Doors From Failure

In this Death Match, escape the maze through the right doors while attempting to slow down your opponent.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gauntlet

In this game, players must aim to be the first player to escape the maze of Doors, while slowing down the progress of their opponent.

The Game is Played on a two 7x9 Boards. The Coordinates give the position of doorways.

The EC will play as X, and the DMO will play as Y.

The Goal is to move your letter to star.

The board will contain a certain number of Pre-set walls.

These walls will be in the same locations for both players and will be coloured black.

An Example Board is Given Below:

At the start of the DM, the game board will be revealed. Both players will have 2 minutes to look over the board.

The DMO must also decide during this time, whether they want to Place first, or Move First. For the rest of the game, players will alternate between these 2 roles each turn.

Each turn players will make a move simultaneously for their role. The placers action will resolve first.


On the place action, you may place a door on either board. There are 3 types of doors, known as Open, Pass and Lock.

You may not place the same type of Door two turns in a row.

In your submission, you should include:

The board you would like to place on (X or Y).

Coordinates of where you would like to place the door. (These should be of the same colour.)

The type of door you would like to place.

If you do not submit in time or make an invalid submission, you will not place a door.


On the move action, you may move your letter (X or Y) one space orthogonally. (Up Down Left or Right).

If you bump into a wall or locked Door, your move fails, and your letter will not move.

Moving resolves after the opponents placing.

If you do not submit in time or make an invalid submission, your letter will not move.

Instead of moving, you may decide to call “challenge” if you believe it impossible for your letter to reach your star due to the door your opponent just placed.

If both of the following are met, the challenge is successful:

The person challenged cannot find a sequence of moves that brings the challenger caller's letter to the star if the mover didn't move last round, but the Door was still placed.

The challenge caller can find a sequence of moves that brings their letter to the star with the door just placed removed.

In other words, as the Mover last round, you are challenging that if you hadn’t moved last round, the opponents last place caused it to be impossible for you to escape.

If the challenge is successful, the challenge caller wins the DM.

If the challenge is unsuccessful, the challenge caller loses the DM.

Game End

The game ends when either:

A player moves their letter to their star - The player who moved to the star wins the DM.

A challenge is called - If successful the Challenge caller wins the DM. If unsuccessful the Challenge caller loses the DM.

Both players find themselves trapped with the board filled with doors, the DM will end with the DMO's victory.

Time Controls

DMO has 2 minutes upon seeing the board to decide whether they would like to move or place first.

Each turn, players have 1 minute to make their move.

If both players fail to submit, players will play as the same placer/mover roles in the next round.

Challenge Clarification:

As the Mover last round, you are challenging that if you hadn’t moved last round, the opponents last place caused it to be impossible for you to escape.

Last round referring to the round you last moved


R1 move + opponent makes immediate to exit

R2 place + opponent moves

R3 challenge that if you didn’t move in r1, your opponent placing caused it to be impossible for you to escape

For example here

If you move up, and your opponent places the vertical wall, you would be stuck and unable to make a valid challenge

For example here

If you move up, and your opponent places the vertical wall, you would be stuck and able to make a valid challenge


Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Maze    (The game involves a maze which players must navigate.)

Psych    (The game tests the players' psychological & bluffing abilities.)

Puzzle    (The game tests the players' abilities to solve puzzles.)

Simultaneous    (The game involves players taking their turns simultaneously.)

Strategy    (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)