
elara is the main host of The Choice is Yours and the co-host of The Genius: Heaven & Hell.

Games Designed:

Type Name Designer(s) ORGs # Tags
MM Advent of Language e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 7 Drafting, Inductive reasoning, Limited communication, Words
MM Apotheosis elara The Choice is Yours 9 Extra Info on Discord, Host Info, Intel game, Limited communication, Logic, Puzzle, Trick
MM Bifröst e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 3 Anonymous, Grid-based, Hex grid, Limited communication, Live MM, Strategy, Turn-based
MM Bouquet Arrangement e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Contractual Obligation 13 Points-based, Targeting
MM Choose Your Own Adventure elara The Choice is Yours 13 Battling, Points-based, Social deduction
MM Death Match Tournament elara The Choice is Yours 8
MM Divine Intervention e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 11 Limited communication, Miscellaneous
MM Exodia, Obliterate elara The Choice is Yours 7
MM Extreme Ways elara The Choice is Yours Squeaky Genius: Legends Untold 12 Auction, Bidding, Grid-based, Intel game, Piece movement
MM Group Theory e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Contractual Obligation 13 Intel game, Points-based, Semi-live MM
MM I am thou, thou art I elara The Choice is Yours 5
MM Memories of a Lost Season e_is_cool, elara The Simulacrum 20
MM Not Flower Field e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 4 Area control, Grid-based, Patterns, Points-based
MM Pantheic Runes e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 5 Semi-live MM
MM Pokémon Snap e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 8 Asymmetric, Limited communication, Optimization, RPG
MM Proof by Contradiction e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Contractual Obligation 11
MM Secret Sinner e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 13 Dilemma, Intel game, Limited communication, Social deduction
MM Sinking of the Titanic e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 12 Extra Info on Discord, Host Info, Intel game, Limited communication, Points-based, Trick
MM Soullinked e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 8 Grid-based, Limited communication, Points-based, Teams
MM The Amalgamation elara The Choice is Yours 6
MM The Apocalypse e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 10 Cards, Dilemma, Limited communication, Points-based
MM The Black Garnet elara The Choice is Yours 10
MM The Flat Earth Theory e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 13 Grid-based, Mathematics, Simultaneous, Voting
MM The Kingmaker elara The Choice is Yours 3
MM The Masquerade Ball e_is_cool, elara The Simulacrum 20 Guest, Meme, Social deduction
MM The Penultimate Test e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Contractual Obligation 5 Area control, Grid-based, Hex grid, Piece placement, Piece removal, Points-based, Teams
MM The Script e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Contractual Obligation 8 Bidding, Inductive reasoning, Points-based, Semi-live MM
MM The Whims of a Goddess e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 6 Cards, Poker-like
MM Threads of Fate e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 9 Optimization
MM Top Parse e_is_cool, elara Community Hosted Genius Game 2 3
MM Trivial by Induction elara The Choice is Yours 4
MM Truth Deflector elara The Choice is Yours 11
DM 24 Lockout elara The Choice is Yours 2 Buzzer-based, Equation assembly, Mathematics, Mental, Points-based, Puzzle
DM Astral Flow e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 2 Grid-based, Mental, Nim-like, Observation, Points-based
DM A Warrior's Death e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell The Genius: Contractual Obligation 2 Battling, Points-based, Psych, Simultaneous
DM Battle of the Flower Domain e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Contractual Obligation 2 Area control, Grid-based, Observation, Piece placement, Polyominoes, Strategy, Turn-based
DM Blockade Chess elara The Choice is Yours Squeaky Genius: Legends Untold The Genius Puzzler Gambit Game: First Move 2 Chess-like, Grid-based, Piece movement, Piece placement, Strategy, Turn-based
DM Chromatic Collapse e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Contractual Obligation 2 Grid-based, Piece movement, Piece removal, Strategy, Turn-based
DM Combo Breaker elara The Choice is Yours 2 Buzzer-based, Dilemma, Inductive reasoning, Mental, Points-based, Turn-based, Words
DM Demeter's Anguish e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 2 Area control, Asymmetric, Grid-based, Piece placement, Polyominoes, Strategy, Turn-based
DM Denizens of Tartarus e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 2 Cards, Strategy, Turn-based
DM Different Number Hunt elara The Choice is Yours 2
DM Expression Black & White elara The Choice is Yours 2
DM Floral Extract e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Contractual Obligation 2 Logic, Mathematics, Mental, Optimization, Points-based, Psych, Simultaneous
DM Glittering Paths e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 2 Grid-based, Mental, Observation, Points-based, Strategy, Trick, Turn-based
DM Hap-Tac-Toe elara The Choice is Yours Squeaky Genius: Legends Untold The Genius: Champ The Champion 2 Grid-based, Hap-like, Observation, Piece placement, Points-based, Strategy, Turn-based
DM Hero of the Arena e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 4 Battling, Cards, Drafting, Piece placement, Strategy, Teams, Turn-based
DM Light as a Feather e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 2 Mathematics, Optimization, Simultaneous
DM Logical Horror e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Contractual Obligation 2 Grid-based, Inductive reasoning, Logic, Mental, Piece placement, Puzzle
DM Math Scrabble elara The Choice is Yours 2
DM Mist e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell The Genius: Contractual Obligation 2 Area control, Grid-based, Hex grid, Piece placement, Psych, Strategy, Turn-based
DM Multi-Player elara The Choice is Yours 2
DM Mystery Cosign elara The Choice is Yours 2
DM Pandora's Box e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 2 Mathematics, Memory, Mental, Miscellaneous, Observation, Points-based, Puzzle, Strategy
DM RoboChess Championships elara The Choice is Yours 2 Chess-like, Grid-based, Miscellaneous, Piece movement, Simultaneous, Strategy
DM Tactical Picture Hunt elara The Choice is Yours 2
DM The Eighteenth Hell e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 2 Goofspiel-like, Luck, Miscellaneous, Piece placement, Points-based, Psych, Race, Simultaneous
DM The Soul Remembers e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 2 Buzzer-based, Grid-based, Hap-like, Memory, Mental, Observation, Patterns, Points-based
DM Thoth's Bluff e_is_cool, elara The Genius: Heaven and Hell 2 Dice, Optimization, Psych
DM "Winning Streak" elara The Choice is Yours 2
DM Zoom elara The Choice is Yours 2 Buzzer-based, Grid-based, Observation, Patterns, Points-based