No, Not That!

In this Death Match, keep declaring valid objects that fit a group while calling out your opponent if they declare an invalid object.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Community Hosted Genius Game 3

Final Match 1: No, Not That!

In this DM, players must submit different types of objects such that all submitted objects don’t form a group.

Each round two specifications will be given:

The Prompt: What condition is required to avoid meeting.

The Category: The type of objects the players must submit.

Each submission in a round players must perform one of the following actions:

>> Submit an object that fits the category.

>> Claim that the object the opponent just submitted was invalid.

>> Claim that the prompt can be met.

If no claim has been made, both players submitted objects are revealed and the next submission starts.

If there is an invalid object claim raised then points will be awarded depending on whether it was a correct or incorrect claim.

An object is considered invalid if it has either been submitted in a round previously by either player, or if it doesn’t meet the conditions for the category.

If the claim is incorrect then the accused gains 1 point.

If the claim is correct then the accuser gains 1 point and the object in question is removed from play.

Players then submit again, no objects are revealed during this process.

If there is a claim that the prompt was met, players who made this claim have 1 minute to privately submit the group of objects that cause the prompt to be met.

You may use any objects previously submitted except for the object you last submitted.

Objects that were submitted by both players at the same time can only be used once to meet the prompt.

If a player fails to submit a group of objects in the time limit then their claim is cancelled.

If the claim is incorrect then your opponent earns 1 point.

If the claim is correct then you earn 3 points.

However on a correct claim, the opponent may raise a challenge that their prompt solution includes an invalid object.

If the claim is incorrect they give their opponent 1 point and the original claim continues.

If the claim is correct however they gain 2 points and the original claim is cancelled.

You must be wary not to use an invalid object in your attempt to meet the prompt.

If a player earns 3 or more points in total from either type of claim during a round, then the round ends.

The round also ends one submission after 17 unique objects have been submitted. It will be announced that there is 1 submission left in this case.

In this last submission, players do not need to submit objects, and may raise a claim if they wish.

In the game there will be 16 rounds of prompts, the player with the most points at the end will be declared the winner.

If the scores are tied at the end of the game, the winner is the player who won round 16.

Players have 30 seconds per submission for rounds 1 to 8.

Players have 1 min per submission for rounds 9 to 16.

Time limits start from the host posting the image, there will be a 3 second countdown ahead of each image.

If a player fails to submit an object in this time the timer is extended by 1 minute and that player loses a safety net.

Players start with 3 Safety nets that last for the whole Final Match.

If a player runs out of safety nets they will lose 1 point if they run out of time and the 1 minute timer will start counting down.

If a player disconnects, host ruling discretion will be applied.

Players may between rounds decide to exchange 1 point for 2 safety nets.

Here is an example round:

Prompt: Create a 4 Letter Word with exactly 1 vowel using the vowels AEIOU and the submitted consonants.

Object Category: Consonants of the Alphabet.

First submission:

Alpha: Q

Beta: W

Second submission:

Alpha: Z

Beta: Z

Third submission:

Alpha: W

Beta: A

Fourth submission:

Alpha: Claim A is an Invalid Object -> Correct, Alpha gains 1 Point (reason, doesn't fit the category of objects)

Beta: Claim W is an Invalid Object -> Correct, Beta gains 1 Point (reason, submitted in a previous round)

Fifth submission:

Alpha: Y

Beta: H

Sixth submission:

Alpha: Claim that the Prompt is met.

Beta: V

Alpha then submits that “W H I Z” meet the prompt. Beta does not challenge that Y is an invalid object.

WHIZ is a valid word and so Alpha gain 3 points and the round end.

For the purpose of word rounds like this, I will be using this website to check for valid words:

Players may use the Scrabble Check to make sure a word is valid, however other tools like Excel, Google etc are not allowed.

Final Match Items:

Extra Safe: Gain 3 safety nets.

Life Ring: No point changers occur as a result of your next incorrect invalid object claim and your next incorrect prompt claim.

Head Start: Used during the first submission of the round. Normal submissions aren’t revealed and instead you name one object that only you can use in your attempt to guess the prompt. (Limit, 1 per player)


Miscellaneous    (The game tests a miscellaneous set of skills.)

Simultaneous    (The game involves players taking their turns simultaneously.)

Words    (The game tests the players' linguistic abilities.)