24 Lockout


Designer(s): elara Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: The Choice is Yours

Mathematics + Miscellaneous DM: 24 Lockout

In 24 Lockout, players race to solve 24 megapuzzles.

Overview of 24

In 24, players are given 4 numbers and a target (which is not necessarily 24), and must use the numbers to create an expression equalling the target. The basic operators +-*/ and parentheses are allowed; each given number must appear exactly once.

For instance, with the values {1, 4, 3, 4} and a target of 24, a valid solution is 1*3*(4+4). Note there may be other solutions.

24 Megapuzzles

In a 24 Megapuzzle, players are given a set of numbers and a set of targets. The set of numbers is four times as large as the set of targets. Players must partition the sets into groups of 4 numbers and one target, such that each group is a solvable 24 puzzle. In addition, they must find the solution to each such puzzle.

For instance, consider the following puzzle:

{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}

Targets: {24, 24}

Then a valid solution is as follows:



Both expressions evaluate correctly, and each element of the set is used in one of the expressions.


In Lockout, there are five 24 Megapuzzles, called challenges, of increasing difficulty. They yield point values between 100 and 500 points (from easiest to hardest).

When a player solves a challenge, they should submit their solution. If it is correct, they receive the points for that challenge, and the other player is locked out of that challenge, and they may no longer submit or receive points for it.

The first player to reach at least 800 points (a majority of the points) wins.

The match will last for 20 minutes. If neither player has reached 800 after 20 minutes, then the player with more points wins. If the players are tied, then the one that solved the highest-point value challenge that is solved is the winner. (For instance, if Alice solved 100 and 400, and Bob solved 200 and 300, then Alice is the winner.)

In the case of a 0-0 tie, the round is thrown out and no player scores.

This will be a Best of 3; three matches will be played, and the player that wins more matches is the winner of the DM. If this is a tie, then the player with the Advantage is the winner of the DM.


In addition to the above tiebreaker, the player with the Advantage has the Head Start ability: They may be given a 30 second head start on all puzzles in a single match. (This ability can only be used once, and before that match begins.)


No calculators during the DM. Thanks.

Clarification: Given numbers and targets will always be integers.

Clarification: Players submit privately; you will know when your opponent has submitted successfully or unsuccessfully for a certain challenge, but not what they actually did.

(No game penalty for an unsuccessful submission.)

Final Match 1: 24 Lockout

In 24 Lockout, players race to solve 24 megapuzzles.

(Some changes were made from the Death Match edition of the game; they are bolded.)

Overview of 24

In 24, players are given 4 numbers and a target (which is not necessarily 24), and must use the numbers to create an expression equalling the target. The basic operators +-*/ and parentheses are allowed; each given number must appear exactly once.

For instance, with the values {1, 4, 3, 4} and a target of 24, a valid solution is 1*3*(4+4). Note there may be other solutions.

Given numbers and targets are guaranteed to be nonnegative integers.

24 Megapuzzles

In a 24 Megapuzzle, players are given a set of numbers and a set of targets. The set of numbers is four times as large as the set of targets. Players must partition the sets into groups of 4 numbers and one target, such that each group is a solvable 24 puzzle. In addition, they must find the solution to each such puzzle.

For instance, consider the following megapuzzle:

{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}

Targets: {24, 24}

Then a valid solution is as follows:



Both expressions evaluate correctly, and each element of the set is used in one of the expressions.


In Lockout, there are five 24 Megapuzzles, called challenges, of increasing difficulty. They yield point values between 100 and 500 points (from easiest to hardest).

When a player solves a challenge, they should submit their solution. If it is correct, they receive the points for that challenge, and the other player is locked out of that challenge, and they may no longer submit or receive points for it.

Players submit privately; you will know when your opponent has submitted successfully or unsuccessfully for a certain challenge, but not what they actually did. If you submit incorrectly, you will be locked out of any submission for 1 minute.

The first player to reach at least 800 points (a majority of the points) wins.

The match will last for 30 minutes. If neither player has reached 800 after 30 minutes, then the player with more points wins. If the players are tied, then the one that solved the highest-point value challenge that is solved is the winner. (For instance, if Alice solved 100 and 400, and Bob solved 200 and 300, then Alice is the winner.)

In the case of a 0-0 tie, the round is thrown out and no player scores.

This will be a Best of 3; three matches will be played, and the player that wins more matches is the winner of the DM. If this is a tie, then the player with the Advantage is the winner of the DM.

Items + Advantage

Head Start: You will receive the list of challenges 30 seconds before it is posted publicly for that match.

Safety: The first two times you submit incorrectly, you do not receive a 1-minute penalty. This item is used reflexively on any incorrect submission. If you copy this item, you get two uses; you can delete it after one use.

Hint Request: Choose one challenge, and choose one of the target numbers. I will tell you the four numbers in my solution that are used with that target number. After two minutes, I will reveal this hint publicly (to your opponent).


Clarification: For Hint Request, the usage of a hint will be revealed immediately, but what challenge/target number will not be revealed until the time has elapsed.
