

Designer(s): elara Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: The Choice is Yours

Final Match 3: Multi-Player

In Multi-Player, players must succeed in Goofspiel games, and use their success to cash in on some other activities.

There are four channels used in this game: #goofspiel, #shop, #gyul-hap, #expressions. Of these, #goofspiel will be used to play a game of Goofspiel to earn money. You will use this money to buy tiles from #shop, and use the tiles to net yourself points in #gyul-hap and #expressions. In the end, each of three subgames (Goofspiel, Gyul Hap, and Expressions) will have a winner, and the player who wins two of these subgames is the winner of The Choice is Yours.

This game is real-time and takes place over the span of six 10-minute blocks, for a total of 60 minutes. A break can be taken between blocks, but it's recommended not to take a break otherwise.


Each of the first five blocks will have a bout of Goofspiel in it.

In a single block's bout of Goofspiel, players are each given cards that have numbers from 1 to 9. There are also prize cards numbered from 1 to 9. The bout consists of nine rounds.

Within each round of a bout, a single prize card is revealed as the prize for that round. No prize will be used multiple times. Both players should submit a single card to play for that round. This card will be used up.

At the end of each round, the cards that each player played are revealed. The player who played the higher card receives money equal to the prize card's value. In the case of a tie, the round is thrown out and neither player receives the money for it.

After nine rounds, the bout ends, and all cards as well as all prize cards are reset.

Timing: In each Goofspiel round, you have 60 seconds to submit a card to use. There will be a reminder at 10 seconds remaining. (Deadlines will be strict here. Make sure to submit early.)

If you fail to make a submission, you will automatically use up your lowest valued unused card, but its value will be nerfed to 0. In other words, you are ineligible to gain points in a round in which you do not submit.

Scoring: At the end of each Goofspiel bout, we calculate which player earned more money in that bout. That player earns a GSP (Goofspiel Point). (In the case of a tie, neither player earns the GSP). The player who has more GSPs at the end of the FM wins the Goofspiel subgame.

The Shop

In The Shop, players use their money to buy tiles for both Gyul Hap and Expressions. The Shop is unavailable in Block 1, and is open in Blocks 2-6.

At the start of each Block, all money earned from Goofspiel in the previous Block is added to your balance, for the purpose of the Shop. (Note that this means that you can't, say, win a Goofspiel round and then immediately spend the money from it in the same round.) In addition, both players receive $30 at the start of each of the Blocks that the Shop is open in.

The Shop works in cycles. There are three cycles in each block, each one lasting 3 minutes 20 seconds. At the beginning of each cycle, a new price is assigned to each tile.

In a single cycle, copies of each tile are up for purchase. Each tile number is given a price between $2 and $5. There are 3 tiles that have a price of $2, and 2 tiles that have a price of $3, $4, and $5 each.

When you buy a tile, you buy three copies of that tile, and you cannot buy that tile again until the next cycle.

Gyul Hap

In Gyul Hap, players use their tiles to find Haps and earn points. Gyul Hap begins in Block 2 and continues until Block 6.

There are 9 tiles on the board, numbered 1 through 9 in row-major order in a grid (123/456/789). Each one has a foreground color, shape, and background color. These are the three attributes.

A Hap consists of three distinct tiles for which all three attributes are either all the same or all different. You both know how this works so I'm not going to elaborate on this further.

To call Hap, provide two tiles you hold, as well as the location of the third tile (which must still exist on the board). If your Hap is correct, you earn a point. Your tiles will be used up. (Incorrect calls don't use up tiles.)

If all Haps on the board have been claimed, you may call Gyul. If you are correct, the game moves on to the next board.

Timing: Call Gyul or Hap at any time. If there has been no attempted action for 60 seconds (i.e. no Gyul or Hap called), the game automatically moves on to the next board. If any valid call is made, regardless of if it is correct, this timer is reset. Invalid calls (i.e. a Hap call using tiles you don't actually own) don't reset the timer.

The current Gyul Hap board also resets automatically at the end of each block.

Scoring: You earn 1 GHP (Gyul Hap Point) for every correct Hap call or correct Gyul call. You lose 1 GHP for every incorrect Hap call or incorrect Gyul Call. Invalid calls don't have a penalty. At the end of the FM, the player with more GHPs wins the Gyul Hap subgame.


In Expressions, players use their tiles to form mathematical expressions yielding target numbers. Expressions begins in Block 2 and continues until Block 6.

There are two sets in Expressions, one set per 5 minutes. In each set, five Expressions puzzles are given.

