
In this Death Match, siege the opponent's castle using your custom-built units.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gauntlet

In this DM, player will attempt to destroy the other persons castle.

Each player will control 5 Units, known as A through E. Each Unit has 3 stats, and each round each unit can do 1 of 4 actions.

Unit Stats

The 3 types of stats are:

Attack (ATK)

Defence (DEF)

Health (HP)

Before the start of the game you will need to divide 30 stat points between your units. You cannot have a negative stat.

You will have 10 points for each stat. A unit cannot have more than 7 stat points total.

A unit cannot have more than 4 stat points in a particular stat.

Please submit this at least 1 hour before the start of the game.

In addition to this, each unit can gain Exhaustion (EXH) throughout the DM. If a Unit gets 3 exhaustion, they will be unable to perform certain actions.

Round Actions

There are 4 actions a Unit can take:

Attack -Requires Unit to have at least 1 ATK and less than 3 EXH

Defend -Requires Unit to have at least 1 DEF and less than 3 EXH

Recover -Requires Unit to have at least 1 HP and at least 1 EXH

No Action -No Requirement

You will have 3 minutes each round to submit what action each of your 5 units takes,

If you do not submit an action within the time period, the unit will take no action.

Units that use the Attack action, will either resolve in the Battle or Siege Phase.

Units that use the Defend action, will resolve in Siege Phase.

Units that use the Recover action, will resolve in the Rest Phase.

Units that take No Action, will not be involved in any Phase.

Battle Phase

First we look at the number of Units from each player that took the attack action

If there were no Units that took the attack action, the Battle phase is skipped.

If there was an equal number of Units from both players, all Units will take part in the Battle phase.

If one side sent more Units than the other, then the excess units will take part in the Siege Phase, while the rest take part in the Battle Phase.

We arrange the units in a series of 1 on 1 battles according to their stats. The Units who took the attack action on each side are ranked separately, the highest rank on each side are matched up, followed by the 2nd highest and repeats till one side has no more Units. If there are still units on the other side without a battle opponent, they go to the Siege Phase.

The Ranking of Units for the Battle phase is by the following order:

Highest ATK Stat

Highest DEF Stat

Lowest EXH Stat

Highest HP Stat

Alphabetical order (A then B then C then D then E)

After the matchups are decided we resolve each one at a time, looking at the perspective of each Unit. The first condition met when reading down the table has its effect applied.

(Enemy Unit = EU, Ally Unit = AU)

It will be revealed which letter's faced each other, and the ATK stat of each Unit.

Siege Phase

This is resolved for each players' castle separately.

You will know the letters that take part in the Siege Phase.

We sum the total ATK stat points by the attackers, and the total DEF stat points by the defenders, and check the following table:

The Ranking of Units for the Siege phase is by the following order:

Highest DEF

Lowest EXH

Highest HP

Highest ATK

Alphabetical order (A then B then C then D then E)

It is revealed the sum of the attackers ATK stat, and the sum of the defenders DEF stat if a siege took place. And the Unit's letters for each side.

Rest Phase

This is resolved separately for each player, and not revealed publicly. Units that take the Recover Action reduce their EXH by 1.

If more than 1 Unit for a player takes the Recover action, then the units will be ranked and all besides the highest ranked unit will lose 1 HP.

The Ranking of Units for the Rest phase is by the following order:

Highest HP

Highest ATK

Highest EXH

Highest DEF

Alphabetical order (A then B then C then D then E)

DM Victory

Take note, that the DM winner is determined in the Siege Phase, where there are no defenders and at least 1 attacker. If after 40 rounds a victor has not been determined, the DM will end. We will look at the remaining stats of the units. We will look at each players final total, which is equal to SUM(ATK+DEF+HP-EXH). Whoever's total is higher wins the DM. In the case of a tie, it will be resolved in the following order:

Lowest EXH

Highest HP

DMO wins.

Players have 3mins to submit each round.

Failure to submit in future will result in units taking No Action.


Battling    (The game involves players attacking each other.)

Psych    (The game tests the players' psychological & bluffing abilities.)

RPG    (The game takes elements from role-playing games, such as having stats and skills.)

Simultaneous    (The game involves players taking their turns simultaneously.)

Strategy    (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)