Weight On My Mind

In this Main Match, score points by strategically placing weights on scales.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 10 players)
Featured in: Master Of All Trades

At the start of the game, each player will be given a tile of one of five colors: red, green, blue, orange, or purple. You will also be given a pattern filter, either spotted or striped. No player will get the same combination of tile and filter as another player; you will be informed of who has the other tile of your color at the start of the game.

You will also be given 10 weights: three 1-pound weights, three 2-pound weights, two 3-pound weights, one 4-pound weight, and one 5-pound weight.

The weights, tiles, and filters are all transferable items.

Each round, you may place a weight on one of the scales. There are six scales: one of each color, and the Pattern Scale. You only have access to the Color Scales of the tiles you hold, and you only have access to the Pattern Scale if you have at least one filter.

Submissions are considered to take place at the end of a round. If you attempt to submit for a scale you do not have access to at the end of the round, the submission will be ignored; it will be announced which players failed to submit every round.

---- Teams ----

The scales will distribute points based on your team identity. There are seven possible teams: five color teams, and two pattern teams.

Your team will be determined by stacking all of your filters on top of all of your tiles, in an order given by you. The order of the filters does not matter; the order of the tiles does. (If no order is submitted, by default the order will be red, blue, orange, green, then purple.)

  • Your color team will be the color on top of the stack.
  • If you have exactly one type of filter, you will be on that pattern team. Otherwise, you will not be on a pattern team.

  • If two players are on both the same color and pattern team, one tile and filter of that color and pattern will be temporarily removed from both of their stacks, and then their teams will be re-evaluated. This continues until the teams settle.

You will know which team you are on in each update.

---- The Scales ----

Both the Pattern Scale and the Color Scale may distribute points; however, you will not necessarily know whether you score points. Players' scores will only be revealed at the end of the game.

The Pattern Scale has two sides: one spotted side and one striped side. You will have access to any side that you hold a filter of. Otherwise, you will not have access to the Pattern Scale.

If the Pattern Scale is unbalanced, everyone on the team who weighed it down more will gain 2 points.

Each round, the result of the Pattern Scale will be publicly revealed: you will know which side is heavier and how many weights were placed on each side (but not the size of each weight).

The Color Scales have two sides; each tile grants you access to one side of its color scale.

If a Color Scale is empty, neither player on that colour team scores.

If a Color Scale is balanced, but both sides have weights on them, each player on that colour team learns the total weight of the Pattern Scale side for the team(s) they are not on.

If a Color Scale is unbalanced, the player on the colour team who placed the heavier weight on the scale gains one point. In addition, if the scale has two weights on it, the player on he colour team with the heavier weight steals one point from the other player on the colour team if one exists.

---- End-of-round and Endgame ----

At the end of each round, all weights used on scales are discarded.

Additionally, if two players who are holding the same colored tiles are on opposing pattern teams, they will each learn the value of the weight the other placed.

After 10 rounds, the game ends. Scores are publicly revealed, along with who has each filter. (Tiles are not revealed.)

The player or players with the highest total score win and earn a Token of Life. If this is done by a single player, they gain an extra Token of Life to give out. In the event everyone ties, the winners are everyone who placed the most total weight in lb on the colour scales

There is also a bonus Token of Life. The pattern teams in round 10 are players' final teams; the people on the pattern team who won more rounds will vote on a player to receive this Token of Life. You will get 1 vote per filter of the winning team you hold. If this vote is a tie, or both pattern teams won the same amount of rounds, this bonus Token of Life will be discarded.

Out of the players with the least points, the players who put the least weight on the pattern scales are the losers; they will receive a Token of Death. As usual, if more than one ToD is given out, the winners will decide which of them to discard.

Before Round 1, everyone may choose whether to take a gamble and recieve a Challenge Tome.

Challenge Tome's last for the current MM, and disappear at the end.

A Challenge Tome's will give you a bonus advantage at the start of the a MM, but come with a price. You must meet a certain condition or recieve a penalty.

Challenge Tome's may be traded or given away, and the person holding the Tome will suffer the penalty if the condition isn't met.

The Challenge Tome for this MM is:

Reward: You Reveice a 3lb Weight at the start of round 1.

Challenge: You must be on the losing pattern team at the end of the MM.

Punishment: You lose 3 Points.

If you would like to recieve a Challenge Tome, post in your submissions channel in the next 24 hours.


Clarification: Minor changing of wording for colour scale scoring.

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Extending deadline by 24 hours

Clarifying how teams work and scoring:

If you are on the same 2 teams as another player, the matching tile and filter are removed, and both players teams are re-evaluated. The removed tile and filter return to you after teams are determined.

This repeats until everyone who is on both a colour team and a pattern team, aren’t the same combination

You can only be on a max of 1 colour team and a max of 1 pattern team each round.

If you are not a a colour team, you cannot score from a colour scale

If you are not on a pattern team, you cannot score from the pattern scale


Points-based    (The game involves players earning points.)

Teams    (The game involves the players being split into teams.)