Essential Escape

In this Main Match, escape from the maze with the required amount of essence after mapping the area.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 9 players)
Featured in: Zero's Guardians

MainMatch 5: Essential Escape

The Wizard has shrunk you down and trapped you in what appears to be a maze of connecting locked rooms.

Your goal is to escape, however there are many obstacle to overcome, possibly including your fellow guardians.

Each player starts the game with 12 essence, this represents both the currency used to navigate through rooms and the strength of your soul.

This game allows you split your essence into separate entities.

At the start of each round you may choose one of your entities and how many copies you would like to split them into.

Each entity takes an equal share of your essence, rounded down to the nearest whole number.

Whenever an entity has fewer than 3 essence at any point, they are disincorporated and destroyed.

If all your entities have been destroyed you are considered to have lost the MainMatch.

At the end of each round all of your entities that are in the same room combine to a single entity with the sum of the total essence.

Each Entities cannot carry more than 20 Essence. Any excess is disincorporated and lost.

Maze Travel

The maze is laid out on a square grid, but rooms are not necessarily of a square shape.

Between each pair of rooms there is either a wall or a door.

Any entity may travel through a wall, but doing so will cause it to lose 7 essence.

Doors are much easier to travel through, however there may be stipulations.

These can cause travel to fail, essence to change, or other bizarre effects.

The Maze also wraps around. Meaning if you were to keep going in a single direction continually you would eventually end back where you started.

If a player doesn’t submit, their entities don’t move and they don’t trigger room effects.

Maze Rooms

Every room in the maze will contain an effect. Sometimes this is optional, sometimes this is mandatory.

You must specify if you would like to partake in a rooms effect if it is optional.

All effects resolve before movement occurs.

Unless the room effect states otherwise, Each round you must command your entities to move to an adjacent room

Each round players will be updated with a personal map for all rooms they have entities in.

This includes all other entities (and their owners) but not the total essence each entity has.

Each round a list that consists of the average essence of all entities in each occupied room will be publicly revealed. (truncated to 2 decimal places)

This will only list the totals and will not identify the rooms.

For example, if a room contained 3 Entities with Essences, 3, 5, 8, then the number 5.33 would be revealed.

Unless stated by a rooms effect, You may only communicate with players who control entities in the same room as you.

Gateway Rooms

The Maze features 3 Gateway Rooms which will allow your to exit the maze.

Your goal is to locate and reach these Rooms with your Entities and leave through them within 10 rounds.

• Each Gateway Room is located in a 1x1 sized room.

• Each Gateway Room has exactly 1 Wall and 3 Doors.

• Each Guardian may only use each Gateway once.

• Each Gateway Room will only allow a maximum of 10 essence to escape.

• Entities with over 10 essence cannot pass through the Gateway. Instead you may split the Entity to partly exit and partly Move away.

• At the end of the final round, all entities in Gateway Rooms will automatically attempt to leave. If they have too much essence, they will divide in order to escape with the most essence possible.

• All essence remaining in the maze at the end of the game is destroyed.


The winners are all players who escaped with 30 essence or are among the top 3 players who escaped with the highest total essence.

If there are ties, the player who had the most total essence from all entities combined in any round throughout the game will rank higher.

If this results in more than 6 players being immune, immunity is revoked.

If all players escaped with at least 12 essence...

Then the player with the least total essence is the elimination candidate.

If there is a tie then the players will be ranked by who had the most total essence from all entities in any round throughout the game.

However if there were player(s) who either failed to escape the maze, or escaped with fewer than their original 12 essence...

Then if there is exactly 1 player who lost, they become the Elimination Candidate.

If there are exactly 2 players who are losers, they are both automatically sent to the DeathMatch.

If there are more than 2 players who are losers, the players who won may vote to decide the Elimination Candidate.

If this is a tie the players will be ranked by who had the most total essence from all their entities in any round throughout the game.

Rounds Process Order

Rooms effects are Processed (independent by room)

Any effect resolutions between Rooms occurs.

Entities are split.

Entities move.

Entities recombine.

Players are privately told Room effects, the maps of Rooms they have entities in and the total Essence they have per Room

The total Essence Average for Rooms is revealed publicly.


Artefact Power:

Power of Light: You can expend a charge in order to be able to communicate with all other players for 1 Round.

Power of Dark: You can destroy one of your Entities and give all its Essence to another Entity you control.

You may still talk to players in the Room where you Destroyed the Entity but you will not partake in the Rooms Effect.

You can use the new total from the Entity you gifted to this Round.

Clarification: You cannot split an entity into multiple, and them have more than 1 go through a door / wall.

Each split must go through a different Door / Wall.

Clarification: Power of light is 2 way communication which activates immediately upon stating it in your submissions.

I won't announce publicly when someone uses this, but if someone reaches out to you using it, you may ask for me to confirm if one was used.

If you accidentally communicate with someone you don't share a room with, and I deem that information was given, then I will count this as a charge used.

Clarification: "You can split multiple Entities in a round, just not the same one twice, eg can't do 12 into 3,3,6


Dilemma    (The game involves players making Prisoner's Dilemma-like decisions.)

Extra Info on Discord    (The game has extra information on Discord that has not been documented on this website.)

Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Host Info    (The game involves additional information that only the hosts know and prepare in advance.)

Intel game    (The game involves collecting and exchanging initial clues to further deduce information.)

Limited communication    (The game cuts or restricts communications in some way between players.)

Maze    (The game involves a maze which players must navigate.)

Piece movement    (The game involves pieces moving on a board.)

Piece removal    (The game involves pieces being removed from the board.)

Routing    (The game involves planning the best way to visit different locations.)

Targeting    (The game involves players targeting other players as part of their submission to cause an effect, positive or negative.)