Once More From The Top

In this Main Match, engage with the eliminated players to play miniature versions of each previous Main Match.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 3 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gauntlet

Congratulations on making it to the Final 3 surviving through all 10 previous MainMatches.

Now they are back with a vengeance. This 10 round MainMatch will have you play through a shortened version of each previous MainMatch in order, each lasting 24 hours. In each round, you can earn 0, 1 or 2 points. The player with the most points at the end receives the ToL.

But that’s not the only thing back with a vengeance.

Each round the players will be joined by the player who was eliminated in that episode. They will have the chance to disrupt things.

Though there is a problem, it seems their 1-1 channels are locked again. You will each be given 6 Passkeys. Use these to open the 1-1 chats with the eliminated players.

You must submit before the MainMatch round they are involved with. Their chat will open for the MainMatch they are involved with.

Players earn 1 garnet for every 2 points they have at the end of the MainMatch.

The player with the most points earns the ToL

If there is a tie for first between 2 or 3 players, 2 DeathMatches will be played.

The player with the second most points will be DMO, and least points will be EC.

MainMatch 1: Keys to Success – Joined by Someguy

MainMatch 2: Quattro Bridge – Joined by Yoshi

MainMatch 3: Liar’s Casino – Joined by Pseudonam

MainMatch 4: Agendas – Joined by Icecube

MainMatch 5: Smuggler’s Paradox – Joined by Chargestone

MainMatch 6: Three Fold Allegiance – Joined by Zacho

MainMatch 7: When Stars Align – Joined by Meg

MainMatch 8: Escalate – Joined by Rosa

MainMatch 9: Hive Mind – Joined by Tiac

MainMatch 10: TBC Ten – Joined by Liridium

The first round will be revealed in 24 hours. If you would like to spend a passkey to Open a 1-1 chat with Someguy, please do so in the next 24 hours.

The guests will be able to talk in the public chat, for their episode

@Guest Please familiarise yourself with the above.

MainMatch 1: Keys to Success

In this game there are 4 Doors. A,B,C and X.

Each player is given 2 Keycards, one of value 1, one of value 2.

Players may submit key cards to the doors.

Players may submit to up to 2 doors in a round, but they must be adjacent.

Your submissions score for a door is equal to the sum of the values of the key-cards you submitted.

In the event a player does not submit, they score 0 points for the round.

We then look at the submissions for each door, and resolve from left to right:

If only 1 player submitted to a door, they go through the door automatically.

If multiple players submitted to the same door, the player who submitted the highest total score to that door goes through.

In the case of a tie those high scoring players are blocked and we look at the next highest total score.

This process repeats until either exactly 1 person has the highest unique score (in which case they go through the door), or everyone has been blocked (in which case nobody goes through the door).

Once somebody has gone through a door their submissions for other doors will be ignored. This means it will not be included in working out the highest unique score.

If a player gets through door A, B or C, they earn 1 point.

If a player gets through door X, they earn 2 points.

Joined by @Someguy

MainMatch 2: Quattro Bridge

There are 4 different colours of Quattro cards, Red, Green, Blue and Yellow.

The 4 islands have been redesigned with different actions.

Whenever you visit an island, you receive a 1 card of its colour (including starting location, occurs before actions).

The islands are all connected. Players may take any route they wish but cannot double back in the route.

(e.g if you go from Volcano to Ocean, your next move must be to either Forest or Desert)

Players must submit a starting location, route, and a list of the 7 actions they wish to take.

These will all be resolved immediately at the deadline.

When submitting actions you may use descriptions like “lowest numbered blue card” or “All red cards” instead of listing the exact card. If you do not hold a valid card that meets the description, you will take no action. You cannot use “else” or “if” like conditions when giving descriptions. Make sure to submit everything required for the action.

If you do not submit a valid route, you will score 0 points.

If a player makes a valid quattro, they earn 1 point.

The players with the highest value quattro will gain a further 1 point.


