Liar's Casino

In this Main Match, discern the truth from the lies to earn the most coins from the casino's guests.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 11 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gauntlet

This game is played in the Casino’s Hotel rooms. There are 8 floors, each with a series of 7 doors for a total of 56 rooms. Each room has a unique room number from 1 to 56.

Inside each room is a guest who has obtained winnings from the casino, worth 1 to 5 coins.

Your goal is to question the guests and select those who had the most amount of coins.

Casino Layout and Movement

Each round player selects a room to visit. Unfortunately, the hotel map is outdated and lists the room ID used for constructing the building instead of the room number:

When submitting which room you would like to visit, you will need to use the room ID from the hotel map. On the first round, players may select any room ID.

You will then learn the room numbers of all rooms on the floor when you visit a room on that floor.

For all future rounds, you may only visit floors that are the same odd/even parity as the room you just visited. You must swap to a different floor.

For example, if you stated at “-V”, and it turned out to be room 1, you could only go to floors 3,5,7 on the next round.

Failing to submit a valid room, you will automatically go to floor 1 or 2 (that matches parity) and visit a random room on that floor.

Communication will be limited, and you will only be able to communicate with players who are on the same floor as you. Channels will be set up in a similar fashion to the last 2 MainMatches.

Visiting Guests

When you visit a room, the guest there will tell you a something about the casino.

This can be about its structure, how many coins a room has, or a mixture of the two.

There is a problem though, the guests are so used to bluffing it’s become a habit.

Guests will alternate between telling the truth and telling a lie.

The first time a guest is visited by a player, they will tell the truth. The next time they are visited by a player, they will tell a lie. Each guest will always give the same truthful and deceitful responses throughout the MainMatch. You will not be told whether their statement is a truth or a lie. If multiple players visit the same guest in a round, they will all be told the same true/false statement. Additionally, they will be told who also visited that guest. The next time that guest is visited they will switch to the other true/false statement regardless of the number of players that visited them in a single round.

Here is an example true statement:

(This statement applies to the MainMatch)

Terminology, Information & Garnets

Each room has 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 coins.

If a room is stated to have, for example, 3 coins in it, this does not mean it could have 4 or 5 coins, but that it has exactly 3 coins in it.

Two rooms are Neighbours, if on the hotel layout they are touching horizontally (on same floor).

Eg, “-D” is Neighbours to “-C”, “-E”,

Two rooms are Companions, if on the hotel layout they are touching vertically (on same series).

Eg, “-D” is Companions to “+Y”, “-K”

Two rooms are Adjacent, if on the hotel layout they are touching orthogonally.

Eg, “-D” is Adjacent to “+Y”, “-E”, “-K”, “-C”

Two rooms are Diagonal, if on the hotel layout they are touching diagonally.

Eg, “-D” is Diagonal to “+Z”, “-L”, “-J”, “-X”

A room is Surrounded by another, if on the hotel layout they are touching orthogonally or diagonally.

Eg, “-D” is Surrounded by to “+Y”, “+Z”, “-E”, “-L”, “-K”, “-J”, “-C”, “-X”

Ten rooms contain 5 coins.

Ten rooms contain 4 coins.

Eleven rooms contain 3 coins.

Twelve rooms contain 2 coins.

Thirteen rooms contain 1 coin.

Garnet Spending

Players may spend 1 Garnet to know whether the statement they received this round was true or false.

Players may spend 2 Garnets to see the other statement a guest would have given to a room they have visited. This may be used on any statement you have been told by a guest throughout the MainMatch.

By Default, the results to the above garnet spending will be given at the end of the round. You may decide to spend garnets on the upcoming round. In which case you will be told whether the statement is true/false or both statements from the guest, as soon as you receive them.

Please make sure to specify whether you want to spend the garnets on, otherwise it will default to the current rounds statement.


After 9 rounds of receiving statements, players must then submit 10 guest rooms. (by room ID)

We will look at everyone’s submissions to determine a winner.

Players gain coins according to the number of coins in their selected rooms and the number of people that submitted the same rooms.

Each room is worth the number of coins in the room, minus one for every two other people (excl yourself) who choose that room. This is explained by the table below:

Everyone’s total Coins are announced. It is revealed which players met or clashed on the first ToL condition. It is not revealed which room each player submitted.

There are 2 ways to achieve a ToL:

Submit 10 rooms that all have the same amount of coins in them, while nobody else does the same for the same amount of coins. If only one person meets this victory condition, they gain two ToL, one of which to be given away. This looks at the default amount of coins in the room. [Max 5]

This is the number of coins in the room, and is not related to coins earnt being reduced the more people are in a room.

Have the most coins at the end of the MainMatch. If only one person meets this victory condition, they gain two ToL If more than 5 people have the most coins, those people do not receive a Tol, and instead the players with the next largest amount of coins do. [Max 5]

The loser(s) of the MainMatch are those who didn’t meet a victory condition who had the lowest total coins.

Players receive a garnet for achieving 20 coins, and an additional Garnet for every further 10 coins reached.


Host Info    (The game involves additional information that only the hosts know and prepare in advance.)

Limited communication    (The game cuts or restricts communications in some way between players.)