An Expressions puzzle looks as follows:


Where ? is filled in with one of +-*/ and X is some number (a positive integer, but with any number of digits). For instance, one such puzzle would be _+_*_-_=42.

To solve an Expressions puzzle, provide three tiles. Put these three tiles in three of the blanks, and fill in the fourth blank with any integer between 1 and 9 so that the equation is valid. Equations are evaluated from left to right, and not with PEMDAS. For instance, one possible solution to the above puzzle is to provide the tiles 2, 3, 9, and have 2+3*9-3=42. In this example, 3 is the extra number. If you are correct, your three tiles will be used up. A player can only solve each expression once.

However, there is one additional twist to Expressions. Within a set, each number can be used as the extra number only once. This means that after the above expression is used by one player, for instance, 3 can't be used as the extra number by either player until the next Expressions set. As such there are a maximum of 9 points gettable in each set.

Timing: As stated before, the game takes place over two sets, each lasting 5 minutes. At the end of each set the next set is posted.

Scoring: You earn 1 Expression Point for every correct expression you provide. (Providing an incorrect or otherwise invalid expression yields no penalty.) At the end of the FM, the player with more EPs wins the Expressions subgame.


At the end of the sixth block, the player who has won two out of three of the subgames wins the FM and the ORG with it.


Goofspiel Advantage: This item has one use. You may increase a card's value by 1 when you play it. You cannot use this to turn a 9 into a 10. Also, if the Goofspiel subgame is tied, you win it.

Expressions Advantage: This item acts as a wild card tile for the sole purpose of Expressions; you may use it as a fill-in for any number in an expression. Also, if the Expressions subgame is tied, you win it.

Gyul Hap Advantage: This item acts as a wild card tile for the sole purpose of Gyul Hap; you may use it as a fill-in for any tile in a Hap. Also, if the Gyul Hap subgame is tied, you win it.

For the purpose of Copy, you cannot use both copies of your item on the same round.

(There is no additional Advantage for a majority of items.)


Amendment: Goofspiel rounds last for 59 seconds, with a one second break between rounds.



If you fail to make a submission, you will automatically use up your lowest valued unused card, but its value will be nerfed to 0.

The bolded clause is being removed. It is possible to win a round if you do not make a submission.


(Gyul Hap)

The 1-minute timer on Gyul Hap is being removed. The board only changes upon a successful Gyul call or the end of a block.

Amendment/Clarification Thing idk where to put this: There are 50 Gyul Hap puzzles in total. In the event that all 50 puzzles are finished, then the Gyul Hap subgame ends. I have not checked if this is mathematically possible or not.

Bot Commands:

gs X: Sets your current Goofspiel play to be number X. Do this in your private submissions channel. Example usage: gs 2

igs X: Sets your current Goofspiel play to be number X, activating the Goofspiel Advantage item.

buy X: Buys number X from the shop. Example usage: buy 9

hap abc d: Calls a hap with tiles abc and extra tile d. d must be among tiles abc. Tiles a, b, and c must be sorted in increasing order. Example usage: hap 149 4

gyul: Calls gyul. There is an anti-snipe feature on calling gyul, but most likely it will be done by hand. (In other words, if both players call gyul in rapid succession, then the second player will not be penalized for an invalid gyul call since their point will be added back.)

ihap abc d e: Calls a hap with tiles abc and extra tile d, treating tile e as the wildcard tile from the GH Advantage item. (In Gyul Hap, the extra tile is functionally equivalent to the wildcard tile.)

expr x S y Calls in a solve of expressions puzzle x using expression S and extra tile y. S should use x instead of * and its operators should match those in the xth puzzle. y must be among the digits used in S. Example usage: expr 1 2+3x9-3 3.

iexpr x S y z: Calls in a solve of expressions puzzle x using expression S and extra tile y, using the Expressions Advantage item to have z as a wild card. Note that in Expressions the extra tile and wildcard are different.

status Pulls up a status of both players, including Tiles held, current amount of money, and GHP/EP. Note that Goofspiel cards are not kept track of here. Do this command in the #status channel.

post shop Reposts the current shop.

post gh Reposts the current GH board.

post expr Reposts the current Expressions set.

(The above three can only be used in their respective channels.)

For bot purposes, Hedger may be referred to as Player 1 or p1 and Uri may be referred to as Player 2 or p2.

When a shop arrives, it will come in the form 123, 45, 67, 89. This means that 123 each cost 2, 45 each cost 3, 67 each cost 4, and 89 each cost 5.

Gyul Hap boards will use emoji tiles (:hapBBC: etc).
