Designer(s): Zero | Match Type: DM (for 2 players) |
Featured in: Zero's Guardians |
DeathMatch 5: Bomb Domain
In this game players will use their pieces to attempt to claim as much of the board as possible as their Domain.
This game is played on a 9x9 board.
The left 4 columns start as the DMO's Domain
The right 4 columns start as the EC's Domain
The middle column starts as neither players Domain
Players will start the game with 21 pieces of 3 different types.
The Square Piece
The Plus Piece
The Cross Piece
These will determine the explosion radius when a piece is detonated.
At the start of the game the DMO may decide which player will start.
They may also choose to give away this right to the EC.
Phase 1: Piece Placing
Players will then simultaneously place their pieces onto the board in sets of 3 across 7 rounds of submissions.
In each submission players will place one of each type of piece they have.
You cannot place a piece so that it is adjacent to 3 pieces already on the board. (this is lifted if there are no valid placements)
You cannot place 2 pieces within a 2x2 region in single submission.
Players have 90 seconds for each submission, and the current board state will be revealed after each round.
Players will place 3 pieces in their Domain in the first submission.
Players will place 3 pieces in their opponents Domain in the second submission.
Players will place 3 pieces in their Domain in the third submission.
Players will place 3 pieces in their opponents Domain in the fourth submission.
Players will place 3 pieces in their Domain in the fifth submission.
Players will place 3 pieces in their opponents Domain in the sixth submission.
Players will place 3 pieces in their Domain in the final submission.
Phase 2: Taking Turns
Following this, players will take turns with the game lasting 25 turns for each player.
During your turn there are 3 actions you may perform which occur in the following order:
Move Pieces
Place a Peg
Detonate a Piece
Piece moving
You may move one of your pieces vertically and another one of your piece horizontally.
Each piece may move up to 4 steps, but they must move the same number of squares.
If this restriction causes you to be unable to move, you may instead move 1 piece diagonally 1 square.
If you do so, you cannot Place a Peg or Detonate a Piece this turn.
Whenever a piece leaves or lands on a space, it claims it as part of its Domain.
Place a Peg
Pegs are used to block movement, they cannot be moved through or landed on. Pieces cannot jump over Pieces.
Pegs belong to the Domain of the player who placed it. There are some restrictions to placing Pegs:
Each player can place 9 Pegs throughout the game with this action
Each Peg placed must be be in a different row and column to all of your previously placed Pegs.
Pegs must be placed on unoccupied squares.
Pegs placed may not be in the Detonation radius of any piece you move or detonate this Round.
(This checks both start and end points of moves)
Pegs cannot be placed adjacent to Pieces that moved Diagonally on the last Turn.
Detonate a Piece
You may also decide to detonate one of your pieces on your turn.
Doing so will claim a region as your domain based on the type of piece that exploded.
It will not claim Pegs or Occupied Spaces.
Afterwards, a Peg will be left behind where the piece was located.
Players have 2 minutes to take their turn, with 3 periods of 1 minute of reserve time.
If you do not submit in time and don't have any reserve time left, your turn is skipped.
Phase 3: The Final Blast
After both players have taken 25 turns, all remaining pieces will explode.
Instead of exploding in their usual shape, their radius will only cover the square it is on and all adjacent squares.
This will not cause a Peg to be left behind.
If a square is in the detonation radius of a piece for both players, then its Domain state will remain the same.
After this whichever player controls more of the Domain wins the DeathMatch.
If this is a tie, the player who didn't decide who went first wins.