Quattro Bridge

In this Main Match, aim to form the best Quattro by traveling across floating islands to collect cards.

Designer(s): Zero Match Type: MM (for 12 players)
Featured in: Zero's Gauntlet

In this game, you must aim to form the highest scoring Quattro by collecting cards across 7 rounds by vising the four floating islands.

A Quattro consists of 4 numbered cards that all have different values and different colours.

These cards can be one of four colours, Red, Yellow, Blue or Green.

Starting at 0, the maximum value a card can take is 6. A Quattro’s score is equal to the sum of the numbered cards. Cards with value 0 can act as any colour in a Quattro.

There are 4 floating Islands each with a different colour. These are called:

Forest – Green

Volcano – Red

Desert – Yellow

Ocean – Blue

At the start of the game (48 hours time), players will construct six bridges between these 4 Islands. Each Bridge can only be travelled in one direction. You may spend 2 bridges to allow travel in both directions. You may not place 2 Bridges such that they overlap. An example image has been provided below. If you fail to make a complete submission, or make an invalid submission, your bridges will be constructed in the same way as the example. To submit please make your design with the attached PPT and post an image. If you cannot, you may alternatively submit “Location Start -> Location End” for each bridge. In addition to this, you must submit which of the 4 Islands you would like to start at. If you fail to give a starting location, you will start at the Green Forest Island. You have 48 hours to make both these submissions.

Example Layout:

Once everyone has selected their bridge formation and starting location, each person will be put in a channel with everyone who is on the same island.

Players cannot communicate to players on other islands. Similar channels to MainMatch 1 will be set up each round.

The game will last for 7 rounds. There will be no movement in the last round.

Each round players may take 3 actions:

Choose an Island to move to for the next round.

Choose one of the available actions at your current Island to Perform.

Spend 2 garnets to perform an additional action at your current Island. If used, your 2 actions must be different.

The 2 Standard Actions resolve before the Garnet Action.

The Garnet Action may be stated to be dependent on something happening with the Standard action. If the Garnet Action becomes Invalid, it will not be processed and Garnets will not be lost.

Island Movement

Each round, you may submit to travel to a connected Island.

An island is considered connected if there is a bridge going in the right direction from your current island to the new Island.

If there is at least 1 bridge connecting you to another Island, you must travel across one.

If you fail to submit or make an invalid submission, you will travel across a random valid bridge.

Island Bonus

At the start of the next round, if your Island has less than 6 people on it, you will receive a card of value 1 of the same colour as your Island. This also applies to starting islands.

Island Actions

Each round you may perform an action based on the colour Island you are on. If you fail to submit a valid complete action, no action will be taken. If the action requires you to select a card in your hand, make sure to do so. The actions are as follows:


  • Increase one of your 2 cards, to a 4 card. ✾
  • Change the colour of one of your cards.
  • Gift a 2 card to another player at this location. This is a new card, not one from your hand. The card’s colour is the same as the recipients starting Island colour. If you use this action, you may not receive a 2 card from another player performing this action on you this round.


  • Discard one of your cards, increase another of your cards that is less than 4 and the same colour by 3. ✾
  • Discard any number of your cards, gain a red card with value equal to the total number of discarded cards.
  • Discard one of your cards of value 2, gain three 1 cards of the remaining 3 colours.


  • Discard a card of each colour, gain a 6 card. Its colour is the same as the Island location you were at last round. ✾
  • Gain a yellow 3 card.
  • Decrease one of your cards by 1, Increase another of your cards that is less than 5, by 2.


  • Increase any one of your cards less than 6, by 1
  • Give a card in your hand that is less than 5 to another player at this location. You may not give the same player more than one card by this action during the MainMatch.
  • Weaken the effects of 3 other actions. Can only be used on rounds 2, 4 and 6. These are applied to the ✾ actions.

They are as follows:

Green -> Increase one of your 2 cards, to a 3 card.
Red -> Discard one of your cards, increase another of your cards that is less than 4 and the same colour by 2.
Yellow -> Discard a card of each colour, gain a 5 card. It’s colour is the same as the location you were at last round.

Game Results

After 7 rounds, players will receive garnets according to the following:

Players who travelled across each of their bridges at least once (in either direction), will receive 1 Garnet.

Player who end the game with a Quattro worth a least 16, will receive 1 Garnet.

Players who hold a card of value zero, will receive 1 Garnet.

At the end of the game, each players hand will be revealed and evaluated for the best Quattro.

If you can form multiple Quattro worth the same amount of points, cards will be used in the following order Red -> Blue - > Green -> Yellow, starting the highest value.

If you cannot form a Quattro with your hand of cards, you lose the MainMatch.

If everybody manages to form a Quattro, the MainMatch losers will be all the players with the lowest scoring Quattro.

After these have been decided, Token’s of Life are given out to the remaining players who met at least one of the following objectives.

Player’s who receive a ToL are considered the MainMatch winners. If only 1 player would receive a ToL, they instead receive 2, one to be given away.

The MainMatch losers are excluded from the below checks.

✾ Players with a Quattro worth 18, [Max 4].

If more than 4 players achieve this, those that have the same colour 6 card in their Quattro as another player who also met this condition do not receive a ToL.

✾ The Player with the largest Quattro with a Unique Score. [Max 1]

✾ The Player with the largest amount unique cards in their hand. [Max 1]

✾ The Player with the largest sum of cards in their hand. [Max 1]

✾ The Player with the largest number of cards of the same colour. [Max 1]

For the Max 1 Conditions, if there is a tie between two or more players, no ToL is given out.


Cards    (The game involves cards of any kind.)

Limited communication    (The game cuts or restricts communications in some way between players.)

Quattro-like    (The game takes elements from the game Quattro from The Genius TV show.)