primary list cannot gain points by this method, but may learn if they are correct.

Players will not be told if they are one of the top scores of the primary list.

However, if a player is in the primary list for both rounds 1 and round 2 ....

... and in either round 1 or round 2 no player earnt points by guessing correctly .... they will earn 1 point at the end of round 3.

Processed at the end of each round.


You can earn 1 or 3 points by selecting unique scoring cards

If no other player selects the same scoring card as you for all 3 rounds, you earn 1 point.

If no other player selects the same cards as you for all 3 rounds, you earn 2 points.

MainMatch End

At the end of the MainMatch, everyone's points are revealed.

Players receive 1 garnet if they reach 9 points.

Players receive 1 further garnet if they reach 15 points.

Players receive 1 further garnet if they reach 20 points.

The player(s) with the most points is declared the winner.

Tokens of Life are given out, with a Threshold of 5.

The player with the least points is declared the loser and elimination candidate.

If this is a tie, the players are ranked using the sum of all the cards they turned over. The lower sum is ranked lower.

If this is a tie still, the winner(s) decide which of the tied players becomes the elimination candidate.

Players may spend 1 garnet during round 2 or 3 to learn what a card was from the previous round.

Ping me with the coord, and I will let you know when I'm first free what the card was

For clarity, this is the coordinates of the cards:


Cards    (The game involves cards of any kind.)

Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Host Info    (The game involves additional information that only the hosts know and prepare in advance.)

Puzzle    (The game tests the players' abilities to solve puzzles.)

Trick    (The game involves a hidden trick of some sort that, if discovered by a player, gives them an advantage.)