

Designer(s): elara Match Type: MM (for 9 players)
Featured in: The Choice is Yours

Main Match 5: Apotheosis

In Apotheosis, players hunt for a Token of Immortality... which will be immediately cashed in for Tokens of Life. But a win's a win, right?

The Rooms

This game takes place in a set of rooms. Players traverse these rooms, looking for clues to the location of the Token of Immortality.

These rooms are numbered with the positive integers. The smallest room number is Room 1. There are at least 100 and fewer than 150 total rooms. There may be other properties regarding the rooms.

Each room has a safe in it, and each safe is protected by a four-digit passcode. Inside each safe, there is one of four possible things:

1) The Token of Immortality: If you find this, congratulations! You win the Main Match. 2) An Item: Several rooms have items in them. These items are vital to learn more about the structure of the building, and may help you on your search to find the Token of Immortality. 3) A hint: These rooms contain hints that may help you learn more about the building or the codes for other rooms. 4) Progress Points: These rooms give you Progress Points. Progress Points play several roles in this Main Match.


Before the start of each round, players submit a number, representing the room they wish to travel to. If the move is illegal, they are told so and remain in the same room they started in; otherwise, they move to that room.

During the round, players submit a code to the room they are in. If their code is correct, they are told so and receive the object inside the safe.

If multiple players are in the same room at the same time, and one of the players opens the safe, all players in the room are told the code and receive the reward (whether it is an Item, hint, or Progress Points). The only exception to this is the Token of Immortality, which will be discussed later.

Pregame and Endgame

Before the start of the game, players choose a starting room. It must be between 1 and 10.

It is guaranteed that all rooms with numbers between 1 and 10 have safe codes equal to their room number. For instance, Room 6 has the code 0006.

It is also guaranteed that rooms 2 and 10 contain items, while the remaining of these rooms contain hints.

The player who opens the safe containing the Token of Immortality is the winner of the Main Match. If multiple players open the safe on the same round, the player who wins is the one with more Progress Points. If this is a tie, it is broken by the Gamewide Tiebreak.

The winner of the Main Match earns at least two Tokens of Life. This can be modified by one or more of the items.

The loser of the Main Match is normally the player with the fewest Progress Points; this can also be modified by one or more of the items.


Group Twist: This game features limited communications. Players are always allowed to discuss with other players in the same room, but all other communications are initially turned off. Some methods can be turned on:

1) Triangle: At the beginning of the game, players are randomly split into three groups of three. Players may discuss in their three-player group channel (note that a pair in this group cannot discuss in their pair chat because of this). 2) Tens: Any two players may discuss if they are in rooms that, when rounded up to the nearest multiple of ten, are the same. (For instance, Room 1 and Room 10 can discuss with each other.) Players are told who they can discuss with from this. 3) Messages: Every time a player earns a Progress Point, they can send one message to any other player. This message does not have to be sent immediately, but a player is capped by the number of Progress Points they have earned. So, if a player has 3 PPs, they can only send three messages. A message must contain fewer than 150 characters.

Players should individually submit yes or no for each of the three options. If all options are voted no, Option 1 is automatically changed to yes.

MM Winner Twist: The Main Match Winners decide the types of items that will exist. Items may either be Structural (giving clues on the structure of the building), Meta (concerning the MM's impact on the ORG), or Miscellaneous.

Each MM Winner should independently choose one of these three categories. These choices will be pooled together and used to decide on the Items at play, though I won't go into specifics in how.

DM Winner Twist: The DM Winner will be privately messaged their twist's specifics.


Some very basic puzzle knowledge may be assumed (e.g. knowledge of the alphanumeric cipher, aka A=1 Z=26). No knowledge outside of https://blog.vero.site/post/puzzlehunts will be assumed. (I don't recommend you read the entire thing just to prepare, though.)

Clarification: If A and B are in the same Triangle, it is still possible for them to discuss as a pair if they gain communication abilities through other means. But the Triangle itself doesn't facilitate pair discussion.

Clarification: MM Winner choice results are revealed (the number that chose each type); DM Winner choices are not revealed. Group choice results are revealed (whether each method of discussion passed).

Clarification: Illegality of moves is really vague in the rules, so I'm trying to clear it up here.

A move that travels to a room with number <= 100 is never illegal. Moves that go above that may be illegal; moves that attempt to move to a room that does not exist are always illegal.