  • Increase a 1 card to a 2 card. If you have a different 2 card, increase that by 1 to a 3 card. If you have a different 3 card, increase that by 1 to a 4 card. Cards are checked in the order G>R>Y>B. Increasing other cards is non optional if condition is met.

-Discard one of your 1,2 or 3 cards. Double the value of a 1,2 or 3 card of the same value discarded.

-Gain a Green 2 and a Green 3, if you and another player at this location share three identical cards.


-Discard one of your cards, increase another of your cards of the same colour by the discarded cards value.

  • Discard any number of your cards (at least 1), gain a red card with value equal to the total number of discarded cards.

-Discard 3 cards of different numbers and colours, Gain a 6 card of the unused colour.


-Gain a 3 card with the same colour as the last place you visited. Cannot be used as your first action.

-Gain a Yellow card with value 1 plus the number of people at this location.

-Change a Yellow card to another colour of your choice with 1 higher value.


-Increase any one of your cards greater than 2, by 1. If you have a valid quattro, increase the card by 2 instead.

-Increase all your 1 value card to 2 value cards. Decrease all your 3 value cards to 1 value cards.

-Gain a card according to the number of people who are here:

1 Person – Blue 4
2 People – Red 3
3 People – Yellow 2
4 People – Green 1

Joined by @Yoshi

MainMatch 3: Liar’s Casino

The Casino has been changed such that there are 5 floors with 5 rooms each.

Inside each room are 1 to 5 coins. There are 5 rooms for each quantity of coins.

Each player will be given 4 statements. 1 of these statements is a lie, the other 3 are true.

All 16 statements given out will be different. It is possible to map out the entire grid using all the true statements.

An example of a true statement: “Each floor and each series contain a room with 3 coins.” (this applies to the hotel)

Players must submit 10 rooms they wish to score from.

Each room is worth the number of coins in the room, minus one for every other player (excl yourself) who choose that room. (Min 0)

The player with the most coins will earn 2 points.

The player with the second most coins will earn 1 point.

Joined by @Pseudonam

To clarify coin earning, it would be more accurate to say:

The player(s) with the most coins will earn 2 points.

The player(s) with the second most coins will earn 1 point.

That is, if its A5,B5,C4. Then A and B get 2 points, while C gets 1 Point. If its A5,B4,C4. Then A gets 2 points, while B and C get 1 Point.

MainMatch 4: Agendas

In this version of the game, each player will be assigned 2 houses.

This is done completely randomly with the exception no 2 players will have the same 2 houses.

All bills have been designed before the randomisation of houses.

Each house starts with 1 of each resource.

24 Bills will be presented in sets of 3 for a total of 8 weeks.

For each week, players may vote on 1 of the 3 bills.

Any bill that receives 2 votes will pass.

Bills that are passed resolve in order from lowest to highest numbered.

Each player may also harden 1 bill. A hardened bill requires 3 votes to pass.

At the end of the 8 weeks, the houses are ranked in the same way as previously.

Players are given 1, 2 or 3 gold for each house accordingly in the same way as previously.

Each player may also blackmail another player. If you correctly guess their 2 houses you will steal 1 of their gold. Players cannot blackmail the guest. If 2 players blackmail the same person and are successful, no gold is taken.

The player(s) with the most gold will earn 2 points.

The player(s) with the second most gold will earn 1 point.

Joined by @Icecube

MainMatch 5: Smugglers Paradox

In this version of the game, all players can perform either or both actions.

Smuggle - Attempt to smuggle Contraband.

Arrest - Attempt to Arrest another Player who used the smuggle action.

If you Smuggle and nobody does the arrest action on you, you earn 1 Point.

If you didn’t Smuggle and somebody attempts to Arrest you, you earn 1 Point.

If you Arrest a player who attempted to smuggle, you earn 1 Point.

Joined by @Chargestone

MainMatch 6: Three Fold Allegiance

There are 3 actions that can be taken this MainMatch, Power, Courage and Wisdom.


Each player must vote for one of the players, votes will be revealed at the end.

Players cannot vote for themselves or the guest.

The player with the highest unique amount of votes earns a point.

