Choose Your Own Adventure


Designer(s): elara Match Type: MM (for 13 players)
Featured in: The Choice is Yours

Main Match 1: Choose Your Own Adventure

In Choose Your Own Adventure, players first decide on which Main Match they will be playing before they actually play it.

Here are the 4 options:

123 Game: In this MM, you must play cards to do better than your opponents. While it may seem simple, there's a little more depth to it than at first glance.

Food Chain: Every player roleplays as an animal trying to survive. But there's a small twist...

Fruit Stand: You are a simple vendor, attempting to make as much money as possible peddling your humble wares. How much harder could it possibly get?

ID Exchange: You exchange ID's to earn points; this game really isn't that complex. Or is it...

All 13 players will vote on which Main Match to play. When voting, please rank all four options in some order. Rankings will be revealed publicly, and the option with the most #1 picks will be played. If there is a tie, all games that did not tie for first will be removed from contention, and players who put these games as their top vote will move to their next vote (the highest one that is still in contention). Repeat until one match is selected.

More detailed rules will be revealed based off of the winning game.

If you do not submit a vote, you will be marked as such, and you will use this default order from most to least preferred (purely so that I can have 13 votes, which avoids ties):

**123 Game

Food Chain

Fruit Stand

ID Exchange**


You have selected: Food Chain.

In Food Chain, players role-play as animals as they attempt to survive while earning the most amount of points.

There are 4 types of animals in Food Chain. Each player chooses an animal type. Predators and Prey must select a Main Habitat (there are four possible Habitats: Forest, Field, River, and Sky). Each type of animal comes with a Death Condition as well as a Point Condition.

The animal types are as follows:


Death Condition: Starve for 1 round; that is, go 1 round without eating any animal.

Point Condition: For every round you are alive, you earn 1 point. Every time you eat an animal successfully, you also gain 1 point.


Death Condition: Be attacked (successfully) by a Predator or Hunter.

Point Condition: For every round that you are alive, you earn 1 base point. In every round, you also gain number of points equal to the number of other players in your room divided by four (rounded up).


Death Condition: If at the end of the game, there are less than 9 animals dead, you die. If you are attacked by a Hunter, you also die.

Point Condition: For every round you are alive, you earn points equal to the number of animals that died that round.


Death Condition: If at the end of the game, any Predators are still alive, you die. If you are attacked by a Predator, you also die.

Point Condition: For every round that you are alive, you earn points equal to the number of Predators that are still alive. In addition, you earn one point every time a Predator dies.

There is a penalty if too many people select a single role. If more than 5 players select any role, every player that selected that role will lose points equal to that count minus five. So, for instance, if 7 people select Predator, they will all lose two points (for the purpose of final scoring).


First, every player chooses a starting habitat (which may not necessarily be their Main Habitat). Every round, players select where they will go for the next round (submitted privately).

Players in different habitats may not communicate with each other.


Hunters and Predators may attack other players that are currently in the same habitat as them. They may only attack two players per round. Attack in your submissions channel.

At the end of the round, all attacks are processed. Hunter attacks occur before Predator attacks; as such, a Predator attack on a player who is already dead will not be processed.

  • Hunters may kill Prey and Scavengers, but may never kill Predators or other Hunters.
  • Predators can always kill Hunters. They can kill other Predators if they are in their Main Habitat, while the other Predator is not. Predators may not kill Prey if they are not in their Main Habitat but the Prey is. Predators may never kill Scavengers.
  • If two Hunters kill a single Scavenger or Prey in a single round, that player dies.
  • If two Predators kill a single character in a single round, that player dies, but there is no reward for the Predators. Predators can only survive by killing an animal themselves, and may not gain points if they are not the sole killer.

If you die in a round, you do not gain any points from that round.

At the end of every round, the players who died are revealed publicly for all players (as well as the new locations of all players, if applicable). All attempted attacks will be revealed to players that were in that specific location at that time.

Examples for Predators:

A Predator whose Main Habitat is the Forest can kill a Predator whose Main Habitat is the River if and only if both players are currently in the Forest. If both players are in the Sky, for instance, neither player can kill the other.

A Predator whose Main Habitat is the Forest may not kill a Prey whose Main Habitat is the River, if both players are in the River.

Endgame + Garnets

The game is played for four rounds. At the end of the fourth round, all players that did not meet their Death Condition that have the highest number of points win the Main Match and earn a Token of Life; if only one player won, they earn two Tokens of Life.

All winners collectively decide on a player who met their Death Condition to be the Elimination Candidate.

All players who did not meet their Death Condition earn garnets equal to the number of points they have at the end of the game, divided by three, rounded down.

If all players have met their Death Condition, then the player(s) with the highest number of points win(s), with the same ToL reward as above. Each of these players earns 4 garnets. The loser is the player with the fewest amount of points (if there are multiple such people, then the winner(s) select which one is the EC.)

Amendment: I just realized I used an old version of one of the roles, oops. The Point Condition for Prey has been slightly changed.

Clarification: There's no restriction on where you can travel. The purpose of the Main Habitat is purely for Predator attacking interactions.

Clarification: Prey's death condition previously said "be attacked... by a Predator"; this now includes Hunters, which are able to kill Prey.

Clarification/Amendment: If no player meets their Death Condition at the end of the game, then the player with the lowest number of points is the EC; ties broken by winner's choice.


Failure to submit in selection phase will randomize your animal and starting location. Failure to submit in other phases will submit no kills (if applicable) and a randomized new location.

At the end of the Main Match, all starting animals and points are revealed.

Prey's Point Condition is calculated after players die; for instance, if there are 5 others in the room but then 2 die, a Prey will only gain 1 point from the second condition.

Players may use pair channels if both players are in the same location and group channels if all players with access to it are in the same location.

When submitting: for the starting phase, submit a character (including Main Habitat if applicable) and a starting location. For other phases, submit movements and kills at the same time.

After a player dies, they are no longer able to communicate with alive players and do not get access to channels, but they may discuss with other dead players.

Clarification: If all players tie, then no ToLs are given and there is a majority vote for the EC. The EC is randomized among the players with the most votes. Vote counts are revealed here, but not who each person voted for.

Clarification: Players are not told what their point count is at the end of every round, though all final point counts are revealed at the end of the game.
