The Hit List

In this Main Match, attempt to stay alive while killing those on your "hit list."

Designer(s): RedsToad, Zero Match Type: MM (for 13 players)
Featured in: Master Of All Trades

This game is played over the course of a maximum of 10 rounds, each lasting 24 hours.

At the start of the game, each player receives a hit list consisting of 3 names of players. These names are decided randomly such as there are 3 instances of each name across all hit lists. You will not receive the same name twice and you will not receive your own name.

Your goal is to score the most points, which is achieved by “killing” other players. The number of points a player has will not be revealed. Killed players will receive a GG for the duration of the MM and will have their hit list taken away. You may kill players in 2 different ways.


First way to kill a player is to learn a lot of info about them. If you correctly submit a player and their hit list, they are killed and out of the game. Both dead and alive players may submit a hit list and try to kill the other players. Killing a player scores you 3 points. Presenting an incorrect list results in a penalty of 2 points. The kill will be announced at the end of a round.


The other way to kill a player is to gain their trust. In each round players will submit a list containing all of the other players who are still alive. The first 3 entries are considered your “trust list” for that round. The remaining part of the submission is used for tiebreakers in that round. If you trust anyone who has you as an entry in their hit list, you are killed and are out of the game. You may also not submit a trust list that is identical to any of the lists you submitted before. Order doesn’t matter. The submission is only checked at the end of the deadline, thus you may trade the entries of your hit list and change your trust list as much as you wish. Note that each round will have a casualty. In the case where there is no casualty the 4th entry of submissions will be checked and added to the trust lists of every player. If there is a casualty, with the new lists, the tiebreaker stops and game proceeds to the next round. Otherwise the 5th entry is added and so on. This will continue until there is a casualty.

If it is impossible to submit a list due to having submitted all possibilities before, the rule is lifted and you may submit any list.


At the end of a round all killed players are revealed. For every player killed, points are distributed and hit lists are changed. If you have a player on your hit list who was killed in the previous round, their name is removed and replaced with a random one from the hit list of the player you have just killed. This way, all alive players always have 3 names of other alive players and the game continues (ignoring trades and gifts). You also get 1 point for every instance of a name of a killed player in your hit list.

For example, if your hit list is “Deusovi, Isa, Vic” and Isa’s list is “Deusovi, Vic, Jay”. If Isa submits you in his trust list, you score 1 point and get a random name out of Deusovi, Vic, Jay. Whoever had the other two instances of Isa in their hit list score 1 point each and get the one of remaining names from Isa’s list. As you can see, you may still gain points even not killing anyone.

Other example may be you submitting Isa’s hit list. Then you will score 4 points, 3 from submitting the list and 1 from having Isa on your hit list when Isa is out of the game. Two other players will also score 1 point.


The game ends when there are 3 or fewer players alive. The scores are revealed and the player with most points wins the game and gets 2 ToLs. If there are multiple people with highest score, each of them gets a ToL each.

The player with least points loses the MM and receives a ToD. In case where there are multiple losers, they receive a ToD each and tiebreak rules apply.

Being the only player left alive and having less than 3 points will award you with an Onyx.

Alive players at the end of the game and the winners of a MM will receive a Trade Pass


----------Edge Cases----------

If a player doesn’t submit their trust list, they are considered killed and are out of the game.

If there are more than 8 winners then all ToLs are discarded and the old losers become new winners and receive ToLs instead of ToDs. Previous winners become joint losers and receive a ToD each.

If everyone ties the player or the players still alive win.

If nobody is alive then the player or players killed in the last round win.

If that is more than 8 players, then out of those players ones that were killed by third entry in their trust listwin.

If that is everybody/nobody, everybody loses and the show is cancelled. A special minimatch will be played, loser of which is eliminated.

If there can be no casualty in a round, the game ends.


----------Tradable Items----------

Tradable items for this MM include:

  • Names from your hit list. Those are referred to as “[Player] hit list entry” or “[Player] HLE”

Clarification / Rule Change: You may submit only one hit list per round.

----------Usable Items----------

Magnifying Glass: Choose a player and a HLE (hit list entry) you will learn whether that player that HLE on their Hitlist after at next deadline after calculations.