If a player does not submit a vote, they will gain 0 points for this MainMatch regardless of the other results.

The guest may choose to not vote.


Players may choose any of the 5 previous MainMatches and a Player.

They will learn what that Player submitted for that MainMatch.

The guest may not perform this action.


You must place up to 27 coins into your box.

What everyone submitted will be revealed.

We will label the coins entered as ABCG, for A, B, C and Guest, and assume A ≥ B ≥ C.

If any two players (A,B,C) enter the same amount of coins, the third player gets 1 point.

If all three players (A,B,C) enter the same amount of coins, everyone gets this point.

If A + G > B + C, B and C earn 1 point.

If A + G < B + C, A earns 1 point.

If A + G = B + C, whoever is closest to G earns 1 point. (the lower number is ranked closer, ie 1 is closer to 2 than 3)

Joined by @Zacho

MainMatch 7: When Stars Align

Players start with 80 Sparks. There are 21 stars labelled A through U.

You will bet all 80 of your sparks on the stars.

You may not bid more than 15 sparks on a single star.

Once bidding is done, players are given ownership of the stars in the same way as the original MainMatch.

Following this player earns points based on the constellations they formed.

There are 3 ways to earn a point, if you were to collect all 3, you are capped at 2.

If the guest would earn the point from their constellation, nobody gets the point.

If 2 or more players were to tie for a condition, they both get the point.

• The most stars connected in a single constellation.

• The longest minimum path between 2 stars in a constellation.

• The greatest direct distance between 2 connected stars in a constellation. (based on length in image)

Joined by @Meg

MainMatch 8: Escalate

Each of our 4 players starts at the top of a 20 track Escalator.

There is a list of 36 commands, the same ones as the original MainMatch.

Each player must submit 3 commands for each other player, for a total of 9.

All commands that are selected by multiple people are disabled and not run.

All commands that are selected by a single person run in order of numbers.

(ie, all 1’s, then 2’s etc, this will change who meets criteria like top and bottom)

After all commands have resolved, players score accordingly:

The players at the highest height gain 1 point.

The players with the highest command game points, gain 1 Point.

Joined by @Rosa

MainMatch 9: Hive Mind

This game uses the same grid at the original MainMatch.

Each Hex is worth 1 score, either placement or radius.

Players will place one of each of the 3 shapes on the grid.

You may not place all 3 shapes such that they overlap the same hex.

Players score point for both categories of score, Shape Placement and Shape Radius.

Shape Placement is where you place you shape.

Shape Radius is all the places where that shape overlaps.

Players gain 1 placement score for each shape placement with an odd total overlap with other shape placements.

Players gain 1 radius score for each shape radius with an odd total overlap with other shape radiuses.

The total count of each hex will be revealed separately for placement and radius scoring, along with everyone’s total score.

The players with the most placement score gain 1 point.

The players with the most radius score gain 1 point.

Joined by @Tiac

Clarification on scoring:

If you did line BEH, Arc BFG

then C will be 2 points for radius if odd total overlap

and B would be 2 points for placement if odd total overlap

MainMatch 10: TBC 10

In this game, players will face 3 more challenges in the same format as the MainMatch.

The initials for the challenges are T, B and C.

Like the original MM, you may not communicate with players who have yet to complete the challenge if you have already started your challenges.

You may also not use anything other than pen and paper when completing the challenges.

Unlike in the original MM, you may discuss your times freely afterwards with player who have also completed the challenge.

If you do not complete your challenges in 48 hours, you score DNF for them.

The player has the fastest time in a challenge earns 1 point.

If anybody has the second fastest time in 2 challenges earns 1 point.

You are capped at earning 2 points for this challenge.

The guest is not involved during these rankings.

Instead, immediately after completing their challenges, the guest must assign challenge to each player.

The players will have the time that is faster between their time and the guests performances for the assigned challenge.

Joined by @liridium

🎉 See previous 10 images for a summary 🎉


Guest    (The game involves guests that can influence the outcome of the match.)

Limited communication    (The game cuts or restricts communications in some way between players.)