In this Main Match, build an inventory to satisfy the unknown conditions that determine how prepared you are.
Designer(s): Zero | Match Type: MM (for 12 players) |
Featured in: Zero's Guardians |
MainMatch 2: Prepare or Despair
In this MainMatch you must gather a collection of equipment to prepare you for your journey.
You will be rated on how well you have prepared by the captain of the guard.
The MainMatch makes heavy use of the bot channels.
There are 9 types of equipment in this game.
Each type of equipment has a different number of items to acquire from 2 to 10 for a grand total of 54 items in this game.
Each equipment type is identified by a different colour, however they may have different subnames.
Each player will have 3 different slot types with their own limits on how many items you can equip and earn points for at the end of the game.
• [H] Hold Slot: Limit of 3
• [W] Wear Slot: Limit of 4
• [C] Carry Slot: Limit of 5
These may be able to be increased by acquiring certain items.
You must make sure to gather a wide variety of items. Here are two examples for the types of equipment you will see:
These equipment pieces have the subcategories of “Ration” and “Melee”.
The letters in the stop right represent which slot limit applies to the item.
The Waterskin requires 1 Carry slot. The Short Sword requires 1 Hold slot.
The numbers represent the bonus points awarded for how many you have at the end of the game.
Other than 1 specific item, all others give no extra points if you have 5 or more of them at the end of the game.
The Waterskin awards +5 points if you have one at the end of the game.
If you have 2 at the end of the game, you will gain +5 and +3 points for a total of +8.
Here you can see that the Waterskin gives no points for having 4.
The short sword however has “NA” which means you cannot have more than 2 of these in your inventory.
Please note that other than the “NA” items, there is no limit to how many items you can carry during the MainMatch.
Please note however this is a secret statistic, and any attempt to get more than the allowed amount will be cancelled.
The slot counting takes effect for the final point scoring, but not during the MainMatch itself.
However other than these two items all other point rankings start hidden.
You will need to discover through you round actions the details of the equipment.
At the end of the game, 27 secret condition point modifiers applied.
These can be beneficial or detrimental. For example it would be dangerous to travel without sufficient Food, Water or a Weapon.
Please note, every Item could have a secret condition related to it.
Game Actions
You will have 7 rounds and 150 Gold to gather these supplies around the city.
Each round, you may visit 3 of the 6 locations in the city.
Each location will have 2 unique actions which you can perform there which fall into 4 categories.
Those categories are Shop, Work, Trade and Inform.
You can perform up to 4 actions each round, however you may not perform the same category twice.
As such you cannot perform the same category of action more than once per day. (Unless stated otherwise)
You will need to visit the location in order to view and perform the actions.
To visit a location, please perform the command “>[Location]”.
More details will be revealed once the bot has been setup.
If you accidentally visit more than 3 locations / perform more than 4 actions in a round you will receive a penalty:
The last location / action you performed will be ignored.
The next round you will only be able to visit 2 locations and perform 3 actions.
Some locations will require host live feedback, in which case I will respond ASAP.
Please make sure you ping with your requests.
I heavily advise completing all location visiting and live pings at least 1 hour before deadline.
You are free to share information you gather with other players but you may not:
Share host images
Reveal information about work challenges until the day after you completed it.
Nothing is revealed publicly during this MainMatch unless it is tied to a location.
In which case you may need to revisit a location to gain this information.
The game ends after 7 rounds have passed and everyone has submitted their final loadout.
Everyones equipped items and final points are revealed.
The winners of the MainMatch are the top 5 players with the highest score.
They each earn a Token of Life. If there are ties for the top 5, all tied players receive a Token of Life as long as no more than 8 players end up with Tokens of Life. Otherwise no Tokens are given to the players with tied scores.
The MainMatch loser and Elimination Candidate is the player with the lowest score.
If there is a tie, the EC is determined by the following conditions in order:
• Player with the least remaining gold.
• Player with the fewest pieces of unique equipment.
• Winners vote, ties broken by whoever has the “Equality”, "Order" and "Knowledge" Titles.
Artefact Power:
Power of Light: Gain 10 Gold, you cannot be stolen from this MainMatch.
Power of Dark: Choose another player and if they have not:
Then you Steal up to 20 Gold from them. Otherwise you gain 5 Gold.
You may ask me if you are at the "NA" limit for up to 3 pieces of equipment that you own during a round.
Note it is leaning on the side of unlikely you will reach these limits for 90% of items.
@Player I can now announce the bots are live. Please submit in your bot channel.
All bot commands count as submissions that can't be taken back.
All commands lead with ">" and contain no spaces.
To visit a location please type ">place" where place is one of:
MarketSquare, Pub, Inn, Barracks, Blacksmith, Auctionhouse
They will reveal the actions, with 2 commands with an @ symbol as the possible actions.
(in other words, you should be doing each of Shop, Work, Trade, Info once per round)
If you have any doubts or are having any problems, dont hesitate to ping.
I'll be around for the next hour before sleeping and will be around all day tomorrow.
Clarification: Point Conditions are not revealed at the end of the MM, only your points pre and post conditions
Auction (The game involves an auction in which players participate.)
Bidding (The game involves auction-style bidding.)
Crafting (The game involves combining or using resources in recipes to craft new objects.)
Dice (The game involves rolling dice.)
Economy (The game involves an economy that players must manage.)
Extra Info on Discord (The game has extra information on Discord that has not been documented on this website.)
Grouping (The game involves players agreeing to form groups together.)
Hierarchy (The game involves a pyramid-like hierachy structure.)
Host Info (The game involves additional information that only the hosts know and prepare in advance.)
Inductive reasoning (The game involves players combining pieces of information to create hypotheses.)
Intel game (The game involves collecting and exchanging initial clues to further deduce information.)
Investing (The game involves investing in items to earn a profit.)
Logic (The game involves logical deductions and puzzles.)
Luck (The game involves an element of luck.)
Mathematics (The game tests the players' mathematical abilities.)
Mental (The game tests mental agility.)
Observation (The game tests the players' observational skills.)
Optimization (The game tests the players' abilities to find optimal solutions.)
Patterns (The game involves players finding and interacting with patterns.)
Points-based (The game involves players earning points.)
RPG (The game takes elements from role-playing games, such as having stats and skills.)
Semi-live MM (The game is a Main Match that is overall non-live but may have real-time elements, such as queries that the hosts respond to immediately.)
Targeting (The game involves players targeting other players as part of their submission to cause an effect, positive or negative.)
Trading (The game involves players trading items and objects among themselves.)