Trivial by Induction


Designer(s): elara Match Type: MM (for 4 players)
Featured in: The Choice is Yours

Main Match 10: Trivial by Induction

In Trivial by Induction, players uncover the secrets of mysterious modules.

There are 8 Modules in this game, with various names:









Players submit input strings to these modules. Input strings are a series of characters, either lowercase letters or spaces.

When you submit an input string into a module, you will receive the output dictated by the module.

Each module has a success condition; when you have reached the success condition for a given module, you will be told such.

Here is an example module:

Name: String Reversal

Given a string, reverses it, and returns the reversed string.

Success condition: Submit a palindromic string.

If you submitted the string "hello", then you would receive "olleh" as output from this module. If you submitted "racecar", you would receive "racecar" as output and be told that you passed the module.


Every turn, players can do one of the following types of submissions:

  • Two public submissions to all modules.
  • A single, private submission to all modules
  • Six public submissions to single modules of your choice
  • Four private submissions to single modules of your choice

(In the third and fourth options, you may split your submissions between different modules arbitrarily; in particular, you may put all of them on a single module if you'd like.)

Public submissions... are revealed in public, private submissions are not.

When a player submits a string, via the first option, that passes every module, the Main Match ends with that player's victory.


When a player has passed all modules in the same submission, the Main Match ends. We look at the round numbers in which each player passed each module for the first time.

The winner of the Main Match is the player who passes all modules first. If multiple players did it in the same round, the winner is the player who had passed the most modules prior to this round; if this is still a tie, we consider the most recent time in which it was not tied. (In case of a tie all the way to the beginning of the game, Gamewide Tiebreak is used.)

The Elimination Candidate of the Main Match is the player who, at the end of the MM, had passed the fewest modules. Ties are broken identically to above.


Garnets can be used in this game to buy hints for each module; these are pre-determined messages that may assist in your inferences. Each of the twists concerns these hints.

Group Decision: How much will each hint be worth? Submit a number between 5 and 20 Garnets; the arithmetic mean of all submissions, rounded down, will be used.

MM Winner Decision: What are the restrictions on hint-buying? Decide if a) there is a limit on number of hints buyable in a single round (and if so, what is it) and b) what the earliest round number that hints can be bought in (the largest this can be is 6).

DM Winner Decision: Should hints be public, and how useful should they be? Submit yes/no to answer the first question. For the second question, decide if hints can concern a module's operation, its success condition, or either. (If the last is chosen, you can decide which hint you want.)


Amendment: If after 14 rounds no player has won, then the game ends. The above tiebreakers are used to determine MM Winner and EC (# of modules passed).

Clarification: If you buy a hint on a round and the game ends on that round, you don't actually spend the garnets.
