In this Main Match, make patterns with flowers in a game that is Not Flower Field.
Designer(s): e_is_cool, elara | Match Type: MM (for 4 players) |
Featured in: The Genius: Heaven and Hell |
Main Match 11: Not Flower Field
Pretend there's a clever quip in here.
In this game, players form patterns by placing flowers on a field.
This game takes place over 5 rounds on a shared 8 by 8 board, with a 24 hour pregame. Each player has one color associated with them. Please publicly pick a color to represent yourself.
Each cell of the 8 by 8 board may contain up to 2 distinct colors. Any more than that, and the colors merge, forming Black. Cells cannot contain duplicate colors.
On your turn, select 6 distinct cells that are not black and do not contain 2 colors already; place 3 of your color, and 1 of each of your opponent's color.
After each round, the board will be publicly revealed.
Players are scored at the end of the four rounds based on which patterns they have completed. Each pattern completed rewards four points. Note that a pattern may be completed multiple times in different places. Two configurations of cells that satisfy a pattern are considered distinct if at least one cell differs.
The grid also contains certain multiplier cells, indicated by the cell with a numerical value. The point value of a pattern containing one of those cells is multiplied by that amount.
The sole winner of the MM is the player with the most points, ties broken by first having more cells with their color, then randomly. The loser of the MM is the player with the least points, having to choose a DMO among the two remaining players.
At the end of this episode, there will be 3 players in Hell.
Note that color refers to any color, including Black.
Three cells, either in a row or forming an L, such that the two on the ends are your color and the middle is black.
A line of 4 cells such that there are 4 distinct colors, and your color is one of the two on the ends.
Two cells of your color that are diagonally adjacent, such that there are two different colors orthogonally adjacent to both.
Four cells of your color in an S or Z tetromino.
Two orthogonally adjacent cells, one of which is empty and the other is your color.
Addendum: The game will end early if players do not have a legal move.
Area control (The game involves controlling more area on the board in order to win.)
Grid-based (The game involves play on a grid.)
Patterns (The game involves players finding and interacting with patterns.)
Points-based (The game involves players earning points.)