
In this Main Match, propose and pass bills to bolster your house's resources.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 10 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gauntlet

In this game there are 5 houses manufacturing jewellery each with a different type of Gemstone. Players must try to help out their associated houses by passing bills that gain them resources.

Each Gemstone has a unique colour, the 5 houses are named after the colour, they are:

Ruby – House Red

Emerald – House Green

Sapphire – House Blue

Onyx – House Black

Diamond – House White

Each player is part of the Merchants Guild, that votes on bills to manage the kingdom. Each player is secretly involved with 3 of the houses, giving 10 unique combinations. Each house wants to get ahead of the competition and hopes that their contacts, the players, can help pass the right bills to give them an advantage.

There are 3 resources that these houses are trying to collect in order to create, transport and sell jewellery.

These are Forges, Ships and Markets. Each house will start with 1 of each resource.

In the upcoming 2 months game time (8 weeks/8 rounds), there are 60 possible bills set to be put forward to the Merchants Guild. Each week, 6 bills will be presented in pairs. Twelve bills will end up not being put forward. Players will each be able to give 2 votes for these bills but cannot vote for the same bill twice. At the end of the round, each pair will be checked.

If one of the bills in a pair received more votes than the other, that bill will be passed and the other will be rejected.

If both bills received exactly 4 votes for each, both bills will pass.

Otherwise, both bills will be rejected.

It will be revealed how many votes were given for each bill, but not who voted for which.

All passed bills will apply in their numbered order, lowest to highest.

The bills will be revealed in 24 hours, along with each player privately being told which houses they are aligned to.

Bill Selection

Each bill has been assigned a number from 1 to 60, and a hidden partner bill to form a pair. Each week players will be able to nominate a bill and choose whether they would like to push forward or hold back the bill. Pushing a bill forward increases its priority by 1. Holding a bill back reduces its priority by 1. All priority nominations carry between rounds and remain hidden. The first week’s bills are set. Which bills are put forward in future weeks are decided by the following method:

The bill with the highest priority is put forward.

If this is a tie between multiple bills, the bill with the lowest number is put forward.

Once a bill has been put forward, its corresponding hidden pair is put against it.

This is done 3 times to determine the 6 bills for the week.


On the fourth week, each player will have the chance to investigate another player. You may select 1 player, and name 3 houses. At the end of the week, you will be told if the chosen player is affiliated with any of the 3 named houses, and which ones. If you find out they are associated with all three, you have earned the right to blackmail them. If this is the case, in the fifth week, you may decide whether you would like to go through with the blackmail or not.

If you choose to not go through with it, nothing happens. If you choose to go through with it, the investigated player will be told you are blackmailing them at the end of the fifth week. At the end of the MainMatch they will be forced to give you 1 Gold, if they have any. If multiple people blackmail the same person, and that person doesn’t have enough gold to give each person, no gold is given.

Garnet Spending

Players may spend 1 Garnet to name a bill and at the end of the week they will learn the number of its corresponding hidden paired bill.

Players may spend 1 Garnet to push forward or push backward 1 Bill. This may only be used once per player per week.

Players may spend 5 Garnets on the fourth week to be able to investigate an additional player.


After 2 months (8 weeks), the houses are ranked with how well off each house is.

Houses are ordered from most to least resources, those with the most resources ranked highest.

If 2 houses have the same amount of resources, resources are checked in the order Forges, Ships then Markets. If they tie for all three, they are ranked the same.

Players will then be rewarded for how well each of their associated houses performed.

The highest ranked house shall give 3 gold to their contacts.

The second highest ranked house shall give 2 gold to their contacts.

The third highest ranked house shall give 1 gold to their contacts.

(If there are ties, the houses could be ranked: 1st, 1st, 3rd,4th, 5th for example, in which case 2 houses would give out 3 gold, and no house would give out 2 gold)

At this point, any players who were successfully blackmailed give gold to corresponding players if they can.

Each player then pays 2 gold in tax. Players who cannot afford to pay the tax, lose the MainMatch.

In the case everybody can afford to pay the tax, the players with the least amount of gold, lose the MainMatch.

Each player will then receive a garnet for each remaining gold they have.

Following this, ToL’s are given out to players who paid their tax and met either of the following conditions:

  • The player(s) with the most gold win. If this is a single player, they receive 2 ToL’s. If more than 6 players tie for this, no ToL’s are given. [Max 6]
  • Managed to pass the most bills through which they voted on. If 2 or more players passed the same amount of bills, the player who passed the next most amount of bills will earn a ToL. This repeats until a ToL is given out, or all players have tied. [Max 1]


Extra Info on Discord    (The game has extra information on Discord that has not been documented on this website.)

Voting    (The game involves players voting as a mechanic.)