Different Number Hunt


Designer(s): elara Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: The Choice is Yours

Mathematics + Observation DM: Different Number Hunt

In Different Number Hunt, players find expressions that evaluate to certain Target Values. But when length is rewarded, and every second counts, the game becomes something... a little different.

The Grid

The game takes place on a 5x5 grid of values. Each of them is conveniently labeled with a letter between A and Y.

Each letter is given either a number or a symbol, such that the grid alternates between the two:

Finding Targets

In each round, players are given Target Values they must reach. Then, players must find an expression that evaluates to the given Target Value. This expression must snake along the board; in other words, it must be possible to form it by moving along consecutive positions.

For instance, the value 85 is attainable by the expression 5+8*10, seen here. Note that parentheses are not part of the expression, and calculations are done in PEMDAS order. A square cannot be repeated in an answer path. (For instance, 1+2-3+8 is okay although it uses two +, but 1+4*1 is not.)


Rather than one number, in each round two Target Values are given. Players' goal is to find the longest possible expression equating to one of the target values.

When a player decides to, they can claim one of the targets, by posting, for instance, "claim 85" in the game channel. At this point, they have 15 more seconds to submit (privately in their submissions channel) their expression making this value. They should identify squares by their letter (for instance, the above expression is IJONS).

After one player claims, the other player is forced to find an expression for the other number. They have 60 seconds after the claim to submit an expression for that value.

After this, both expressions are revealed. If a player's expression is invalid or incorrect, they gain no points. Otherwise, each player gains points equal to the number of symbols they used in their expression. So, IJONS would gain two points. (Note this is equal to the length of the entire expression, divided by two, rounded down.)


There are 5 rounds of this per grid. After these five rounds, we move to a new grid. There are three grids, so there are 15 rounds in total. At the end of the 15 rounds, the player with more points wins. If this is a tie, the player with the Advantage is the winner.


The player with the Advantage wins in the event of a tie at the end of 15 rounds.

In addition, exactly once during the entire game, the player with the Advantage may use the Priority ability. Both Target Values will be revealed as usual, but for the first two minutes of the round, the player who uses Priority is the only one that can claim a Target Value. (This ability must be used before Target Values are revealed.)


Clarification: An expression must begin and end with a number, and alternate expressions in between. In particular, a - cannot be used as a negative sign.

Amendment: If 5 minutes pass with neither player claiming a number, the round is skipped.
